33 research outputs found

    The SCERTS System. An integrated approach for the emotional regulation of the student with Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Deficits in the emotional regulation are commonly observed in the typical behavioral profile of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Such deficits are attributable to the disorientation caused by the inability of understanding the environmental instances. This paper describes the opportunities related to the implementation of the SCERTS System for the emotional regulation of children on Autism Spectrum

    Textual comprehension difficulties. Metacognitive strategies for the educational intervention

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    Textual comprehension difficulties are one of the main factors responsible for failure at school, which presents strong correlations with the Learning Disorders. Their high incidence in the school population imposes the research of effective educational interventions for the answer to educational needs of students with comprehension deficits. In this paper the most effective metacognitive strategies are presented and their implications for the educational intervention are discussed.   Difficoltà di comprensione testuale. Strategie metacognitive per l’intervento educativo Le difficoltà di comprensione del testo rappresentano uno dei principali fattori responsabili dell’insuccesso scolastico, e presentano forti correlazioni con i Disturbi dell’Apprendimento. La loro elevata diffusione nella popolazione scolastica impone la ricerca di interventi efficaci per rispondere alle esigenze educative degli allievi con deficit di comprensione. In questo articolo sono presentate le strategie metacognitive più efficaci e vengono discusse le loro implicazioni per l’intervento educativo

    Textual comprehension difficulties. Metacognitive strategies for the educational intervention

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    Textual comprehension difficulties are one of the main factors responsible for failure at school, which presents strong correlations with the Learning Disorders. Their high incidence in the school population imposes the research of effective educational interventions for the answer to educational needs of students with comprehension deficits. In this paper the most effective metacognitive strategies are presented and their implications for the educational intervention are discussed. Difficoltà di comprensione testuale. Strategie metacognitive per l’intervento educativoLe difficoltà di comprensione del testo rappresentano uno dei principali fattori responsabili dell’insuccesso scolastico, e presentano forti correlazioni con i Disturbi dell’Apprendimento. La loro elevata diffusione nella popolazione scolastica impone la ricerca di interventi efficaci per rispondere alle esigenze educative degli allievi con deficit di comprensione. In questo articolo sono presentate le strategie metacognitive più efficaci e vengono discusse le loro implicazioni per l’intervento educativo

    Interventi educativi Evidence Based per adulti con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico: evidenze sperimentali

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    <p>The educational interventions for adults with autism spectrum disorders are a relatively unexplored topic, in the face of numerous studies on the educational intervention models for the child population. In this paper the results of major studies and meta-analysis on the topic are presented and their implications for educational intervention are discussed.</p><div><h3>Interventi educativi evidence based per adulti con disturbi dello spettro autistico: evidenze sperimentali</h3><p>Gli interventi educativi per adulti con Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico rappresentano un’area relativamente poco esplorata, a fronte di numerosi studi dedicati ai modelli di intervento educativo rivolti alla popolazione infantile. In questo articolo sono presentati i risultati dei principali studi e delle meta-analisi sul tema e vengono discusse le loro implicazioni per l’intervento educativo.</p></div

    Social Robotic for the educational intervention in the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Opportunities and perspectives

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    Social Robotic represents a research area that is being increasingly developed in the educational intervention for the Autism Spectrum Disorders. Communication and social deficits commonly associated with the disorder can be compensated by using Social Robotics. Related positive effects can be in terms of developing adaptive behavior. This paper presents evidences related to recent studies on the Social Robotics, and highlights the opportunities presented by the approach for the educational interventions specifically developed for the students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and low cognitive functioning. Robotica sociale per l’intervento educativo nei disturbi dello spettro autistico. Opportunità e prospettiveLa robotica sociale rappresenta un’area di ricerca in costante sviluppo nell’intervento educativo nei disturbi dello spettro autistico. L’utilizzo della robotica sociale permette di compensare i deficit comunicativi e sociali comunemente associati al disturbo, con effetti positivi sullo sviluppo dei comportamenti adattivi. In questo articolo vengono presentate le evidenze relative agli studi più recenti sulla robotica sociale e vengono delineate le opportunità presentate dall’approccio per gli interventi educativi specificamente sviluppati per allievi con disturbi dello spettro autistico a bassa funzionalità cognitiva

    Dispositivi di Comunicazione Aumentativa Alternativa a media e alta tecnologia come pratica educativa evidence based per i Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico

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    Medium/High technology Augmentative Alternative Communication devices represent an assistive technology for to increase the communication opportunities in people with communicative disabilities. Only in relatively recent times the effectiveness of the devices for the educational intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders are valued. In this paper, the results of the major international meta-analysis conducted on the topic are presented, and the implications for the educational intervention are discussed

    Early Start Denver Model. Un modello Evidence Based per l’intervento educativo precoce nei Disturbi dello Spettro Autistico

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    The Autism Spectrum Disorders represents one of the most complex developmental disabilities for the massive deficit of communication competences. The social disability related to disorders is the main objective of the intervention of the Early Start Denver Model – ESDM (Rogers &amp; Dawson, 2010), which can be considered as one of the most advanced models for early educational intervention according the perspective of Evidence Based Education. In this paper the theoretical foundations of the model are presented and its implications for a modern inclusive education are discussed.