75 research outputs found

    SyZyGy: A Straight Interferometric Spacecraft System for Gravity Wave Observations

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    We apply TDI, unfolding the general triangular configuration, to the special case of a linear array of three spacecraft. We show that such an array ("SyZyGy") has, compared with an equilateral triangle GW detector of the same scale, degraded (but non-zero) sensitivity at low-frequencies (f<<c/(arrany size)) but similar peak and high-frequency sensitivities to GWs. Sensitivity curves are presented for SyZyGys having various arm-lengths. A number of technical simplifications result from the linear configuration. These include only one faceted (e.g., cubical) proof mass per spacecraft, intra-spacecraft laser metrology needed only at the central spacecraft, placement in a single appropriate orbit can reduce Doppler drifts so that no laser beam modulation is required for ultra-stable oscillator noise calibration, and little or no time-dependent articulation of the telescopes to maintain pointing. Because SyZyGy's sensitivity falls off more sharply at low frequency than that of an equilateral triangular array, it may be more useful for GW observations in the band between those of ground-based interferometers (10-2000 Hz) and LISA (.1 mHz-.1 Hz). A SyZyGy with ~1 light- second scale could, for the same instrumental assumptions as LISA, make obseervations in this intermediate frequency GW band with 5 sigma sensitivity to sinusoidal waves of ~2.5 x 10^-23 in a year's integration.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; typos corrected, figure modified, references adde

    The StarLight Space Interferometer

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    Two papers describe the StarLight space interferometer a Michelson interferometer that would be implemented by two spacecraft flying in formation. The StarLight formation flying interferometer project has been testing and demonstrating engineering concepts for a new generation of space interferometers that would be employed in a search for extrasolar planets and in astrophysical investigations. As described in the papers, the original StarLight concept called for three spacecraft, and the main innovation embodied is a modification that makes it possible to reduce complexity by eliminating the third spacecraft. The main features of the modification are (1) introduction of an optical delay line on one spacecraft and (2) controlling the flying formation such that the two spacecraft are located at two points along a specified parabola so as to define the required baseline of specified length (which could be varied up to 125 m) perpendicular to the axis of the parabola. One of the papers presents a detailed description of the optical layout and discusses computational modeling of the performance; the other paper presents an overview of the requirements for operation and design, the overall architecture, and subsystems

    Laser interferometry for the Big Bang Observer

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    The Big Bang Observer is a proposed space-based gravitational-wave detector intended as a follow on mission to the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). It is designed to detect the stochastic background of gravitational waves from the early universe. We discuss how the interferometry can be arranged between three spacecraft for this mission and what research and development on key technologies are necessary to realize this scheme

    Direct Communication to Earth from Probes

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    A viewgraph presentation on outer planetary probe communications to Earth is shown. The topics include: 1) Science Rational for Atmospheric Probes to the Outer Planets; 2) Controlling the Scientific Appetite; 3) Learning more about Jupiter before we send more probes; 4) Sample Microwave Scan From Juno; 5) Jupiter s Deep Interior; 6) The Square Kilometer Array (SKA): A Breakthrough for Radio Astronomy; 7) Deep Space Array-based Network (DSAN); 8) Probe Direct-to-Earth Data Rate Calculations; 9) Summary; and 10) Enabling Ideas

    The Big Bang Observer: High Laser Power for Gravitational Wave Astrophysics

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    The Big Bang Observer is a proposed space-based gravitational-wave detector which will utilize two 300 W, 355 nm wavelength lasers on each of three spacecraft. This wavelength will be achieved by frequency tripling Nd:YAG lasers

    Ka-Band Transponder for Deep-Space Radio Science

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    A one-page document describes a Ka-band transponder being developed for use in deep-space radio science. The transponder receives in the Deep Space Network (DSN) uplink frequency band of 34.2 to 34.7 GHz, transmits in the 31.8- to 32.3 GHz DSN downlink band, and performs regenerative ranging on a DSN standard 4-MHz ranging tone subcarrier phase-modulated onto the uplink carrier signal. A primary consideration in this development is reduction in size, relative to other such transponders. The transponder design is all-analog, chosen to minimize not only the size but also the number of parts and the design time and, thus, the cost. The receiver features two stages of frequency down-conversion. The receiver locks onto the uplink carrier signal. The exciter signal for the transmitter is derived from the same source as that used to generate the first-stage local-oscillator signal. The ranging-tone subcarrier is down-converted along with the carrier to the second intermediate frequency, where the 4-MHz tone is demodulated from the composite signal and fed into a ranging-tone-tracking loop, which regenerates the tone. The regenerated tone is linearly phase-modulated onto the downlink carrier

    Precession of Mercury’s Perihelion from Ranging to the MESSENGER Spacecraft

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    The perihelion of Mercury's orbit precesses due to perturbations from other solar system bodies, solar quadrupole moment (J [subscript 2]), and relativistic gravitational effects that are proportional to linear combinations of the parametrized post-Newtonian parameters β and γ. The orbits and masses of the solar system bodies are quite well known, and thus the uncertainty in recovering the precession rate of Mercury's perihelion is dominated by the uncertainties in the parameters J [subscript 2], β, and γ. Separating the effects due to these parameters is challenging since the secular precession rate has a linear dependence on each parameter. Here we use an analysis of radiometric range measurements to the MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) spacecraft in orbit about Mercury to estimate the precession of Mercury's perihelion. We show that the MESSENGER ranging data allow us to measure not only the secular precession rate of Mercury's perihelion with substantially improved accuracy, but also the periodic perturbation in the argument of perihelion sensitive to β and γ. When combined with the γ estimate from a Shapiro delay experiment from the Cassini mission, we can decouple the effects due to β and J [subscript 2] and estimate both parameters, yielding (β -1)=(-2.7 ± 3.9) x 10[superscript -5] and J [subscript 2] = (2.25 ± 0.09) × 10[superscript −7]. We also estimate the total precession rate of Mercury's perihelion as 575.3100 ± 0.0015''/century and provide estimated contributions and uncertainties due to various perturbing effects
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