13 research outputs found

    Soil-Transmitted Helminths, Poverty, and Malnutrition in Honduran Children Living in Remote Rural Communities

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    Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are endemic in Honduras, but their prevalence according to the levels of poverty in the population has not been examined. The present cross-sectional study is aimed to determine the role of different levels of poverty in STH prevalence and infection intensity as well as the potential associations of STH infections with malnutrition and anemia. Research participants were children attending a medical brigade serving remote communities in Northern Honduras in June 2014. Demographic data were obtained, and poverty levels were determined using the unsatisfied basic needs method. STH infections were investigated by the Kato-Katz method; hemoglobin concentrations were determined with the HemoCue system; and stunting, thinness, and underweight were determined by anthropometry. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and univariate and multivariable logistic regression models. Among 130 children who participated in this study, a high prevalence (69.2%) of parasitism was found and the poorest children were significantly more infected than those living in less poor communities (79.6% vs. 61.8%; P = 0.030). Prevalence rates of Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, and hookworms were 69.2%, 12.3%, and 3.85%, respectively. In total, 69% of children had anemia and 30% were stunted. Households’ earthen floor and lack of latrines were associated with infection. Greater efforts should be made to reduce STH prevalence and improve overall childhood health, in particular, among the poorest children lacking the basic necessities of life

    Enfermedad renal oculta en pacientes con rasgo drepanocítico

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    Sickle cell trait is usually seen as a benign condition but has been shown to cause different pathological consequences. Within these associations, one of the most important is the increased risk of chronic kidney disease in these individuals. This study aims to determine the prevalence of occult renal disease identified in people with the condition. The study was conducted in the population of the community of Ciriboya, Colón, Honduras in January 2015. With a sample of 20 people, over 18 years, which were identified with sickle cell trait in a previous research. Validated screening tool for Occult Renal Disease (SCORED) was applied in each participant, hemoglobin levels, glucose, blood pressure and proteinuria were determined, also medical history and risk factors were recorded. Data were entered and processed in the software Epi info 7. The sample included 13 women (65%) and 7 men (35%) in the age range between 19 and 83 years with an SD of 18.4, in which the prevalence of increased risk for kidney disease was found in 45 % of the study subjects. To give a special attention to people with sickle cell trait, since it is no longer considered a harmless condition, under the circumstances of the increase in pathological complications it can cause. Tracking those identified with an increased risk of kidney disease is recommended.El rasgo drepanocítico es casi siempre visto como una condición benigna pero se ha demostrado que puede causar diferentes consecuencias patológicas. Dentro de esta asociación, una de las más importantes, es el riesgo aumentado de enfermedad renal crónica en estos individuos. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de enfermedad renal oculta en personas identificados con rasgo drepanocítico. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y transversal en una muestra de la población de la comunidad de Ciriboya, del departamento de Colón, Honduras en enero del año 2015. Participaron 20 personas, mayores de 18 años, las cuales fueron identificadas con rasgo drepanocítico en una investigación previa. Para calcular el riesgo se utilizó la herramienta validada de tamizaje para Enfermedad Renal Oculta (SCORED), se determinaron los niveles de hemoglobina, glucosa en ayunas, tensión arterial y proteinuria, así mismo se registraron antecedentes patológicos y factores de riesgo de cada persona. Los datos fueron ingresados y procesados en el programa Epi info 7 y el nivel de riesgo para enfermedad renal fue calculado mediante los puntajes que este instrumento establece. La muestra estudiada fue de 13 mujeres (65%) y 7 hombres (35%) en un rango de edad entre 19 y 83 años con una SD de 18.4, se encontró una prevalencia de riesgo aumentado de enfermedad renal en el 45% de los sujetos de estudio. Las personas con rasgo drepanocítico deben de recibir un seguimiento clínico especial considerando el riesgo aumentado de padecimiento de enfermedad renal en la población estudiada

    La mentoría: La Relación Profesor – Alumno en la Maestría de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Zoonóticas

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    The MEIZ began shortly after funding that a group of professors from the UNAH and a Honduran-Canadian colleague, managed with the help of the Government of Canada. These brave women had a dream, which seemed huge at the time when the university reform was only a diffuse promise, and the socio-political upheaval in the country gave rise to everything but creativity. Despite internal and external obstacles, the Postgraduate Program was created and approved, but with a new work mystique, inspired by Brock University, and the rest of the Canadian Universities. It was necessary to adopt paradigms in which none of us had been trained. It required a transformation of the minds of the coordinators, the professors, and the advisors, and then try to permeate the minds of the students.La MEIZ inició coyunturalmente a partir de un financiamiento que un grupo de profesoras de la UNAH y una colega honduro-canadiense, gestionaron ante el Gobierno de Canadá. Estas valientes mujeres tuvieron un sueño, que parecía quijotesco en aquel momento en que la Reforma universitaria era apenas una promesa difusa, y la convulsión socio-política del país daba lugar a todo menos a la creatividad. A pesar de los obstáculos internos y externos, el Postgrado fue creado y aprobado, pero con una mística de trabajo nueva, inspirada en la Universidad de Brock, y el resto de las Universidades canadienses. Era necesario adoptar paradigmas en los que ninguno de nosotros habíamos sido formados. Requería una transformación de la mente de los coordinadores, los profesores y los asesores, para luego intentar permear en la de los estudiantes

    Los grupos de investigación en la UNAH: El papel de los estudiantes. Entrevista al Dr. Gustavo Adolfo Fontecha, Dra. Ana Carolina Arévalo y Dr. Roberto Ávalos

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    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pc.v6i0.1838 Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 6, julio 2014: 15-22DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/pc.v6i0.1838 Revista Portal de la Ciencia, No. 6, julio 2014: 15-2

    A research capacity strengthening project for infectious diseases in Honduras: experience and lessons learned

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    Background: In Honduras, research capacity strengthening (RCS) has not received sufficient attention, but an increase in research competencies would enable local scientists to advance knowledge and contribute to national priorities, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Objective: This project aimed at strengthening research capacity in infectious diseases in Honduras, focusing on the School of Microbiology of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH). The primary objective was the creation of a research-based graduate program for the continued training of researchers. Parallel objectives included institutional strengthening and the facilitation of partnerships and networks. Methods: Based on a multi-stakeholder consultation, an RCS workplan was designed and undertaken from 2007 to 2012. Due to unexpected adverse circumstances, the first 2 years were heavily dedicated to implementing the project's flagship, an MSc program in infectious and zoonotic diseases (MEIZ). In addition, infrastructure improvements and demand-driven continuing education opportunities were facilitated; biosafety and research ethics knowledge and practices were enhanced, and networks fostering collaborative work were created or expanded. Results: The project coincided with the peak of UNAH's radical administrative reform and an unprecedented constitutional crisis. Challenges notwithstanding, in September 2009, MEIZ admitted the first cohort of students, all of whom undertook MDG-related projects graduating successfully by 2012. Importantly, MEIZ has been helpful in expanding the School of Microbiology's traditional etiology-based, disciplinary model to infectious disease teaching and research. By fulfilling its objectives, the project contributed to a stronger research culture upholding safety and ethical values at the university. Conclusions: The resources and strategic vision afforded by the project enhanced UNAH's overall research capacity and its potential contribution to the MDGs. Furthermore, increased research activity and the ensuing improvement in performance indicators at the prime Honduran research institution invoke the need for a national research system in Honduras

    Prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminthiasis, prevalence of malaria and nutritional status of school going children in honduras.

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    Many small studies have been done in Honduras estimating soil-transmitted helminthiasis (STH) prevalence but a country-wide study was last done in 2005. The country has the highest burden of malaria among all Central American countries. The present study was done to estimate country-wide STH prevalence and intensity, malaria prevalence and nutritional status in school going children.A cross-sectional study was conducted following PAHO/WHO guidelines to select a sample of school going children of 3rd to 5th grades, representative of ecological regions in the country. A survey questionnaire was filled; anthropometric measurements, stool sample for STH and blood sample for malaria were taken. Kato-Katz method was used for STH prevalence and intensity and rapid diagnostic tests, microscopy, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used for malaria parasite detection. A total of 2554 students were studied of which 43.5% had one or more STH. Trichuriasis was the most prevalent (34%) followed by ascariasis (22.3%) and hookworm (0.9%). Ecological regions II (59.7%) and VI (55.6%) in the north had the highest STH prevalence rates while IV had the lowest (10.6%). Prevalence of one or more high intensity STH was low (1.6%). Plasmodium vivax was detected by PCR in only 5 students (0.2%), all of which belonged to the same municipality; no P. falciparum infection was detected. The majority of children (83%) had normal body mass index for their respective age but a significant proportion were overweight (10.42%) and obese (4.35%).Biannual deworming campaigns would be necessary in ecological regions II and VI, where STH prevalence is >50%. High prevalence of obesity in school going children is a worrying trend and portends of future increase in obesity related diseases. Malaria prevalence, both symptomatic and asymptomatic, was low and provides evidence for Honduras to embark on elimination of the disease

    School characteristics and STH prevalence rates.

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    ‡<p>Mean (Standard deviation) for continuous variables.</p><p>*Reference group.</p>§<p>Association with all soil transmitted helminthiais (STH).</p>†<p>Significant at p-value = 0.05.</p><p>School characteristics and STH prevalence rates.</p

    Children surveyed and infected according to risk factors.

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    <p>*Reference group.</p>§<p>Association with all STH infections.</p>†<p>Significant at p-value = 0.05.</p><p>Children surveyed and infected according to risk factors.</p

    Malaria, anemia and nutritional status in children surveyed.

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    <p>*Using polymerase chain reaction.</p>†<p>Obese (>+2 Standard deviations), Overweight (>+1 SD & ≤+2SD), Thin (<−2 SD and ≥−3SD) and Severe thinness (<−3 SD) according to WHO standards.</p><p>Malaria, anemia and nutritional status in children surveyed.</p