158 research outputs found

    石狩市の地産地消における福祉事業所利用者 (障がい者) への就労支援

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    A Second Look at the Results of New Dietary Education Program to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes Focusing on Dietary Caloric Intake for Alcohol and Fat/Oil

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    Objective: This report focused on alcohol and fat/oil intake using results of a particular dietary intervention program of randomized controlled trial. Methods and Materials: Subjects were recruited primarily during an annual health check-up in a health examination center located in the center of Tokyo from February 2000 to January 2001. The examination included an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Eligible subjects were those diagnosed as borderline diabetic. Subjects were randomly assigned to the intervention or control groups. Study subjects were 156 Japanese male workers at high risk for type 2 diabetes, aged 35-70 years. The intervention group, or (New Dietary Education group: NDE) received individualized dietary counseling based on their food frequency questionnaire (FFQW65) results. Results: Many NDE subjects successfully managed to maintain a balance of total intake. The NDE intervention was effective in decreasing caloric intake of alcohol for Japanese male workers at a high risk for type 2 diabetes (% change NDE: -0.088±3.75 vs. control: 0.89±3.0). The intervention group diet produced a lower caloric intake of fat/oil than did the control group diet after one year (% change NDE: -0.035±0.034 vs. control: 0.034±0.0235). Daily dietary caloric intake for alcohol was decreased in the NDE group compared to the control group and the difference was significant after adjusting for baseline value (P=0.049). Daily dietary caloric intake for fat/oil was decreased in the NDE group compared to the control group but the difference was not significant after adjusting for baseline value (P=0.158). Conclusion: All the subjects were given specific information about their actual dietary habits through the use of the FFQW65. The program focused on increasing motivation and encouraging the subjects to recognize the need for behavior modification through their own efforts. The improvement seen in alcohol and fat/oil intake in the NDE group might be due to showing individually radar-charted traits or illustrated ideal meals during the intervention

    蛋白質源としてグルテンを与えて飼育したラットの生育と膵酵素活性に及ぼす米糠トリプシンインヒビターの影響(B. 生活科学)

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    米糠より高純度のトリプシンインヒビター(RBTI)を調製し, これを20%グルテン基本飼料にそれぞれ0.1%, 0.4%となるよう添加し, 合計3種の飼料を用意した。これらの飼料を幼ラットに与え, 28日間の成長実験により体重増加量, 飼料摂取量, PERを測定した。また飼育期間中に見かけの窒素消化率と窒素平衡を測定するとともに, 飼育終了後ラットの膵臓を摘出し酵素活性を調べた。その結果, RBTIの摂取, 未摂取に関係なくラットの体重増加量, 飼料摂取量, PERは同じ値を示し, また見かけの窒素消化率や窒素平衡にも変化は認められず, さらに膵酵素活性にも著しい違いは見られなかった。しかしながら, RBTIを摂取したラットには膵臓肥大の傾向が現れ, その程度は摂取量に対応していた。これらの結果から, グルテンを蛋白質源として与えられたラットにとって, RBTIのの摂取は栄養的には重大な問題とはならないと示された。Male weanling rats were fed 20% gluten diets containing rice bran trypsin inhibitor (RBTI) at levels of 0,1.0,and 4.0g/kg. The body-weight gain, food intake, and protein efficiency ratio (PER) were determined 28 days after the start of the trial and then rats were killed for measuring pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin activities. During the trial apparent nitrogen digestibility and nitrogen balance were also determined. The results obtained were as follows : 1. There was no significant difference in body-weight gain, food intake, and PER between rats fed the RBTI-free diet and the diets containing RBTI. 2. Apparent nitrogen digestibilities of both basal and RBTI diets were similar at approximately 90%. 3. Pancreatic trypsin and chymotrypsin levels were nearly the same in all groups but pancreatic hypertrophy was observed in rats receiving the diet containing RBTI at a level of 4.0g/kg. These results suggest that RBTI does not show nutritionally serious effects on rats when they were fed gluten as a protein source


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    我が国の食生活は、欧米化に伴い低食物繊維・高脂肪食へ変化しており、特に野菜の摂取量減少による食物繊維量の低下は、排便に影響を与えていると言われている。そこで本研究では、1日の食事のうちの1食を、望ましい栄養バランスである「日本型食生活」に置き換え、排便に及ぼす影響について調査を行った。対象者は、同意の得られた健常な女子大学生19名(21~24歳)とした。試験食の栄養価等は、日本人の食事摂取基準2010年版をもとに設定した。試験食は原則平日の12~13時の間に、昼食として8週間(40食)摂取し、摂取終了後4週間を非介入期として設けた。全期間中、被験者には排便状況(排便日数、排便回数、排便量等)を毎日日誌に記入させた。試験食摂取前(介入前)と試験食摂取期(摂取期)および摂取試験後(非介入期)の終了日に、食物摂取頻度調査法による食事調査を行った。被験者は全員、40食の試験食をすべて摂取した。排便状態の変化を調べた結果、試験食摂取5~8週目にかけての排便日数は、非介入期20日/4週間であったのに対して、摂取期では25日/4週間となり非介入期に比べ有意に増加した(P<0.001)。また試験食摂取により、排便回数はおよそ10回/4週間、排便量ではおよそ14個分/4週間それぞれ増加した(P<0.001)。試験食摂取後に行った便通に関するアンケート調査では、全質問項目において良くなった、やや良くなったと回答した者が50%以上おり、自覚症状でも半数以上の者に変化がみられた。食事調査の結果、非介入期では野菜の摂取量が121g/日であったが、摂取期では225g/日に増加し、同様に食物繊維の摂取量も、非介入期8.4g/日から摂取期12.4g/日と有意に増加した(P<0.001)。以上の結果より、1日1回の食事を「日本型食生活」に置き換えることで、食物繊維の摂取量を増加させることができ、排便に良い影響を及ぼすことが示された。Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of Japanese dietary pattern on defecation in young Japanese women. Methods:The subjects were nineteen female university students (21-24 years old), who gave informed consent to their participation in the study. The total study period was twelve weeks including a four-week observation period,and an eight-week intervention (40 lunch meals of Japanese dietary pattern,5 meals per week)period. The subjects recorded daily defecation,food intake,and special circumstances that may have influenced defecation. Food frequency questionnaires were administered during the observation and intervention periods, respectively. Results: The defecation frequency(from 22 to 31)and quantity(from 22 to 36)in the intervention period from five to eight weeks were significantly increased as compared with those in the observation period. In the food frequency questionnaires, intake of grain,vegetables and seaweeds in the intervention period were significantly increased as compared with those in the observation period. These increased intakes could affect defecation. Conclusion: These results indicate that the Japanese dietary pattern has a beneficial effect on defecation in young Japanese women

    The homogeneity of the purified dialysable proteinase inhibitor from eggplant exocarp (Agricultural Chemistry)

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    ナスビ果皮より単離精製されたトリプシン・インヒビターの均一性をセフアデックスG-50によるゲルロ過やデイスクおよびSDSポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動によって, しらべた。このインヒビター標品は完全に均一な蛋白質であることが判明した。またこのインヒビターはゲルロ過, SDSポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動および沈降平衡法によって, 分子量約6000であることが明らかになったが, この値は, 植物由来のインヒビターとして最小のものである。The homogeneity of the protein-like dialysable proteinase inhibitor purified from eggplant exocarp was investigated by gel chromatography on Sephadex G-50 and by disc and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses. These analyses showed this inhibitor preparation was homogeneous protein. The molecular weight of this inhibitor was estimated to be approximately 6000 by the methods of gel chromatography, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and equilibrium centrifugation


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    現代社会における食生活の変化、特に動物性脂肪摂取量の増加は、メタボリックシンドロームをはじめとする、脂質異常症の一要因になっていると思われる。そこで本研究では、植物性脂肪である大豆油を対照として、カカオ豆の脂肪分であるが、飽和脂肪酸を多く含み常温では固体であるカカオバターと、豚の脂肪組織から精製される食用油脂ラードを用いて高脂肪食を作製し、ラットにおける高脂肪食の摂取が、脂質代謝に及ぼす影響を検討した。3週齢SD系雄性ラットを精製飼料であるAIN-93M で予備飼育後、1群6匹になるようControl群、Cacao群、Lard群の3群に分け28日間試験飼育を行った。Cacao群とLard群は20%の高脂肪食になるよう、カカオバターとラードをそれぞれの精製飼料に添加した。試験期間中26-28日目に採糞を行った。解剖後、肝臓重量、腹部大動脈血中総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドを測定した。またFolchらの方法に従い肝臓と糞から総脂質を抽出し、肝総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドを測定した。飼育期間全般で体重に有意差は認められなかった。しかしながら、Lard群ではControl群と比較して肝臓中の総脂質含量、総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドが有意に増加した。同じ高脂肪食のCacao群では、これらの増加は認められなかった。糞中総脂質含量は、Cacao群が他の2群に比べ最も多かった。以上の結果より、カカオバターは高脂肪食ラットの、肝臓中総脂質含量や、総コレステロールおよびトリグリセリドの増加を、抑制する可能性が示された。Cacao群では糞中総脂質含量が増加することから、カカオバターは吸収されにくい脂質であることが示唆される

    調理によるワカメ中の無機成分の変化(B. 生活科学)

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    The objective of this investigation was to determine the effects of mineral contents, hardness and color of the ash-treated and untreated Wakame thalls during storage at 20℃ condition. On the other hand, mineral contents and hardness of dipped specimens in water were evaluated, and also, the influences of mineral contents in cooked specimens were estimated from viewpoint of cooking. The obtained results were as follows; 1) Although mineral contents of untreated specimens did not markedly change during 70 days storage, calcium and iron contents of ash-treated specimens were remarkably increased after 30 days storage. The hardness of ash-treated specimens was higher than that of untreated ones, but the both of them was gradually decreased after 30 days storage, and the fresh color of ashtreated specimens was maintained in comparison with untreated ones. 2) All mineral elements in specimens were more or less decreasd by dipping treatment in water, and especially, potassium, natrium, calcium and iron in specimens were more eluted after dipping treatment for 5 to 10 minutes. Bisides, the hardness of the both of ash-treated and untreated specimens was gradually decreased according as long of dipping time, but the hardness of asn-treated specimens was exceeded in comparison with untreated ones. 3) All mineral elements in specimens were more or less decreased by treatments of dipping in vinegar, boiling and dipping in hot water, and especially, calcium and magnesium contents in specimens were remarkably decreased by dipping treatment in vinegar

    加熱調理によるジャガイモ中の無機成分の動向(B. 生活科学)

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    The purpose of the present work was to determine the changes in mineral elements in potato (CV. DANSHAKU) as affected by heating cookery of four various treatments. As the obtained results, mineral elements in potato were more or less decreased by boiling treatments, and especially, potassium was decreased remarkably. However, no differences in elements elution was measured by steaming, baking and frying treatments. On the other hands, saturation or elution of mineral elements were resulted between seasoning solution and potato by using boiling treatments with seasoning solution scuh as soy sauce or ketchup. In those treatments, potassium and magnesium in potato were eluted into seasoning solution, and on the contrary, sodium and iron were clearly permeated into potato by boiling treatments with 7% soy sauce plus 10% sugar or 14% tomato ketchup plus 0.5% salt

    穀類におけるシステインプロテアーゼインヒビターの存在(B. 生活科学)

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    トウモロコシ, アワ, ヒエ, 小麦, 大麦の種子および米糠について, システインプロテアーゼインヒビター活性の有無を検索した。各穀類の1%食塩水抽出液を硫安90%飽和して得た粗調製品は, すべて, パパインに対する阻害活性を示した。最も高い阻害活性はトウモロコシに見られ, つづいてはアワであった。他の穀類に認められた活性は弱いものであった。粗調製品のpH7.5,90℃における熱処理からは, トウモロコシ, アワ, ヒエのインヒビターは熱安定性であり, 小麦, 大麦, 米糠のインヒビターは熱不安定性であることが示された。アワの粗インヒビターを用いた予備的実験から, アワ種子には等電点4.9,分子量13,000の少なくとも一種のタンパク質性システインプロテアーゼインヒビターが存在しており, 本インヒビターは比較的アルカリ条件下で安定であることが示された。Seeds of corn (Zea mays L.), foxtail millet (Setaria italica), barnyard millet (Echinochloa utilis), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and barley (Hordeum distichum L.), and bran of rice (Oryza sativa L.) have been examined for cysteine proteinase inhibitor activity using papain as a target enzyme. All of the crude samples prepared from the NaCl extracts of these cereals by ammonium sulfate fractionation were found to contain a substance (s) inhibiting papain. The highest inhibitory activity was shown in corn, followed by foxtail millet, and the other cereals had only weak activity. Heat treatments of the crude samples at 90℃ and pH 7.5 revealed that the inhibitors from corn, foxtail millet, and barnyard millet were thermo-stable, whereas those from wheat, barley, and rice thermo-labile. Preliminary experiments concerning foxtail millet indicated that the grain contained at least a proteinaceous cysteine proteinase inhibitor having an isoelectric point of 4.9 and a molecular weight of 13,000,and this inhibitor was relatively stable under alkaline conditions