7 research outputs found


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    Os antidepressivos são utilizados para o tratamento da depressão no sistema nervoso central (SNC), melhorando os principais sintomas causados pela depressão. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever e analisar o perfil epidemiológico dos casos notificados de uso de antidepressivos em uma farmácia privada no município de Cajazeiras – Paraíba, de janeiro a dezembro de 2018. Para a realização de tal estudo, foram analisados os casos notificados de utilização dos medicamentos antidepressivos pelo Sistema Nacional de Gerenciamento de Produtos Controlados (SNGPC) e o programa Digifarm da drogaria durante o período de estudo. Analisando os dados observou-se que o perfil de uso do medicamento mais utilizado foi o Cloreto de amitriptilina com (34%) remédio pertencente a classe dos tricíclicos, e o fluoxetina apresentando-se com dispensação de aproximadamente (27%) como sendo de demanda menor de dispensação na farmácia foi o medicamento buproprion com estimativa de (1%) de uso e que acontece uma maior predominância de utilização do medicamento antidepressivopor pacientes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 37 a 60anos, sendo observado também a questão que o uso de antidepressivos aumenta de acordo com a idade da paciente, acometendo uma maior predominância em pacientes adultas e idosas. A prevalência no sexo masculino de utilização do fármaco foi na idade de 36 a 45 anos. Conclui-se que o medicamento mais dispensado é o amitriptilina e o gênero que mais utiliza medicamentos antidepressivos é o sexo feminino, fazendo-se necessário uma maior atenção a essas pacientes em relação ao distúrbio da depressão

    Nursing Care For Patients Experiencing Clinical Complications During Haemodialysis

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    Introduction: Patients with chronic renal disease treated by haemodialysis experience various changes in their daily lives, which they and their families need to adapt to and cope with. Objective: To analyse the nursing care of patients with chronic renal failure on haemodialysis who experience clinical complications. Method: A descriptive, exploratory study was conducted, using a quantitative approach. Data collection was performed using a sample of 73 patients at the Hemodialysis Center located at city of Patos-PB. The sample comprised 73 patients. Results: 27 (37.0%) were female, aged between 20 and 88 years old. It was found that employees are 49.3% of respondents, in consonance to farmers with 31.5%. The most common complications were weakness (76.7%), headache (46.6%), cramp (43.8%) and pain (32.9%). Conclusion: The trusting relationship between professionals and patients is paramount, because helps to improve adherence to treatment and, consequently, the reduction of complications; furthermore, educational and preventive actions are facilitated

    Red Propolis Antifungal Action on Species of Candida of the Oral Cavity

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    Introduction: propolis is a substance that has aroused the interest of many researchers because of its numerous therapeutic properties, antibacterial and antifungal.Objectives: identifying the species of Candida and evaluate the antifungal effect of red propolis yeast oral cavity.Method: this is a clinical in vitro study with saliva samples collected from 152 patients treated at the dental office of the Family Health Strategy in the city of São Bento-PB. The identification of Candida species was made through the Chrom Ãgar Candida. The antifungal activity of the propolis extract was analyzed in four different concentrations: 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%, through the agar diffusion test.Results: The most prevalent species was C. albicans; antifungal action as to the concentration of 25% of the propolis extract was that apparently demonstrated greater efficacy, compared to the highest concentration.Conclusion: The inhibitory effect of propolis against Candida may have been influenced by the concentration of alcohol present in the extract. To test this hypothesis suggests that search is performed with extracts of propolis and at the same time with the alcohol, in both concentrations and different environmental conditions. This study offers subsidies for other professionals employ different methodologies and propolis concentrations with other substances in order to test the antimicrobial action of these

    Biological Risks In The Professionals Of Mobile Pre-Hospital Care

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    Introduction: Pre-hospital care professionals face situations in which they are very vulnerable to occupational risks of the biological type, due to direct and constant contact with patients in numerous adverse situations. Objective: To analyze the biological risks inherents to the nursing team of the Mobile Emergency Care Service (MECS) in Patos-PB. Method: The study was an exploratory, descriptive type, with a quantitative data approach. The research population was composed of all the nurses and nursing technicians employed in the MECS, Regional of Patos-PB who were available to participate in the research. Data were analyzed with SPSS software (version 21). Descriptive statistics of relative and absolute frequencies, central tendency (mean and median) and dispersion (standard deviation and minimum and maximum values) were used. Considering the small sample size, we adopted non-parametric inferential tests of Mann Whitney and Pearson's Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test, accepting as statistically significant that p <0.05. Results: The sample consisted of 45 professionals of the nursing team, with the majority (88.9%) being female and a prevalent age range from 27 to 33 years, a workload of 36 hours per week, with less than one year of performance in the service; 95.6% use the complete uniform; 97.8% make use of masks, and only 24.4% confirm wearing protective glasses; 31.1% perform reoccurrence of needles already contaminated, and 24.4% already suffered some type of accident with a sharp device. Only 24.4% said they had undergone some training on the part of the company. Conclusion: It was evidenced that the occurrence of the accidents is directly related to the exhaustion of the professionals and their lack of experience in the area, besides the lack of training offered by the service. It can be noted that the company lacks in the area of employee protection, since they do not offer a professional training course, so there is no investment in continuing health education

    Diabetes mellitus in climacteric: prevalence and sociodemographic characteristics

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    Introduction: the changes caused by menopause and the duration of this period in women's lives are of great scientific relevance, and achieving a better understanding of diseases such as diabetes prevalent in the climacteric and the risk factors associated with metabolic and cardiovascular diseases is essential.Objective: To determine the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in climacteric women, correlating socioeconomic and demographic variables.Method: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach, performed in 14 Family Health Units (USF) in the urban area of the municipality of Cajazeiras/Paraíba, Brazil, with 396 women. Data were collected in interviews using a structured questionnaire, and the variables were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).Results: There was prevalence of DM in 11.6% (n = 396) of the climacteric women, who had DM as a single disease or associated with other diseases. Regarding the sociodemographic profiles and lifestyles of the diabetic women, it became evident that the 46 participants were on average 52.1 years old; had 5.2 years of formal education and per capita income of 0.7 minimum wage; 43.5% were in paid employment; 65.2% had a fixed partner; 23.9% reported being smokers; 15.2% reported use of alcohol; 73.9% said they were sedentary and 76.1% were overweight/obese.Conclusion: The relationship between the presence of risk factors, especially those associated with physical inactivity and overweight, and the prevalence of diabetes and other diseases in the climacteric was strengthened.