139 research outputs found

    Successful percutaneous transgluteal embolization of a complex arteriovenous malformation feeding a hypogastric artery aneurysm

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    Pelvic arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a rare condition mostly requiring a complex therapeutic strategy. The surgical approach is challenging and burdened by relatively high mortality and morbidity rates. No guidelines are available for the endovascular treatment of AVM because the literature is limited to small case series and case reports. We present a complex case of a pelvic AVM associated with an internal iliac artery aneurysm in a patient previously treated with a common to external prosthetic substitution for aneurysm and proximal ligation of internal iliac artery

    Use of oral gadobenate dimeglumine to visualise the oesophagus during magnetic resonance angiography in patients with atrial fibrillation prior to catheter ablation.

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    BACKGROUND: Atrio-oesophageal fistula was first reported as a fatal complication of surgical endocardial and percutaneous endocardial radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation, with an incidence after catheter ablation between 0.03% and 0.5%. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) was usually performed to obtain pre-procedural 3D images, used to merging into an electro-anatomical map, guiding step-by-step ablation strategy of AF. Our aim was to find an easy, safe and cost-effective way to enhance the oesophagus during MRA. METHODS: In 105 consecutive patients, a right-left phase encoding, free breathing, 3D T1 MRA sequence was performed in the axial plane, >24 hours before catheter ablation, using an intravenous injection of gadobenate dimeglumine contrast medium. The oesophagus was enhanced using an oral gel solution of 0.7 mL gadobenate dimeglumine contrast medium mixed with approximately 40 mg thickened water gel, which was swallowed by the patients on the scanning table, immediately before the MRA sequence acquisition. RESULTS: The visualisation of the oesophagus was obtained in 104/105 patients and images were successfully merged, as left atrium and pulmonary veins, into an electro-anatomical map, during percutaneous endocardial radiofrequency ablation. All patients tolerated the study protocol and no immediate or late complication was observed with the oral contrast agent administration. The free-breathing MRA sequence used in our protocol took 7 seconds longer than MRA breath-hold conventional sequence. CONCLUSION: Oesophagus visualization with oral gadobenate dimeglumine is feasible for integration of oesophagus anatomy images into the electro-anatomical map during AF ablation, without undesirable side effects and without significantly increasing cost or examination time

    Contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in blunt abdominal trauma.

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    In the assessment of polytrauma patient, an accurate diagnostic study protocol with high sensitivity and specificity is necessary. Computed Tomography (CT) is the standard reference in the emergency for evaluating the patients with abdominal trauma. Ultrasonography (US) has a high sensitivity in detecting free fluid in the peritoneum, but it does not show as much sensitivity for traumatic parenchymal lesions. The use of Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS) improves the accuracy of the method in the diagnosis and assessment of the extent of parenchymal lesions. Although the CEUS is not feasible as a method of first level in the diagnosis and management of the polytrauma patient, it can be used in the follow-up of traumatic injuries of abdominal parenchymal organs (liver, spleen and kidneys), especially in young people or children

    Percutaneous closure of accidentally subclavian artery catheterization: time to change first line approach?

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    PURPOSE: To present our experience and provide a literature review dissertation about the use of a suture-mediated percutaneous closure device (Perclose Proglide -PP- Abbott Vascular Inc., Santa Clara, CA, USA) to achieve hemostasis for unintended subclavian arterial catheterization during central venous line placement. MATERIALS & METHODS: Since October 2020, we have successfully treated four consecutive patients with a central venous catheter (8 to 12 French) in the subclavian artery. In each patient, we released a PP, monitoring its efficacy by performing a subclavian angiogram and placing, as a rescue strategy, an 8 mm balloon catheter near the entry point of the misplaced catheter. Primary outcome is technical and clinical success. Technical success is defined as absence of bleeding signs at completion angiography, while clinical success is a composite endpoint defined as absence of hematoma, hemoglobin loss at 12 and 24 h, and absence of procedure-related reintervention (due to vessel stenosis, pseudoaneurysm or distal embolization). RESULTS: Technical success was obtained in 75% of cases. In one patient a mild extravasation was resolved after 3 min of balloon catheter inflation. No early complications were observed for all patients. CONCLUSIONS: PP showed a safe and effective therapeutic option in case of unintentional arterial cannulation. It can be considered as first-line strategy, as it does not preclude the possibility to use other endovascular approaches in case of vascular closure device failure

    Abdominal vascular emergencies: US and CT assessment

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    Acute vascular emergencies can arise from direct traumatic injury to the vessel or be spontaneous (non-traumatic). The vascular injuries can also be divided into two categories: arteial injury and venous injury. Most of them are life-treatening emergencies, sice they may cause an important ipovolemic shock or severe ischemia in their end organ and require prompt diagnosis and treatment. In the different clinical scenarios, the correct diagnostic approach to vascular injuries isn't firmly established and advantages of one imaging technique over the other are not obvious. Ultrasound (US) is an easy accessible, safe and non-invasive diagnostic modality but Computed Tomography (CT) with multiphasic imaging study is an accurate modality to evaluate the abdominal vascular injuries therefore can be considered the primary imaging modality in vascular emergencies. The aim of this review article is to illustrate the different imaging options for the diagnosis of abdominal vascular emergencies, including traumatic and non traumatic vessel injuries, focusing of US and CT modalities