61 research outputs found

    Thysanoptera of Canada

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    The known Canadian Thysanoptera fauna currently consists of 147 species, including 28 non-native species, and there are five additional species found only indoors. DNA barcoding data, presence of species in adjacent regions, and preliminary evidence of the presence of host-associated cryptic species suggest that there may be as many as 255 additional species awaiting discovery or description in Canada

    Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), an invasive insect in north America

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    Volume: 109Start Page: 733End Page: 73

    Biology and evolution of Adelgidae

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    Abstract The Adelgidae form a small clade of insects within the Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) that includes some of the most destructive introduced pest species threatening North American forest ecosystems. Despite their importance, little is known about their evolutionary history and their taxonomy remains unresolved. Adelgids are cyclically parthenogenetic and exhibit multigeneration complex life cycles. They can be holocyclic, with a sexual generation and host alternation, or anholocyclic, entirely asexual and without host alternation. We discuss adelgid behavior and ecology, emphasizing plant-insect interactions, and we explore ways that the biogeographic history of their host plants may have affected adelgid phylogeny and evolution of adelgid life cycles. Finally, we highlight several areas in which additional research into speciation, population genetics, multitrophic interactions, and life-history evolution would improve our understanding of adelgid biology and evolution. N.A. Cholodkovsky, 1915 (29

    Morphometric studies of the genus Sitobion Mordvilko 1914 in Australia (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    The taxonomic status of several Australian populations within the aphid genus Sitobion has been uncertain for many years. Morphometric investigations using principal component analysis and canonical discriminant analysis have allowed us to clarify the relationships of these entities. A form on grasses, referred to in the literature as Sitobion near fragariae, is shown not to separate morphometrically from S. fragariae (Walker) collected in Europe and North America. In contrast, Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi) Clones 61 (2n = 20) and 34 (2n = 17) separate unequivocally from each other and from Clone 4 (2n = 18), the supposed ancestral karyotype. We argue against describing these as separate species. Sexual forms of S. miscanthi and Australian S. fragariae reared in the laboratory were compared with the sexual forms of European Sitobion avenae (Fabricius) and S. fragariae, respectively. Australian specimens from Smilax glyciphylla and Smilax australis (Smilacaceae) are not Sitobion smilacifoliae (Takahashi).13 page(s

    Sexual morphs of Aphis acaenovinae Eastop, 1961 (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Aphidinae)

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    The previously unknown sexual morphs of the Australian aphid Aphis acaenovinae Eastop, 1961 are described from specimens collected on Geum urbanum (Rosaceae). The species is monoecious, producing wingless males and oviparae on its summer host.6 page(s

    Endemic aphids Aphis carverae sp. nov. and Casimira canberrae (Eastop, 1961) on Epilobium (Onagraceae) threatened by introduced Aphis oenotheraeOestlund, 1887 (Hemiptera: Aphididae: Aphidinae)

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    We describe the wingless viviparae and sexual forms of Aphis carverae sp. nov., a new endemic species of AphisLinnaeus, 1758 from Australia. The species is holocyclic and monoecious on Epilobium (Onagraceae). No winged individuals have been found. Casimira canberrae (Eastop, 1961) is another endemic aphidine species from Epilobium. We describe the winged viviparous and wingless sexual female morphs of this aphid, which is also shown to be holocyclic and monoecious. Native aphids feeding on Onagraceae in Australia are under serious competitive threat from the recently introduced Aphis oenotheraeOestlund, 1887.8 page(s

    A taxonomic reevaluation of Ovatus mentharius (van der goot) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)

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    Volume: 109Start Page: 522End Page: 52
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