12 research outputs found

    Exploring gap filling as a cheaper alternative to reading comprehension questionnaires when evaluating machine translation for gisting

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    A popular application of machine translation (MT) is gisting: MT is consumed as is to make sense of text in a foreign language. Evaluation of the usefulness of MT for gisting is surprisingly uncommon. The classical method uses reading comprehension questionnaires (RCQ), in which informants are asked to answer professionally-written questions in their language about a foreign text that has been machine-translated into their language. Recently, gap-filling (GF), a form of cloze testing, has been proposed as a cheaper alternative to RCQ. In GF, certain words are removed from reference translations and readers are asked to fill the gaps left using the machine-translated text as a hint. This paper reports, for thefirst time, a comparative evaluation, using both RCQ and GF, of translations from multiple MT systems for the same foreign texts, and a systematic study on the effect of variables such as gap density, gap-selection strategies, and document context in GF. The main findings of the study are: (a) both RCQ and GF clearly identify MT to be useful, (b) global RCQ and GF rankings for the MT systems are mostly in agreement, (c) GF scores vary very widely across informants, making comparisons among MT systems hard, and (d) unlike RCQ, which is framed around documents, GF evaluation can be framed at the sentence level. These findings support the use of GF as a cheaper alternative to RCQ

    Estimating post-editing effort : a study on human judgements, task-based and reference-based metrics of MT quality

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    Devising metrics to assess translation quality has always been at the core of machine translation (MT) research. Traditional automatic reference-based metrics, such as BLEU, have shown correlations with human judgements of adequacy and fluency and have been paramount for the advancement of MT system development. Crowd-sourcing has popularised and enabled the scalability of metrics based on human judgements, such as subjective direct assessments (DA) of adequacy, that are believed to be more reliable than reference-based automatic metrics. Finally, task-based measurements, such as post-editing time, are expected to provide a more detailed evaluation of the usefulness of translations for a specific task. Therefore, while DA averages adequacy judgements to obtain an appraisal of (perceived) quality independently of the task, and reference-based automatic metrics try to objectively estimate quality also in a task-independent way, task-based metrics are measurements obtained either during or after performing a specific task. In this paper we argue that, although expensive, task-based measurements are the most reliable when estimating MT quality in a specific task; in our case, this task is post-editing. To that end, we report experiments on a dataset with newly-collected post-editing indicators and show their usefulness when estimating post-editing effort. Our results show that task-based metrics comparing machine-translated and post-edited versions are the best at tracking post-editing effort, as expected. These metrics are followed by DA, and then by metrics comparing the machine-translated version and independent references. We suggest that MT practitioners should be aware of these differences and acknowledge their implications when deciding how to evaluate MT for post-editing purposes

    Simple strategies to encode tree automata in sigmoid recursive neural networks

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    Finite-State Computation in Analog Neural Networks: Steps Towards Biologically Plausible Models?

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    Finite-state machines are the most pervasive models of computation, not only in theoretical computer science, but also in all of its applications to real-life problems, and constitute the best characterized computational model. On the other hand, neural networks ---proposed almost sixty years ago by McCulloch and Pitts as a simplified model of nervous activity in living beings--- have evolved into a great variety of so-called artificial neural networks. Artificial neural networks have become a very successful tool for modelling and problem solving because of their built-in learning capability, but most of the progress in this field has occurred with models that are very removed from the behaviour of real, i.e., biological neural networks. This paper surveys the work that has established a connection between finite-state machines and (mainly discrete-time recurrent) neural networks, and suggests possible ways to construct finite-state models in biologically plausible neural networks