284 research outputs found

    A possible source of spin-polarized electrons: The inert graphene/Ni(111) system

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    We report on an investigation of spin-polarized secondary electron emission from the chemically inert system: graphene/Ni(111). An ordered passivated graphene layer (monolayer of graphite, MG) was formed on Ni(111) surface via cracking of propylene gas. The spin-polarization of the secondary electrons obtained from this system upon photoemission is only slightly lower than the one from the clean Ni surface, but does not change upon large oxygen exposure. These results suggest to use such passivated Ni(111) surface as a source of spin-polarized electrons stable against adsorption of reactive gases.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Growth and electronic structure of graphene on semiconducting Ge(110)

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    The direct growth of graphene on semiconducting or insulating substrates might help to overcome main drawbacks of metal-based synthesis, like metal-atom contaminations of graphene, transfer issues, etc. Here we present the growth of graphene on n-doped semiconducting Ge(110) by using an atomic carbon source and the study of the structural and electronic properties of the obtained interface. We found that graphene interacts weakly with the underlying Ge(110) substrate that keeps graphene's electronic structure almost intact promoting this interface for future graphene-semiconductor applications. The effect of dopants in Ge on the electronic properties of graphene is also discussed.Comment: submitted on 06.04.201

    Understanding and engineering phonon-mediated tunneling into graphene on metal surfaces

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    Metal-intercalated graphene on Ir(111) exhibits phonon signatures in inelastic elec- tron tunneling spectroscopy with strengths that depend on the intercalant. Extraor- dinarily strong graphene phonon signals are observed for Cs intercalation. Li interca- lation likewise induces clearly discriminable phonon signatures, albeit less pronounced than observed for Cs. The signal can be finely tuned by the alkali metal coverage and gradually disappears upon increasing the junction conductance from tunneling to con- tact ranges. In contrast to Cs and Li, for Ni-intercalated graphene the phonon signals stay below the detection limit in all transport ranges. Going beyond the conventional two-terminal approach, transport calculations provide a comprehensive understanding of the subtle interplay between the graphene{electrode coupling and the observation of graphene phonon spectroscopic signatures

    Electronic and magnetic properties of the graphene-ferromagnet interface

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    The article presents the work on the investigation of the surface structure as well as electronic and magnetic properties of graphene layer on a lattice matched surface of a ferromagnetic material, Ni(111).Comment: accepted in New J. Phy

    Local electronic properties of the graphene-protected giant Rashba-split BiAg2_2 surface

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    We report the preparation of the interface between graphene and the strong Rashba-split BiAg2_2 surface alloy and investigatigation of its structure as well as the electronic properties by means of scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations. Upon evaluation of the quasiparticle interference patterns the unpertrubated linear dispersion for the π\pi band of nn-doped graphene is observed. Our results also reveal the intact nature of the giant Rashba-split surface states of the BiAg2_2 alloy, which demonstrate only a moderate downward energy shift upon the presence of graphene. This effect is explained in the framework of density functional theory by an inward relaxation of the Bi atoms at the interface and subsequent delocalisation of the wave function of the surface states. Our findings demonstrate a realistic pathway to prepare a graphene protected giant Rashba-split BiAg2_2 for possible spintronic applications.Comment: text and figures; submitted on 30.12.201

    Graphene on Rh(111): STM and AFM studies

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    The electronic and crystallographic structure of the graphene/Rh(111) moir\'e lattice is studied via combination of density-functional theory calculations and scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy (STM and AFM). Whereas the principal contrast between hills and valleys observed in STM does not depend on the sign of applied bias voltage, the contrast in atomically resolved AFM images strongly depends on the frequency shift of the oscillating AFM tip. The obtained results demonstrate the perspectives of application atomic force microscopy/spectroscopy for the probing of the chemical contrast at the surface.Comment: manuscript and supplementary information; submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett. on 01.03.201

    Electronic structure, imaging contrast and chemical reactivity of graphene moir\'e on metals

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    Realization of graphene moir\'e superstructures on the surface of 4d and 5d transition metals offers templates with periodically modulated electron density, which is responsible for a number of fascinating effects, including the formation of quantum dots and the site selective adsorption of organic molecules or metal clusters on graphene. Here, applying the combination of scanning probe microscopy/spectroscopy and the density functional theory calculations, we gain a profound insight into the electronic and topographic contributions to the imaging contrast of the epitaxial graphene/Ir(111) system. We show directly that in STM imaging the electronic contribution is prevailing compared to the topographic one. In the force microscopy and spectroscopy experiments we observe a variation of the interaction strength between the tip and high-symmetry places within the graphene moir\'e supercell, which determine the adsorption cites for molecules or metal clusters on graphene/Ir(111).Comment: submitted on Sep, 6th 201

    Spin-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of Fe3O4 - Revisited

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    Recently Tobin et al (2007 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19 315218) reported on the spin-resolved photoemission study of Fe3O4(001) films, claiming magnetite being a case against half-metallicity. In the present communication we re-examine recent spin-resolved photoemission experiments on Fe3O4 and explain why their criticism is unfounded
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