1,155 research outputs found

    Four-nucleon scattering: a new numerical approach

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    The AGS equations are solved for n3Hn{}^3\mathrm{H} and p3Hep{}^3\mathrm{He} scattering including the Coulomb interaction. Comparison with previous work confirms the accuracy of the calculation and helps clarify a number of issues related to the n3Hn{}^3\mathrm{H} total cross section at the peak of the resonance region, as well as an AyA_y deficiency in p3Hep{}^3\mathrm{He}. Calculations are fully converged in terms of NNNN partial waves and involve no uncontrolled approximations.Comment: To be published in proceedings of the 18th International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Santos, 21-26 August 200

    Comment on "exact three-dimensional wave function and the on-shell t matrix for the sharply cut-off Coulomb potential: Failure of the standard renormalization factor"

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    The results by W. Glöckle et al. [Phys. Rev. C 79, 044003 (2009)] are shown to be consistent with the screening and renormalization theory, and they do not invalidate previous numerical calculations of physical observables

    New calculation schemes for proton-deuteron scattering including the Coulomb interaction

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    The Coulomb interaction between the protons is included in the description of proton-deuteron scattering using the screening and renormalization approach in the framework of momentum-space integral equations. Two new calculational schemes are presented that confirm the reliability of the perturbative approach for treating the screened Coulomb interaction in high partial waves, used by us in earlier works

    Relativistic corrections of one-nucleon current in low-energy three-nucleon photonuclear reactions

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    Proton-deuteron radiative capture and two- and three-body photodisintegration of 3He at low energy are described using realistic hadronic dynamics and including the Coulomb force. The sensitivity of the observables to the relativistic corrections of the one-nucleon electromagnetic current operator is studied. Significant effects of the relativistic spin-orbit charge are found for the vector-analyzing powers in the proton-deuteron radiative capture and for the beam-target parallel-antiparallel spin asymmetry in the three-body photodisintegration of 3He

    Calculation of proton-deuteron breakup reactions including the coulomb interaction between the two protons

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    The Coulomb interaction between the two protons is fully included in the calculation of proton-deuteron breakup with realistic interactions for the first time. The hadron dynamics is based on the purely nucleonic charge-dependent (CD) Bonn potential and its realistic extension CD Bonn +Δ to a coupled-channel two-baryon potential, allowing for single virtual Δ-isobar excitation. Calculations are done using integral equations in momentum space. The screening and renormalization approach is employed for including the Coulomb interaction. The Coulomb effect on breakup observables is seen at all energies in particular kinematic regimes

    Momentum-space description of three-nucleon breakup reactions including the Coulomb interaction

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    The Coulomb interaction between two protons is included in the calculation of proton-deuteron breakup and of three-body electromagnetic disintegration of 3He. The hadron dynamics is based on the purely nucleonic charge-dependent (CD) Bonn potential and its realistic extension, CD Bonn + Δ, to a coupled-channel two-baryon potential, allowing for single virtual Δ-isobar excitation. Calculations are done using integral equations in momentum space. The screening and renormalization approach is employed for including the Coulomb interaction. Convergence of the procedure is found at moderate screening radii. The reliability of the method is demonstrated. The Coulomb effect on breakup observables is seen at all energies in particular kinematic regimes

    Momentum-space treatment of the Coulomb interaction in three-nucleon reactions with two protons

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    The Coulomb interaction between two protons is included in the calculation of proton-deuteron elastic scattering, radiative proton-deuteron capture, and two-body electromagnetic disintegration of 3He. The hadron dynamics is based on the purely nucleonic charge-dependent (CD) Bonn potential and its realistic extension CD Bonn +Δ to a coupled-channel two-baryon potential, allowing for single virtual Δ-isobar excitation. Calculations are done using integral equations in momentum space. The screening and renormalization approach is employed for including the Coulomb interaction. Convergence of the procedure is found at moderate screening radii. The reliability of the method is demonstrated. The Coulomb effect on observables is seen at low energies for the entire kinematic regime. In proton-deuteron elastic scattering at higher energies the Coulomb effect is confined to forward scattering angles; the Δ-isobar effect found previously remains unchanged by the Coulomb effect. In electromagnetic reactions the Coulomb effect competes with other effects in a complicated way

    Spatial analysis of caries experience in population of teens, adults, and elderly people in the state of SĂŁo Paulo : data from SB SP 2015

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    Estimate the prevalence and gravity of coronal dental caries for populations of adolescents, adults and elderly people. For the crossing of data of the average DMF rates by Regional Health Directorate (RHD) with the digital cartographical base, municipals were grouped by RHD, and the connection between the two bases was formed by a common code or "primary key" in the TerraView¼ software program (version 4.2.1). The distribution of the DMF average for the teen population was the worst for RHD 8, while RHDs 4, 7 and 14 had lower averages. For the adult population, RHDs 4 and 12 presented the lowest DMF averages. On the other hand, RHDs 8, 13, and 16 had the worst results. For the elderly population, the RHD 4 presented the lowest average, and RHD 9 the highest DMF rate for this population. The differences in DMF averages among the RHDs and the populations studied showed that it is necessary to plan different locoregional oral health actions to face the severe clinical state exposed, since its spatial distribution is disparate, with concentrations of cases in certain regions for all age groups studied3311621CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP0966/1514/50109-

    Adiabatic Approximation in the Density Matrix Approach: Non-Degenerate Systems

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    We study the adiabatic limit in the density matrix approach for a quantum system coupled to a weakly dissipative medium. The energy spectrum of the quantum model is supposed to be non-degenerate. In the absence of dissipation, the geometric phases for periodic Hamiltonians obtained previously by M.V. Berry are recovered in the present approach. We determine the necessary condition satisfied by the coefficients of the linear expansion of the non-unitary part of the Liouvillian in order to the imaginary phases acquired by the elements of the density matrix, due to dissipative effects, be geometric. The results derived are model-independent. We apply them to spin 1/2 model coupled to reservoir at thermodynamic equilibrium.Comment: 24 pages (new version), accepted for publication in Physica
