209 research outputs found

    Renewable Identification Number Markets: Draft Baseline Table

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    This report gives a preliminary look at how FAPRI-MU RIN market projections could be represented as supply and use tables.Material in this publication is based upon work supported by the ERS, US Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 58-3000-8-0125

    Crop Production Cost and Outlook

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    This report explains how the general trend of production input price inflation will continue during the 2008 crop year. It provides price increase information on seeds, fertilizer, building materials and more

    Fertilizer and Fuel Outlook for Fall 2005

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    As producers begin to review their balance sheets after harvest, many will find the squeeze of not only lower commodity prices, but substantially higher costs. This fall outlook summarizes costs for 2005 and provides insight into anticipated costs for 2006

    Additional Information and Data Regarding FAPRI's Analysis of the House & Senate Farm Bills

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    The report which this document is companion to may be found at http://hdl.handle.net/10355/3466The report which this document clarifies and provides additional detail for may be found at http://hdl.handle.net/10355/3466On March 4, 2002, the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) released a comparative study of the impacts of the alternative farm bills proposed by the U.S. House and Senate. During briefings to staff of the Ag Committees, requests were made for clarification and additional detail regarding results published in FPWP 01-02. In general, the questions fell into three categories: WTO implications of the two bills, detailed impacts on farm income, and government payments by crop. It is the purpose of this document to provide the necessary detail to address those questions

    Effect of Higher Energy Prices from H.R. 2454 on Missouri Crop Production Costs

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    This report incorporates higher energy prices estimated by CRA International under H.R. 2454 on Missouri crop production costs.Material in this publication is based upon work supported by the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service; US Department of Agriculture, under Agreement No. 2008-34149-19117

    State Support for Ethanol Use and State Demand for Ethanol Produced in the Midwest

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    This study examines US demand for ethanol produced in the Midwest and assesses how state policies that target ethanol demand affect biofuel and agricultural commodity markets.NC-506 Regional Sustainability of Ethanol Demand is supported by funding provided by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Michigan State University, Ohio State University, Purdue University and the University of Wisconsin through project numbers 00019142, 00019481, 00019482, 00019478 and 00022558

    Impact on Missouri Agriculture of the Recent Gulf Coast Hurricanes

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    Missouri agriculture is being hit in two ways from the recent Gulf coast hurricanes. A combination of higher input costs and lower output prices will certainly squeeze the bottom line for Missouri agriculture as we enter 2006

    Impacts of Increased Marketing Loan Rates

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    Prepared at the request of Representative Earl Pomeroy.This report analyzes two scenarios of alternative marketing loan rates. In the first scenario (Pomeroy #1), the loan rate for soybeans is increased. Under the second scenario (Pomeroy #2), loan rates for oilseeds are maintained at current levels, while rates for grains and cotton are increased

    State-Level Direct Payments and Marketing Loan Benefits Under H.R. 2646

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    This expands upon a report which may be found at http://hdl.handle.net/10355/3162In response to recent questions from Congressional staff, FAPRI has analyzed the grain, oilseed and cotton provisions of the Agricultural Act of 2001, H.R. 2646 on a state-by state basis

    Missouri Watershed Water Quality Initiative

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    This report is dedicated to Russell C. Mills in recognition of his efforts to promote whole watershed environmental and economic assessments with local stakeholder participation. This report was compiled by Verel Benson.Final Report for EPA Grant CG000225. For the last decade the Missouri Watershed Water Quality Initiative project has assessed alternative programs and practices that protect the common good of natural resource use while minimizing negative economic impacts on free enterprise.This project is a cooperative effort of the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute at the University of Missouri and the Natural Resource Conservation Service. The work is supported by EPA grant X997396-01, Region VII U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under section 104 (b). The Missouri Department of Agriculture appropriated funds to support the work in this report
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