2 research outputs found

    Analyse of effectivity relocation of technology BUCYRUS 15/31

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    Import 26/06/2013Bakalářská práce porovnává dva možné způsoby překlizu technologie BUCYRUS 15/31 a to způsobem bezdemontážním, který spočívá v převozu kompletní mechanizované výztuže z likvidovaného porubu 238 501 do nově vybavovaného porubu 239 500. Druhý způsob je klasický demontážní, kdy výše uvedená výztuž bude v montážní komoře likvidovaného porubu demontována na základní části a ty pak budou jednotlivě překlizeny do nově vybavovaného porubu. V obou případech budou veškerá zařízení dopravována po ZD – 24.Bachelor thesis compares two possible ways of relocation BUCYRUS 15/31 technology. The first is a non-disassembly way, which is to transfer a complete mechanical support from longwall 238 501 being diasposed to new longwall 239 500 being equipped. The second method is a classical dismounting where the mechanical support is dismounted to elementary parts in the assembly chamber of longwall being disposed. Those parts are individually rellocated to the new longwall being equipped. In both cases, all the equipment is transported using ZD - 24.Prezenční542 - Institut hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostidobř

    Evaluation of an electro-pneumatic device for artificial capillary pulse generation used in a prospective study in animals for surgical neck wound healing

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    The paper examines the development and testing of an electro-pneumatic device for wound healing therapy after surgery in the neck area. The device generates air pressure values in a miniaturized cuff using electronic circuitry to drive an electro-valve and air compressor. The device works in two distinct modes: continuous pressure mode and pulsating pressure mode. The pressure value setting can vary from 3 to 11 mmHg, and the pulsating pressure mode's operating frequency range is approximately 0.1 to 0.3 Hz. Laboratory measurements were conducted to evaluate the device's correct functioning in both continuous and pulsating pressure modes. A four-day prospective study with animals (n = 10) was also conducted to evaluate neck wound healing therapy using the electro-pneumatic device. Out of the twelve histological parameters analysed to reveal the differences between the experimental and control wounds, only one demonstrated a significant difference. Out of the ten animals treated with the device, three showed a significant difference in terms of benefit after therapy. We can therefore conclude that the device potentially improves the wound healing process in the neck area if the pre-set air pressure value does not exceed 8 mmHg.Web of Science9art. no. 983