935 research outputs found

    Detection of coherent magnons via ultrafast pump-probe reflectance spectroscopy in multiferroic Ba0.6Sr1.4Zn2Fe12O22

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    We report the detection of a magnetic resonance mode in multiferroic Ba0.6Sr1.4Zn2Fe12O22 using time domain pump-probe reflectance spectroscopy. Magnetic sublattice precession is coherently excited via picosecond thermal modification of the exchange energy. Importantly, this precession is recorded as a change in reflectance caused by the dynamic magnetoelectric effect. Thus, transient reflectance provides a sensitive probe of magnetization dynamics in materials with strong magnetoelectric coupling, such as multiferroics, revealing new possibilities for application in spintronics and ultrafast manipulation of magnetic moments.Comment: 4 figure

    Magnetic properties of the spin-1 chain compound NiCl3_3C6_6H5_5CH2_2CH2_2NH3_3

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    We report experimental results of the static magnetization, ESR and NMR spectroscopic measurements of the Ni-hybrid compound NiCl3_3C6_6H5_5CH2_2CH2_2NH3_3. In this material NiCl3_3 octahedra are structurally arranged in chains along the crystallographic aa-axis. According to the static susceptibility and ESR data Ni2+^{2+} spins S=1S = 1 are isotropic and are coupled antiferromagnetically (AFM) along the chain with the exchange constant J=25.5J = 25.5 K. These are important prerequisites for the realization of the so-called Haldane spin-1 chain with the spin-singlet ground state and a quantum spin gap. However, experimental results evidence AFM order at TN10T_{\rm N} \approx 10 K presumably due to small interchain couplings. Interestingly, frequency-, magnetic field-, and temperature-dependent ESR measurements, as well as the NMR data, reveal signatures which could presumably indicate an inhomogeneous ground state of co-existent mesoscopically spatially separated AFM ordered and spin-singlet state regions similar to the situation observed before in some spin-diluted Haldane magnets

    Direct Observation of the Quantum Energy Gap in S = 1/2 Tetragonal Cuprate Antiferromagnets

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    Using an electron spin resonance spectrometer covering a wide range of frequency and magnetic field, we have measured the low energy excitations of the S=1/2 tetragonal antiferromagnets, Sr_{2}CuO_{2}Cl_{2} and Sr_{2}Cu_{3}O_{4}Cl_{2}. Our observation of in-plane energy gaps of order 0.1 meV at zero external magnetic field are consistent with a spin wave calculation, which includes several kinds of quantum fluctuations that remove frustration. Results agree with other experiments and with exchange anisotropy parameters determined from a five band Hubbard model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetization steps in Zn_(1-x)Mn_xO: Four largest exchange constants and single-ion anisotropy

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    Magnetization steps (MST's) from Mn pairs in several single crystals of Zn_(1-x)Mn_xO (0.0056<=x<=0.030, and in one powder (x=0.029), were observed. The largest two exchange constants, J1/kB=-18.2+/-0.5K and J1'/kB=-24.3+/-0.6K, were obtained from large peaks in the differential susceptibility, dM/dH, measured in pulsed magnetic fields, H, up to 500 kOe. These two largest J's are associated with the two inequivalent classes of nearest neighbors (NN's) in the wurtzite structure. The 29% difference between J1 and J1' is substantially larger than 13% in CdS:Mn, and 15% in CdSe:Mn. The pulsed-field data also indicate that, despite the direct contact between the samples and a superfluid-helium bath, substantial departures from thermal equilibrium occurred during the 7.4 ms pulse. The third- and fourth-largest J's were determined from the magnetization M at 20 mK, measured in dc magnetic fields H up to 90 kOe. Both field orientations H||c and H||[10-10] were studied. (The [10-10] direction is perpendicular to the c-axis, [0001].) By definition, neighbors which are not NN's are distant neighbors (DN's). The largest DN exchange constant (third-largest overall), has the value J/kB=-0.543+/-0.005K, and is associated with the DN at r=c. Because this is not the closest DN, this result implies that the J's do not decrease monotonically with the distance r. The second-largest DN exchange constant (fourth-largest overall), has the value J/kB=-0.080 K. It is associated with one of the two classes of neighbors that have a coordination number z=12, but the evidence is insufficient for a definite unique choice. The dependence of M on the direction of H gives D/kB=-0.039+/-0.008K, in fair agreement with -0.031 K from earlier EPR work.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to PR

    Long wavelength magnetic and magnetoelectric excitations in the ferroelectric antiferromagnet BiFeO3

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    We present a terahertz spectroscopic study of magnetic excitations in ferroelectric antiferromagnet BiFeO3. We interpret the observed spectrum of long-wavelength magnetic resonance modes in terms of the normal modes of the material's cycloidal antiferromagnetic structure. We find that the modulated Dzyaloshinski-Moriya interaction leads to a splitting of the out-of-plane resonance modes. We also assign one of the observed absorption lines to an electromagnon excitation that results from the magnetoelectric coupling between the ferroelectric polarization and the cycloidal magnetic structure of BiFeO3

    Magnetic resonance in the antiferromagnetic and normal state of NH_3K_3C_60

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    We report on the magnetic resonance of NH_3K_3C_60 powders in the frequency range of 9 to 225 GHz. The observation of an antiferromagnetic resonance below the phase transition at 40 K is evidence for an antiferromagnetically ordered ground state. In the normal state, above 40 K, the temperature dependence of the spin-susceptibilty measured by ESR agrees with previous static measurements and is too weak to be explained by interacting localized spins in an insulator. The magnetic resonance line width has an unusual magnetic-field dependence which is large and temperature independent in the magnetically ordered state and decreases rapidly above the transition. These observations agree with the suggestion that NH_3K_3C_60 is a metal in the normal state and undergoes a Mott-Hubbard metal to insulator transition at 40 K.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Magnetization steps in a diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain: Theory and experiments on TMMC:Cd

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    A theory for the equilibrium low-temperature magnetization M of a diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is presented. The magnetization curve, M versus B, is calculated using the exact contributions of finite chains with 1 to 5 spins, and the "rise and ramp approximation" for longer chains. Some non-equilibrium effects that occur in a rapidly changing B, are also considered. Specific non-equilibrium models based on earlier treatments of the phonon bottleneck, and of spin flips associated with cross relaxation and with level crossings, are discussed. Magnetization data on powders of TMMC diluted with cadmium [i.e., (CH_3)_4NMn_xCd_(1-x)Cl_3, with 0.16<=x<=0.50 were measured at 0.55 K in 18 T superconducting magnets. The field B_1 at the first MST from pairs is used to determine the NN exchange constant, J, which changes from -5.9 K to -6.5 K as x increases from 0.16 to 0.50. The magnetization curves obtained in the superconducting magnets are compared with simulations based on the equilibrium theory. Data for the differential susceptibility, dM/dB, were taken in pulsed magnetic fields (7.4 ms duration) up to 50 T, with the powder samples in a 1.5 K liquid-helium bath. Non-equilibrium effects, which became more severe as x decreased, were observed. The non-equilibrium effects are tentatively interpreted using the "Inadequate Heat Flow Scenario," or to cross-relaxation, and crossings of energy levels, including those of excited states.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Magnetism, Critical Fluctuations and Susceptibility Renormalization in Pd

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    Some of the most popular ways to treat quantum critical materials, that is, materials close to a magnetic instability, are based on the Landau functional. The central quantity of such approaches is the average magnitude of spin fluctuations, which is very difficult to measure experimentally or compute directly from the first principles. We calculate the parameters of the Landau functional for Pd and use these to connect the critical fluctuations beyond the local-density approximation and the band structure.Comment: Replaced with the revised version accepted for publication. References updated, errors corrected, other change