42 research outputs found

    Novel of core-shell AlOOH/Cu nanostructures: Synthesis, characterization, antimicrobial activity and in vitro toxicity in Neuro-2a cells

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    Core-shell micro/nanostructures were fabricated by the reaction of Al/Cu bimetallic nanoparticles with water. Al/Cu nanoparticles have been obtained using the method of simultaneous electrical explosion of a pair of the corresponding metal wires in an argon atmosphere. The nanoparticles are chemically active and interact with water at 60°C to form core-shell micro/nanostructures. The obtained products were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering and the nitrogen adsorption method. The antibacterial activity of the synthesized structures was investigated against E. coli and St. aureus. The toxic effect of these nanostructures against the Neuro-2a neuroblastoma cell line was investigated. AlOOH/Cu nanostructures are shown to inhibit cell proliferation. The AlOOH/Cu nanostructures are good candidates for medical applications

    Investigation of the Diffusion Characteristics of Narrow Fractions of Cenospheres with Network Structure of a Glass-Crystalline Shell

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    Выполнено исследование взаимосвязи состава, строения и диффузионных свойств стеклокристаллических мембранных материалов на основе узких фракций ценосфер с сетчатой стеклокристаллической оболочкой в широком диапазоне изменения макрокомпонентного и фазового состава (мас. %): SiO2 – 56–68, Al2O3 – 37–38, муллит – 35–48, кварц – 1–3, кристобалит – 0–16, анортит – 0–6, стеклофаза – 31–63. Установлено, что коэффициенты проницаемости Не и Н2 стеклофазы ценосфер с оболочкой сетчатого строения существенно превышают аналогичные значения для силикатных стекол различного состава. Значения селективности стеклокристаллических мембранных материалов на основе узких фракций ценосфер соответствуют высокому уровню, что определяет перспективность их использования в процессах мембранного разделения и глубокой очистки гелия и водородаThe study of the relationship between the composition, structure and diffusion properties of glass-crystalline membrane materials based on narrow fractions of cenospheres with a network glass-crystalline shell in a wide range of changes in the macrocomponent and phase composition (wt. %): SiO2 – 56–68, Al2O3 – 37–38, mullite – 35–48, quartz – 1–3, cristobalite – 0–16, anorthite – 0–6, glass phase – 31–63 was carried out. It was found that the permeability coefficients of He and H2 of the glass phase of cenospheres significantly exceed those for silicate glasses of various compositions. The selectivity values of glass-crystalline membrane materials based on narrow fractions of cenospheres with a network glass-crystalline shell correspond to a high level, which determines the prospects of their use in membrane separation processes with the production of He and H2 gases of high purit

    Financial Innovations in Medical Insurance of the Russian Federation

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    Currently, the main sources of financial support of Health of the Russian Federation are budgetary funds, funds of health insurance and personal funds of citizens, and businesses in various ratios. Compulsory health insurance in the transition to single-channel financing of the health system has become the main mechanism for ensuring the constitutional rights of citizens to receive free medical care. Demographic indicators and their development trends, as well as the current economic situation, do not allow public authorities to comply fully with their obligations to ensure public health care. Lack of financial resources makes declarative nature of the state guarantees, which remain unsecured with financial resources. Formation of market relations in health care manifested in the implementation of elements of entrepreneurial activity, and in the event of a significant increase in the volume of paid medical services in the development of voluntary health insurance. Market conditions require an evaluation of the real possibility of state involvement in the financing of the national health system through the compulsory health insurance and additional sources of funding. The system of voluntary health insurance is a reserve development, which is currently used insufficiently. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s3p8

    Aerodynamic Separation of Dispersed Microspheres PM2.5, PM10 from Fly Ash of Lignite Combustion for Production of New Materials

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    Методом аэродинамической классификации в воздушном потоке осуществлено выделение узких фракций дисперсных микросфер, относящихся к экологически опасным взвешенным частицам РМ2.5 и РМ10, из высококальциевой летучей золы от сжигания бурых углей Канско-Ачинского бассейна. В результате комбинации различных режимов разделения, отличающихся скоростью воздушного потока, частотой вращения ротора классификатора и скоростью подачи материала, получены морфологически однородные фракции сферических частиц с узким распределением dср – 1, 2, 3, 4 и 10 мкм. Охарактеризованные фракции дисперсных микросфер необходимы для оценки рисков антропогенного воздействия на окружающую среду, связанных с промышленным сжиганием угля, и могут быть использованы для получения новых материалов различного назначенияUsing the method of aerodynamic classification in the air flow, narrow fractions of dispersed microspheres, related to environmentally hazardous suspended particles PM2.5 and PM10, were separated from high-calcium fly ash from the combustion of lignite coals of the Kansk-Achinsk basin. As a result of a combination of different separation modes, differing in air flow rate, classifier rotor speed and material feed rate, morphologically homogeneous fractions of spherical particles with a narrow distribution dav – 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10 μm were obtained. The characterized fractions of dispersed microspheres are necessary for assessing the risks of anthropogenic impact on the environment associated with the industrial combustion of coal, and can be used to obtain new materials for various purpose

    Low-dimensional pseudoboehmite structures for microorganism adsorption

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    Low-dimensional structures consisting of pseudoboehmite nanopetals are synthesized by hydrolysis of electroexplosive aluminum nanopowder. The physical and chemical properties of the synthesized nanostructures are studied, such as morphology, particle size, specific surface area, phase composition, and zeta-potential. The production of a hybrid material on the basis of cellulose acetate microfibers and low-dimensional pseudoboehmite structures is described. Using the example of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, we show the microorganism adsorption capacity of pseudoboehmite nanopetals and the hybrid material

    Study of the resistome of human microbial communities using a targeted panel of antibiotic resistance genes in COVID-19 patients

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    Aim. To study overall drug resistance genes (resistome) in the human gut microbiome and the changes in these genes during COVID-19 in-hospital therapy. Materials and methods. A single-center retrospective cohort study was conducted. Only cases with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 RNA using polymerase chain reaction in oro-/nasopharyngeal swab samples were subject to analysis. The patients with a documented history of or current comorbidities of the hepatobiliary system, malignant neoplasms of any localization, systemic and autoimmune diseases, as well as pregnant women were excluded. Feces were collected from all study subjects for subsequent metagenomic sequencing. The final cohort was divided into two groups depending on the disease severity: mild (group 1) and severe (group 2). Within group 2, five subgroups were formed, depending on the use of antibacterial drugs (ABD): group 2A (receiving ABD), group 2AC (receiving ABD before hospitalization), group 2AD (receiving ABD during hospitalization), group 2AE (receiving ABD during and before hospitalization), group 2B (not receiving ABD). Results. The median number of antibiotic resistance (ABR) genes (cumulative at all time points) was significantly higher in the group of patients treated with ABD: 81.0 (95% CI 73.8–84.5) vs. 51.0 (95% CI 31.1–68.4). In the group of patients treated with ABD (2A), the average number of multidrug resistance genes (efflux systems) was significantly higher than in controls (group 2B): 47.0 (95% CI 46.0–51.2) vs. 21.5 (95% CI 7.0–43.9). Patients with severe coronavirus infection tended to have a higher median number of ABR genes but without statistical significance. Patients in the severe COVID-19 group who did not receive ABD before and during hospitalization also had more resistance genes than the patients in the comparison group. Conclusion. This study demonstrated that fewer ABR genes were identified in the group with a milder disease than in the group with a more severe disease associated with more ABR genes, with the following five being the most common: SULI, MSRC, ACRE, EFMA, SAT

    Effect of Acid Leaching on Helium and Neon Permeability of Microspherical Membranes Based on Cenospheres

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    На основе узкой фракции ценосфер, выделенной из концентрата ценосфер от сжигания экибастузского угля, получены микросферические мембраны, характеризующиеся высоким уровнем гелиевой проницаемости в сочетании с высокой селективностью He/Ne. Кислотное травление полученных микросферических мембран в 8,6 M HNO3 способствовало развитию микропористости их оболочки (объемная доля микропор с преобладающими размерами 5, 6.4 и 13 Å увеличилась с 6.7 до 34.0 %). Это привело к увеличению коэффициента гелиевой проницаемости при Т=298 K примерно в 2 раза до значения 2.27·10-18 (моль·м)/(м2·с·Па).Полученные микросферические мембраны характеризуются высокой селективностью α(He/Ne)=170 при 553 K и превосходят синтетические стеклянные микросферы 3М К37 Glass Bubbles (3МТМ, США) по уровню гелиевой проницаемости в 34-57 раз, а полимерный мембранный материал (полисульфон) – по селективности в отношении He/Ne в 34-52 разаThe microspherical membranes based on narrow fraction of cenospheres with high permeability to helium and high selectivity for He/Ne were recovered from cenosphere concentrate from Ekibastuz coal combustion. Acid leaching of the obtained microspherical membranes by 8.6M HNO3 contribute to microporosity development in their shell (volume percentage of the micropore with predominant sizes of 5, 6.4 and 13 Å was increased from 6.7 to 34.0 vol. %).This led to increase in helium permeation at T=298 K about to 2 times, i.e. up to a value of 2.27·10-18 (mol·m)/(m2·sec·Pa). The obtained microspherical membranes are characterized by high selectivity α(He/Ne)=170 at 553K, and exceed the synthetic glass hollow microspheres 3M K37 Glass Bubbles (3MTM, USA) in helium permeation to 37-57 times, and the polymeric membrane material –(poly)sulphone in selectivity for He/Ne to 34-52 time

    Ab initio parameterization and testing of He and Ne effective potentials in silica

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The article is devoted to the development and testing of He and Ne effective potentials designed for molecular simulation of He and Ne solubility and migration in silicate matrices. The H12Si12O30 cage structure, also known as a double-six ring (D6R), was used for ab initio parameterization. Ab initio calculations of the interaction energy between guest He and Ne atoms and the host were performed using the DLPNO‒CCSD(T) method, which enables correct calculations of the dispersion forces that play an important role in the interaction between dissolved noble gas atoms and the silicate matrix. The physical meaning of effective potentials as well as convergence and uniqueness of the obtained solutions are discussed. The solubility of He and Ne in silica glass over a wide temperature range (260–1500 K) has been calculated to test the effective potentials. The calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental data reported in the literature


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    Up to now the limits of eligibility of extreme necessity were not the subject of independent research.The problems of definition of the time limits of p eligibility are considered in this article based on the scientific and monographic literature analysis. Relevance of the considered matter is defined by the fact that the correct establishment of time limits of eligibility of act is of great importance in the law enforcement activity in order to establish the non-delinquency of act in state of extreme necessity. The purpose of this research is the analysis of definition of time limits of extreme necessity eligibility and drawing proposals on this basis for improvement of legislative regulations and existing laws enforcement efficiency with regards to extreme necessity. Research methods: dialectic, formal-logical, system. The author empha-sizes the eligibility limits of admissible harm and the temporary limits. When determining the time limits the author emphasizes the following criteria: the value of danger, intensity of actions, and also identifies an "initial" and "final" moments in the defense of legally protected interests. The improvement of the existing legisla-tion was proposed based on the carried-out analysis.До настоящего времени пределы правомерности крайней необходимо-сти не становились предметом самостоятельного исследования. На основе анализа научной и монографической литературы в статье рассматриваются проблемы определения временных пределов правомерности. Актуальность выбранной темы определяется тем, что в деятельности правоприменителя для установления не преступности деяния в состоянии крайней необходимости большое значение имеет правильное установление временных пределов в правомерности деяния. Целью является анализ определения временных пределов правомерности крайней необходимости, формулирование на этой ос-нове предложений по совершенствованию их законодательного регламентирования и повышению эффективности применения действующих норм, предусматривающих крайнюю необходимость. Методы исследования: диалектический, формальнологический, системный. При определении временных пределов автор обращает внимание на следующие критерии: наличность опасности, интенсивность действий, а также выделяет «начальный» и «ко-нечный» моменты при защите правоохраняемых интересов. На основе проведенного анализа предлагается совершенствование норм современного законодательства

    Anomalous Diffusion of Helium and Neon in Low-Density Silica Glass

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    The diffusion properties of low-density non-porous silica glasses (expanded silica glasses) were researched with the aim of searching for the molecular structure of membrane materials intended for the effective separation of helium–neon gas mixtures. It has been shown on a large number (84) of computer models of such glasses that there are molecular structures of silica in which various helium and neon diffusion mechanisms are simultaneously implemented: superdiffusion for helium and subdiffusion for neon. This makes it possible to significantly (by 3–5 orders of magnitude) increase the helium permeability of such glasses at room temperature and maintain a high selectivity for the separation of helium and neon (at the level of 104–105) at the same time