3 research outputs found

    Laivelio lūžio rekonstrukcija šonkaulio autotransplantatu: klinikinis atvejis ir literatūros apžvalga

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    Objective. To evaluate the results of scaphoid bone proximal pole reconstruction with rib osteochondral autograft due to comminuted scaphoid fracture. Material and methods. We present a clinical case of fragmented scaphoid bone proximal pole fracture reconstruction by rib osteochondral autograft. The modified wrist function score of Green and O’Brien and Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH) outcome measuring scales were used for clinical evaluation before and 6 months after the reconstruction. Additio­nally, a literature review was conducted for case reports and previous literature reviews describing scaphoid bone proximal pole fracture surgical treatment. Medline (PubMed), ScienceDirect and UpToDate databases were used. Results. Conventional treatment methods for the treatment of comminuted proximal pole scaphoid bone fractures are often inappropriate due to technical issues or potential adverse outcomes. In these cases, reconstruction with rib autograft is possible. The study patient’s modified wrist function score of Green and O’Brien increased from 75 to 95 points out of 100 at 6 months postoperatively, and the Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH) score decreased from 13.64 to 4.55 points. The results of this technique have been investigated in several studies (Sandow, 1998, 2001; Veitch et al., 2007). All subjects (22, 47 and 14 patients, respectively), except one, experienced improvement of wrist function – enhanced wrist movement, grip strength, reduced pain and restored wrist function to the pre-injury performance level. Conclusions. Scaphoid bone proximal pole fragmented fracture reconstruction with osteochondrial rib autograft achieves favorable recovery of wrist function and avoids complications or unfavorable functional consequences of alternative surgical procedures.Tikslas. Įvertinti laivelio proksimalinio poliaus rekonstrukcijos šonkaulio osteochondriniu autotransplantatu rezultatus, gydant skeveldrinį lūžį. Tyrimo metodai. Pateikiamas laivelio proksimalinio poliaus skeveldrinio lūžio rekonstrukcijos šonkaulio osteochondriniu autotransplantatu klinikinis atvejis. Klinikiniam paciento įvertinimui prieš operaciją ir praėjus 6 mėn. po atliktos rekonstrukcijos pasitelktas modifikuotas Greeno ir O’Brieno riešo funkcijos balas ir Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH) vertinimo skalė. Taip pat, naudojantis Medline (PubMed), ScienceDirect ir UpToDate duomenų bazėmis, atlikta mokslinės literatūros apžvalga, apimanti laivelio proksimalinio poliaus lūžių chirurginio gydymo metodus ir galimybes. Rezultatai. Esant laivelio proksimalinio poliaus lūžiams, ypač skeveldrinio pobūdžio, tradiciniai gydymo metodai dėl techninių atlikimo principų ar numatomų nepalankių išeičių dažnai yra netinkami. Minėtais atvejais galima rekonstrukcija šonkaulio osteochondriniu autotransplantatu. Tirtam pacientui nustatytas modifikuotas Greeno ir O’Brieno riešo funkcijos balas, praėjus 6 mėn. po rekonstrukcinės operacijos, padidėjo nuo 75 iki 95 balų iš 100, o taikant Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (QuickDASH) apskaičiuotas balas sumažėjo nuo 13,64 iki 4,55 balų. Minimų metodikų išeitys atskleidžiamos ir keliuose užsienio tyrimuose (Sandow, 1998, 2001; Veitch et al., 2007). Šių tyrimų duomenimis, atlikus laivelio rekonstrukciją osteochondriniu šonkaulio autotransplantatu, visų tiriamųjų (atitinkamai 22, 47 ir 14 pacientų), išskyrus vieną pacientą, judesio amplitudė ir sugriebimo jėga padidėjo, sumažėjo skausmas, tiriamieji atgavo prieš traumą buvusį darbingumą. Išvados. Atliekant laivelio proksimalinio poliaus skeveldrinio lūžio rekonstrukciją, kai kaulinio audinio defektas atkuriamas osteochondriniu šonkaulio autotransplantatu, pasiekiama palankių riešo funkcijos atkūrimo rezultatų, išvengiama alternatyvioms chirurginėms procedūroms būdingų komplikacijų ar nepalankių funkcinių padarinių

    The Use of Thermal Imaging in Free Perforator Flap Planning

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    Background. Preoperative planning and design of microsurgical perforator flaps are the main steps for successful operation. The aim of this study was to determine the concordance between thermographic images obtained with smartphone thermal imaging camera and hand-held Doppler in the anterolateral thigh flap (ALT) model. Methods. A concordance study of diagnostic tests was carried out in Hospital of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Kaunas Clinics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Department during 2020–2022. Patients’ who were scheduled to undergo reconstruction with ALT flap and healthy volunteers were included in the study. Dynamic thermal images were performed with smartphone thermal camera FLIR One PRO in the typical ALT flap territory. The number and distance of hotspots in the thermogram with respect to anterior superior iliac spine were recorded in the study protocol. Later, the examination was repeated with hand-held Doppler and the control of hotspot was performed. Sensitivity, specificity and concordance index calculations were performed. Statistical analysis was performed using IMB SPSS 23.0. Results. A total of 100 ALT flap territories were examined. 266 hotspots were detected with thermal imaging and 275 perforators with hand-held Doppler. In 96.6% of cases, hotspots detected by a thermal camera were confirmed by hand-held Doppler as perforators. The sensitivity and specificity of thermography for the detection of perforators with respect to the hand-held Doppler were 93.5% and 96.9% respectively. The measure of concordance kappa index was 0.095 (p = 0.001). Conclusion. Smartphone thermal imaging have a high concordance with hand-held Doppler in perforator mapping, thus could be considered a useful adjunct to conventional methods

    Dupuytren’s contracture: incidence of injury-induced cases and specific clinical expression

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    Background and objectives: Dupuytren’s contracture is a chronic fibroproliferative hand disorder with a varying pattern of genetic predisposition across different regions and populations. Traumatic events have been found to have influence on the development of this illness and are likely to trigger different clinical forms of this disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the phenomenon of development of Dupuytren’s contracture (DC) following an acute injury to the hand, and to observe the incidence and clinical diversity of such cases in daily clinical practice. Materials and Methods: We collected data of patients presenting with primary Dupuytren’s contracture in the Lithuanian population and evaluated the occurrence and clinical manifestation of this specific type of DC, arising following acute hand trauma. The diagnosis of DC was based on clinical signs and physical examination. Digit contractures were measured by goniometry, and the staging was done according to Tubiana classification. Injury-induced (injury-related) cases were identified using the “Criteria for recognition of Dupuytren’s contracture after acute injury” (established by Elliot and Ragoowansi). Results: 29 (22%) of a total of 132 cases were injury-induced DCs. Twenty-six of 29 patients in this group presented with stage I–II contractures. Duration of symptoms was 6 (SD 2.2) and 3.8 (SD 2.2) years in the injury-related and injury-unrelated DC groups, respectively. Mean age on the onset of symptoms in the injury-induced and non-injuryinduced groups was 52 (SD 10.7) and 56 (SD 10.9), respectively. Patients from both groups expressed strong predisposition towards development of DC. Conclusions: Around one-fifth of patients seeking treatment for primary Dupuytren’s contracture seemed to suffer from injury-induced Dupuytren’s contracture. [...]