31 research outputs found

    p38 pathway targets SWI-SNF chromatin-remodeling complex to muscle-specific loci

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    During skeletal myogenesis, genomic reprogramming toward terminal differentiation is achieved by recruiting chromatin-modifying enzymes to muscle-specific loci(1,2). The relative contribution of extracellular signaling cascades in targeting these enzymes to individual genes is unknown. Here we show that the differentiation-activated p38 pathway(3-5) targets the SWI-SNF chromatin-remodeling complex to myogenic loci. Upon differentiation, p38 kinases were recruited to the chromatin of muscle-regulatory elements. Blockade of p38alpha/beta repressed the transcription of muscle genes by preventing recruitment of the SWI-SNF complex at these elements without affecting chromatin binding of muscle-regulatory factors and acetyltransferases. The SWI-SNF subunit BAF60 could be phosphorylated by p38alpha-beta in vitro, and forced activation of p38alpha/beta in myoblasts by expression of a constitutively active MKK6 (refs. 5-7) promoted unscheduled SWI-SNF recruitment to the myogenin promoter. Conversely, inactivation of SWI-SNF enzymatic subunits abrogated MKK6-dependent induction of muscle gene expression. These results identify an unexpected function of differentiation-activated p38 in converting external cues into chromatin modifications at discrete loci, by selectively targeting SWI-SNF to muscle-regulatory elements

    Deacetylase recruitment by the C/H3 domain of the acetyltransferase p300.

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    The balance between acetylation and deacetylation of histone and nonhistone proteins controls gene expression in a variety of cellular processes, with transcription being activated by acetyltransferases and silenced by deacetylases. We report here the formation and enzymatic characterization of a complex between the acetyltransferase p300 and histone deacetylases. The C/H3 region of p300 was found to co-purify deacetylase activity from nuclear cell extracts. A prototype of class I histone deacetylases, HDAC1, interacts with p300 C/H3 domain in vitro and in vivo. The p300-binding protein E1A competes with HDAC1 for C/H3 binding; and, like E1A, HDAC1 overexpression interferes with either activation of Gal4p300 fusion protein or p300-dependent co-activation of two C/H3-binding proteins, MyoD and p53. The exposure to deacetylase inhibitors could reverse the dominant-negative effect of a C/H3 fragment insulated from the rest of the molecule, on MyoD- and p53-dependent transcription, whereas inhibition by E1A was resistant to trichostatin A. These data support the hypothesis that association between acetyltransferases and deacetylases can control the expression of genes implicated in cellular growth and differentiation, and suggest that the dominant-negative effect of the p300 C/H3 fragment relies on deacetylase recruitment

    Histone methyltransferase Suv39h1 represses MyoD-stimulated myogenic differentiation

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    Suv39h1 is a histone H3 lysine-9 (H3-K9) specific methyltransferase (HMT) that is associated with gene silencing through chromatin modification. The transition from proliferation into differentiation of muscle cell is accompanied by transcriptional activation of previously silent muscle genes. I report Suv39h1 interaction with myogenic regulator MyoD in proliferating muscle cells and its HMT activity, which is associated with MyoD, diminishes as differentiation proceeds. The Suv39h1–MyoD complex was detected on the chromatin regulatory regions of a silent differentiation signal muscle gene myogenin and that Suv39h1 presence correlated with H3-K9 methylation. Increased Suv39h1 expression repressed MyoD-dependent muscle gene expression and this property required its HMT activity. This repression required Suv39h1 association with MyoD as well as sustained methylation of H3-K9 on myogenin promoter. Suv39h1 was required for muscle gene repression because its abrogation by siRNA activates these gene expressions by MyoD. These findings suggest that Suv39h1 presence in association with MyoD on the promoter of muscle genes silences gene transcription, providing a necessary checkpoint between proliferation and differentiation