363 research outputs found

    Tailoring the CRISPR system to transactivate coagulation gene promoters in normal and mutated contexts

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    Engineered transcription factors (TF)have expanded our ability to modulate gene expression and hold great promise as bio-therapeutics. The first-generation TF, based on Zinc Fingers or Transcription-Activator-like Effectors (TALE), required complex and time-consuming assembly protocols, and were indeed replaced in recent years by the CRISPR activation (CRISPRa)technology. Here, with coagulation F7/F8 gene promoters as models, we exploited a CRISPRa system based on deactivated (d)Cas9, fused with a transcriptional activator (VPR), which is driven to its target by a single guide (sg)RNA. Reporter gene assays in hepatoma cells identified a sgRNA (sgRNA F7.5 )triggering a ~35-fold increase in the activity of F7 promoter, either wild-type, or defective due to the c.-61T>G mutation. The effect was higher (~15-fold)than that of an engineered TALE-TF (TF4)targeting the same promoter region. Noticeably, when challenged on the endogenous F7 gene, the dCas9-VPR/sgRNA F7.5 combination was more efficient (~6.5-fold)in promoting factor VII (FVII)protein secretion/activity than TF4 (~3.8-fold). The approach was translated to the promoter of F8, whose reduced expression causes hemophilia A. Reporter gene assays in hepatic and endothelial cells identified sgRNAs that, respectively, appreciably increased F8 promoter activity (sgRNA F8.1 , ~8-fold and 3-fold; sgRNA F8.2 , ~19-fold and 2-fold)with synergistic effects (~38-fold and 2.7-fold). Since modest increases in F7/F8 expression would ameliorate patients' phenotype, the CRISPRa-mediated transactivation extent might approach the low therapeutic threshold. Through this pioneer study we demonstrated that the CRISPRa system is easily tailorable to increase expression, or rescue disease-causing mutations, of different promoters, with potential intriguing implications for human disease models

    Cell Penetrating Peptide Adsorption on Magnetite and Silica Surfaces: A Computational Investigation

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    Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) represent one of the most promising materials as they can act as a versatile platform in the field of bionanotechnology for enhanced imaging, diagnosis, and treatment of various diseases. Silica is the most common compound for preparing coated iron oxide NPs since it improves colloidal stability and the binding affinity for various organic molecules. Biomolecules such as cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) might be employed to decorate MNPs, combining their promising physicochemical properties with a cell penetrating ability. In this work, a computational investigation on adsorption of Antennapedia homeodomain-derived penetrating peptide (pAntp) on silica and magnetite (MAG) surfaces is presented. By employing umbrella sampling molecular dynamics, we provided a quantitative estimation of the pAntp-surface adsorption free energy to highlight the influence of surface hydroxylation state on the adsorption mechanism. The interaction between peptide and surface has shown to be mainly driven by electrostatics. In case of MAG surface, also an important contribution of van der Waals (VdW) attraction was observed. Our data suggest that a competitive mechanism between MNPs and cell membrane might partially inhibit the CPP to carry out its membrane penetrating function

    Copy number variations residing outside the SHOX enhancer region are involved in Short Stature and Léri-Weill dyschondrosteosis

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    Background: SHOX enhancer CNVs, affecting one or more of the seven recognized evolutionary conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) represent one of the most frequent cause of SHOX-haploinsufficiency. During the diagnostic workflow deletions/duplications have been identified downstream SHOX not including any of the these CNEs. Methods: Fine tiling aCGH and breakpoint PCR were used to characterize the critical interval and to search for novel alterations in a cohort of selected patients. Results: Screening of 252 controls provided evidence that duplications in this area represent likely benign variants whereas none of the deletions were detected. These findings suggested that other alterations relevant for SHOX-haploinsufficiency might be missed by the standard diagnostic methods. To identify such undisclosed elements, the aCGH was used to reanalyze 52 unresolved cases with clinical features strongly suggestive of SHOX-haploinsufficiency. This analysis followed by the screening of 210 patients detected two partially overlapping small deletions of ~12 and ~8 kb in four unrelated individuals, approximately 15 kb downstream SHOX, that were absent in 720 normal stature individuals. Conclusion: Our results strengthen the hypothesis that alterations of yet unidentified cis-regulatory elements residing outside those investigated through conventional methods, might explain the phenotype in ISS/LWD patients thus enlarging the spectrum of variants contributing to SHOX-haploinsufficiency

    Foetal neural progenitors contribute to postnatal circuits formation ex vivo: an electrophysiological investigation

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    Neuronal progenitor cells (NPC) play an essential role in homeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS). Considering their ability to differentiate into specific lineages, their manipulation and control could have a major therapeutic impact for those CNS injuries or degenerative diseases characterized by neuronal cell loss. In this work, we established an in vitro co-culture and tested the ability of foetal NPC (fNPC) to integrate among post-mitotic hippocampal neurons and contribute to the electrical activity of the resulting networks. We performed extracellular electrophysiological recordings of the activity of neuronal networks and compared the properties of spontaneous spiking in hippocampal control cultures (HCC), fNPC, and mixed circuitries ex vivo. We further employed patch-clamp intracellular recordings to examine single-cell excitability. We report of the capability of fNPC to mature when combined to hippocampal neurons, shaping the profile of network activity, a result suggestive of newly formed connectivity ex vivo

    Directed self-assembly of a xenogeneic vascularized endocrine pancreas for type 1 diabetes.

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    Intrahepatic islet transplantation is the standard cell therapy for β cell replacement. However, the shortage of organ donors and an unsatisfactory engraftment limit its application to a selected patients with type 1 diabetes. There is an urgent need to identify alternative strategies based on an unlimited source of insulin producing cells and innovative scaffolds to foster cell interaction and integration to orchestrate physiological endocrine function. We previously proposed the use of decellularized lung as a scaffold for β cell replacement with the final goal of engineering a vascularized endocrine organ. Here, we prototyped this technology with the integration of neonatal porcine islet and healthy subject-derived blood outgrowth endothelial cells to engineer a xenogeneic vascularized endocrine pancreas. We validated ex vivo cell integration and function, its engraftment and performance in a preclinical model of diabetes. Results showed that this technology not only is able to foster neonatal pig islet maturation in vitro, but also to perform in vivo immediately upon transplantation and for over 18 weeks, compared to normal performance within 8 weeks in various state of the art preclinical models. Given the recent progress in donor pig genetic engineering, this technology may enable the assembly of immune-protected functional endocrine organs

    Advanced cell-based modeling of the royal disease: characterization of the mutated F9 mRNA

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    Essentials The Royal disease (RD) is a form of hemophilia B predicted to be caused by a splicing mutation. We generated an iPSC-based model of the disease allowing mechanistic studies at the RNA level. F9 mRNA analysis in iPSC-derived hepatocyte-like cells showed the predicted abnormal splicing. Mutated F9 mRNA level was very low but we also found traces of wild type transcripts. SUMMARY: Background The royal disease is a form of hemophilia B (HB) that affected many descendants of Queen Victoria in the 19th and 20th centuries. It was found to be caused by the mutation F9 c.278-3A>G. Objective To generate a physiological cell model of the disease and to study F9 expression at the RNA level. Methods Using fibroblasts from skin biopsies of a previously identified hemophilic patient bearing the F9 c.278-3A>G mutation and his mother, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Both the patient's and mother's iPSCs were differentiated into hepatocyte-like cells (HLCs) and their F9 mRNA was analyzed using next-generation sequencing (NGS). Results and Conclusion We demonstrated the previously predicted aberrant splicing of the F9 transcript as a result of an intronic nucleotide substitution leading to a frameshift and the generation of a premature termination codon (PTC). The F9 mRNA level in the patient's HLCs was significantly reduced compared with that of his mother, suggesting that mutated transcripts undergo nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), a cellular mechanism that degrades PTC-containing mRNAs. We also detected small proportions of correctly spliced transcripts in the patient's HLCs, which, combined with genetic variability in splicing and NMD machineries, could partially explain some clinical variability among affected members of the European royal families who had lifespans above the average. This work allowed the demonstration of the pathologic consequences of an intronic mutation in the F9 gene and represents the first bona fide cellular model of HB allowing the study of rare mutations at the RNA level

    Boosting intracellular sodium selectively kills hepatocarcinoma cells and induces hepatocellular carcinoma tumor shrinkage in mice

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    Pharmacological treatments for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) have a partial efficacy. Augmented Na+ content and water retention are observed in human cancers and offer unexplored targets for anticancer therapies. Na+ levels are evaluated upon treatments with the antibiotic cation ionophore Monensin by fluorimetry, ICP-MS, Na-23-MRI, NMR relaxometry, confocal or time-lapse analysis related to energy production, water fluxes and cell death, employing both murine and human HCC cell lines, primary murine hepatocytes, or HCC allografts in NSG mice. Na+ levels of HCC cells and tissue are 8-10 times higher than that of healthy hepatocytes and livers. Monensin further increases Na+ levels in HCC cells and in HCC allografts but not in primary hepatocytes and in normal hepatic and extrahepatic tissue. The Na+ increase is associated with energy depletion, mitochondrial Na+ load and inhibition of O-2 consumption. The Na+ increase causes an enhancement of the intracellular water lifetime and death of HCC cells, and a regression and necrosis of allograft tumors, without affecting the proliferating activity of either HCCs or healthy tissues. These observations indicate that HCC cells are, unlike healthy cells, energetically incapable of compensating and surviving a pharmacologically induced Na+ load, highlighting Na+ homeostasis as druggable target for HCC therapy.The ionophore monensin is shown to have cancer-selective cytotoxic action by selectively increasing the sodium content in cultured hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HCC) and allografts, highlighting the sensitivity of HCC cells to pharmacologically induced Na+ load

    Lentiviral Vector Delivery of Human Interleukin-7 (hIL-7) to Human Immune System (HIS) Mice Expands T Lymphocyte Populations

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    Genetically modified mice carrying engrafted human tissues provide useful models to study human cell biology in physiologically relevant contexts. However, there remain several obstacles limiting the compatibility of human cells within their mouse hosts. Among these is inadequate cross-reactvitiy between certain mouse cytokines and human cellular receptors, depriving the graft of important survival and growth signals. To circumvent this problem, we utilized a lentivirus-based delivery system to express physiologically relevant levels of human interleukin-7 (hIL-7) in Rag2-/-γc-/- mice following a single intravenous injection. hIL-7 promoted homeostatic proliferation of both adoptively transferred and endogenously generated T-cells in Rag2-/-γc-/- Human Immune System (HIS) mice. Interestingly, we found that hIL-7 increased T lymphocyte numbers in the spleens of HIV infected HIS mice without affecting viral load. Taken together, our study unveils a versatile approach to deliver human cytokines to HIS mice, to both improve engraftment and determine the impact of cytokines on human diseases
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