336 research outputs found

    Liposome Formulation for Tumor-Targeted Drug Delivery Using Radiation Therapy

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    Targeted delivery of drugs or other therapeutic agents through internal or external triggers has been used to control and accelerate the release from liposomal carriers in a number of studies, but relatively few utilize energy of therapeutic X-rays as a trigger. We have synthesized liposomes that are triggered by ionizing radiation (RTLs) to release their therapeutic payload. These liposomes are composed of natural egg phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DSPC), cholesterol, and 1,2-disteroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[methoxy (polyethylene glycol)-2000] (DSPE-PEG-2000), and the mean size of the RTL was in the range of 114 to 133 nm, as measured by nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). The trigger mechanism is the organic halogen, chloral hydrate, which is known to generate free protons upon exposure to ionizing radiation. Once protons are liberated, a drop in internal pH of the liposome promotes destabilization of the lipid bilayer and escape of the liposomal contents. In proof of principle studies, we assessed RTL radiation-release of fluorescent tracers upon exposure to a low pH extracellular environment or exposure to X-ray irradiation. Biodistribution imaging before and after irradiation demonstrated a preferential uptake and release of the liposomes and their cargo at the site of local tumor irradiation. Finally, a potent metabolite of the commonly used chemotherapy irinotecan, SN-38, was loaded into RTL along with near infrared (NIR) fluorescent dyes for imaging studies and measuring tumor cell cytotoxicity alone or combined with radiation exposure, in vitro and in vivo. Fully loaded RTLs were found to increase tumor cell killing with radiation in vitro and enhance tumor growth delay in vivo after three IV injections combined with three, 5 Gy local tumor radiation exposures compared to either treatment modality alone

    An Effective Electric Dipole Model for Voltage-Induced Gating Mechanism of Lysenin

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    Lysenin is a pore-forming toxin, which self-inserts open channels into sphingomyelin containing membranes and is known to be voltage regulated. The mechanistic details of its voltage gating mechanism, however, remains elusive despite much recent efforts. Here, we have employed a novel combination of experimental and computational techniques to examine a model for voltage gating, that is based on the existence of an “effective electric dipole” inspired by recent reported structures of lysenin. We support this mechanism by the observations that (i) the charge-reversal and neutralization substitutions in lysenin result in changing its electrical gating properties by modifying the strength of the dipole, and (ii) an increase in the viscosity of the solvent increases the drag force and slows down the gating. In addition, our molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of membrane-embedded lysenin provide a mechanistic picture for lysenin conformational changes, which reveals, for the first time, the existence of a lipid-dependent bulge region in the pore-forming module of lysenin, which may explain the gating mechanism of lysenin at a molecular level

    Kinetic Exclusion Assay of Biomolecules by Aptamer Capture

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    DNA aptamers are short nucleotide oligomers selected to bind a target ligand with affinity and specificity rivaling that of antibodies. These remarkable features recommend aptamers as candidates for analytical and therapeutic applications that traditionally use antibodies as biorecognition elements. Numerous traditional and emerging analytical techniques have been proposed and successfully implemented to utilize aptamers for sensing purposes. In this work, we exploited the analytical capabilities offered by the kinetic exclusion assay technology to measure the affinity of fluorescent aptamers for their thrombin target and quantify the concentration of analyte in solution. Standard binding curves constructed by using equilibrated mixtures of aptamers titrated with thrombin were fitted with a 1:1 binding model and provided an effective Kd of the binding in the sub-nanomolar range. However, our experimental results suggest that this simple model does not satisfactorily describe the binding process; therefore, the possibility that the aptamer is composed of a mixture of two or more distinct Kd populations is discussed. The same standard curves, together with a four-parameter logistic equation, were used to determine “unknown” concentrations of thrombin in mock samples. The ability to identify and characterize complex binding stoichiometry, together with the determination of target analyte concentrations in the pM–nM range, supports the adoption of this technology for kinetics, equilibrium, and analytical purposes by employing aptamers as biorecognition elements

    Influence of the environment and probes on rapid DNA sequencing via transverse electronic transport

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    We study theoretically the feasibility of using transverse electronic transport within a nanopore for rapid DNA sequencing. Specifically, we examine the effects of the environment and detection probes on the distinguishability of the DNA bases. We find that the intrinsic measurement bandwidth of the electrodes helps the detection of single bases by averaging over the current distributions of each base. We also find that although the overall magnitude of the current may change dramatically with different detection conditions, the intrinsic distinguishability of the bases is not significantly affected by pore size and transverse field strength. The latter is the result of very effective stabilization of the DNA by the transverse field induced by the probes, so long as that field is much larger than the field that drives DNA through the pore. In addition, the ions and water together effectively screen the charge on the nucleotides, so that the electron states participating in the transport properties of the latter ones resemble those of the uncharged species. Finally, water in the environment has negligible direct influence on the transverse electrical current.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Voltage Gating Interactions of the Protein Lysenin with Metal Ions in an Artificial Lipid Bilayer

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    Non-specific ion conductance channels can be formed in lipid membranes by the poreforming toxin lysenin. These channels are voltage regulated and are responsive to changes in metal ion concentration. In our research, we studied the effects of metal ion concentration on the lysenin channel’s voltage regulated gating, using both multivalent and monovalent metals. A model was developed to explain the apparent subunit cooperativity within the lysenin channel. The model allows for the complex reaction to changing concentration of metal ions, and offers knowledge of the lysenin channel’s internal workings

    Methods and compositions for X-ray induced release from pH sensitive liposomes

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    Compositions including pH sensitive lipid vesicles comprised of a lipid layer, an agent, and an organic halogen such that the agent is released from the vesicles after exposure to ionizing radiation. Methods of delivering the agent to a target in a subject using the compositions provided herein are also described. The methods allow for controlled release of the agent. The timing of release of the agent from the lipid vesicle may be controlled as well as the location of release by timing and localizing the exposure to ionizing radiation exposure

    Methods and compositions for X-ray induced release from pH sensitive liposomes

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    Compositions including pH sensitive lipid vesicles comprised of a lipid layer, an agent, and an organic halogen such that the agent is released from the vesicles after exposure to ionizing radiation. Methods of delivering the agent to a target in a subject using the compositions provided herein are also described. The methods allow for controlled release of the agent. The timing of release of the agent from the lipid vesicle may be controlled as well as the location of release by timing and localizing the exposure to ionizing radiation exposure

    A Model for the Hysteresis Observed in Gating of Lysenin Channels

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    The pore-forming toxin lysenin self-inserts to form conductance channels in natural and artificial lipid membranes containing sphingomyelin. The inserted channels exhibit voltage regulation and hysteresis of the macroscopic current during the application of positive periodic voltage stimuli. We explored the bi-stable behavior of lysenin channels and present a theoretical approach for the mechanism of the hysteresis to explain its static and dynamic components. This investigation develops a model to incorporate the role of charge accumulation on the bilayer lipid membrane in influencing the channel conduction state. Our model is supported by experimental results and also provides insight into the temperature dependence of lysenin channel hysteresis. Through this work we gain perspective into the mechanism of how the response of a channel protein is determined by previous stimuli

    Lipid Order in Red Blood Cell Membranes Exposed to Hypo-Osmotic Stress and Self-Inserting Pore-Forming Proteins

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    The packing of lipids comprising a cell membrane, known as lipid order, has been under increasing scrutiny due to continuous findings of its biological significance. There is extensive literature detailing the changes in lipid order, and multiple temperature-induced phase transitions have been clarified. However, these experiments have not considered common external factors, such as hypo-osmotic stress and protein insertion. To fill these gaps in our knowledge, Red Blood Cell (RBC) membranes stained with membrane probes were investigated by general polarization (GP) and anisotropy (p). We evaluated RBC membranes under hypo-osmotic shock, and membranes with pore-forming toxins. Significant changes in lipid order were observed after exposure to hypo-osmotic stress or insertion of pore-forming toxins, echoing temperature-induced phase transitions of lipids in membranes. We hypothesized a short-range interaction model to explain the significant changes in lipid order under hypo-osmotic shock, together with a hydrophobic mismatch to explain the changes observed upon protein insertion. Our findings may provide a better understanding of the modulation of physiological functionals, such as transport and signaling, by physical cues and interactions with drugs or other bioactive molecules

    Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy for BioMaterials Research

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    Optical microscopy uses the interactions between light and materials to provide images of the microscopic world. It is widely employed in science to study the behavior and properties of microscopic organisms and cells. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a technique for obtaining images of the surfaces of materials at the atomic to micrometer scales. AFM operates by rastering an ultra-sharp needle across a sample surface and recording the height of the needle at each position. While AFM can provide atomic resolution images of the contours (topography) of a surface, it can also perform extremely sensitive measurements of surface mechanical properties. By fabricating custom AFM probes, the mechanical properties of specific locations of living cells can be studied and manipulated. In addition, high-speed imaging of biological materials can provide images of changes to cellular surfaces in response to chemical or electrical signals. This poster will present examples and applications of advanced AFM capabilities for research in biomaterials available in the Boise State University Surface Science Laboratory
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