146 research outputs found


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    Molecular activities in the basic cytopathological substratum of the lesions on utherus cervicus, in case of HPV infection in form of squamous intraepithelial lesions of the low (L - SIL) and high (H - SIL) level, are defined by bathesda therminological system. More frequent, L - SIL changes include CIN I, coil atypia and condilomata lata and can be recognized by cellular abnormalities in the basal and parabasal layer with minor cellular structural changes , nuclei hyperhromasia with hromatin condensation, acantosis, paraceratosis with well differentiated cells and faster exfoliation. Women more prone to develop L-SIL are those older than 41, with III degree of vaginal secretion, with the colposcopic finding of aceto-white epithelium and Papa-Nicholaus test of III group. The control cervical, colposcopically controlled biopsy was resumed after four control medical check-ups done every three months after the L-SIL diagnosis. The results showed that lesions remained at the same stage (41,67%), whereas regression appeared in every third examinee (33,33%), slight progression in every eight examinee (12,50%), and significant progression in every twelfth examinee (8,33%).Our conclusion was that L-SIL lesions do not require the ablativ therapy a priory, and what is needed is a regular colpocytological check-up every three months and cervical biopsy, if necessary. Diagnosis of HPV infection certainly changes one’s attitude and requires loop diameter because of the additional diagnostic indications and final therapy

    Visual Perception of Public Open Spaces in Niksic

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    AbstractThe typical representatives of public open spaces in Niksic are analyzed in this paper from the perspective of the subjective visual perception. The research is based on empirical analysis and the semantic differential method. The aim of this paper is to form an objective criterion for the design of desirable public open spaces of the city in the 21st century, based on the subjective assessment of the space through observing twelve photographs of typical visual resources of Niksic, with emphasis on the visual and aesthetic dimension. Research results point out that poly functional, dynamic, associative, homogeneous, inclusive, authentic spaces with lots of natural elements achieve desired visual effect on users. It has been concluded that it is necessary to revitalize certain public open spaces of Niksic as the primary visual resource of the city

    A questionnaire for assessing fear of radiotherapy in oncology patients

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    © 2018, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. Radiotherapy is a frequently prescribed and highly effective form of treatment of oncology patients. However, many patients feel rational or irrational fear of the application of radiotherapy, which may provoke mental and physical stress, anxiety, growing anger and hostility, thus reducing quality of life. The aim of this study was to develop, reliability test and validate a questionnaire for assessing the level of fear of radiotherapy in oncology patients. We performed a prospective qualitative study based on the development, validation and reliability testing of the questionnaire developed for assessing radiotherapy-caused fear in oncology patients treated in the Centre for Oncology and Radiology, Department of Radiotherapy, Clinical Centre Kragujevac. The study included 154 patients and the final version of the questionnaire integrated 15 questions. After the elimination of inappropriate questions the Cronbach coefficient α was 0.946. The questionnaire consists of two factors which represent 57.423% and 6.925%, making a total of 64.348% of the variance of the questionnaire. The results of our study show that the questionnaire used is a unique, reliable and valid instrument for assessing the level of fear of radiotherapy in oncology patients the application of which will allow us to identify patients with elevated levels of fear of radiotherapy

    A Novel Approach of Determining the Risks for the Development of Hyperinsulinemia in the Children and Adolescent Population Using Radial Basis Function and Support Vector Machine Learning Algorithm

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    Hyperinsulinemia is a condition with extremely high levels of insulin in the blood. Various factors can lead to hyperinsulinemia in children and adolescents. Puberty is a period of significant change in children and adolescents. They do not have to have explicit symptoms for prediabetes, and certain health indicators may indicate a risk of developing this problem. The scientific study is designed as a cross-sectional study. In total, 674 children and adolescents of school age from 12 to 17 years old participated in the research. They received a recommendation from a pediatrician to do an OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance test) with insulinemia at a regular systematic examination. In addition to factor analysis, the study of the influence of individual factors was tested using RBF (Radial Basis Function) and SVM (Support Vector Machine) algorithm. The obtained results indicated statistically significant differences in the values of the monitored variables between the experimental and control groups. The obtained results showed that the number of adolescents at risk is increasing, and, in the presented research, it was 17.4%. Factor analysis and verification of the SVM algorithm changed the percentage of each risk factor. In addition, unlike previous research, three groups of children and adolescents at low, medium, and high risk were identified. The degree of risk can be of great diagnostic value for adopting corrective measures to prevent this problem and developing potential complications, primarily type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and other mass non-communicable diseases. The SVM algorithm is expected to determine the most accurate and reliable influence of risk factors. Using factor analysis and verification using the SVM algorithm, they significantly indicate an accurate, precise, and timely identification of children and adolescents at risk of hyperinsulinemia, which is of great importance for improving their health potential, and the health of society as a whole

    Expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors in subcutaneous endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a clinical disorder defined by the presence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity. Depending on the localization of the endometrial tissue related to the pelvis, the endometriosis can be classified either as intrinsic or extrinsic. The prevalence of endometriosis is difficult to determine. Statistical data show that endometriosis could be associated both with female infertility (20%) and pelvic pains (24%), while in 4.1% of affected women, endometriosis has asymptomatic forms. The total prevalence of endometriosis is estimated to be between 5-10%. A 35-year-old woman from Knic, Serbia, was admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic of the Clinical Center in Kragujevac for surgical treatment of a suspicious swelling in the pubic region. Following surgical intervention, a nut-sized tumor was removed and sent for both pathohistological and immunohistochemical analysis. The results confirmed the presence of subcutaneous endometriosis positive for both estrogen and progesterone receptors. Endometriosis is usually described as a steroid hormone-dependent change that resembles the eutopic endometrial tissue characteristic for the presence of both glandular and stromal tissues. Given the fact that endometrial lesions are estrogen-dependent tumors, a crucial factor in the development of endometriosis is a late exposure to the hormone, mostly estrogen. Spontaneous subcutaneous endometriosis is rarely observed, but it could be assumed if there is recurrent pelvic pain which intensifies during menstruation. Given the fact that endometriosis coexists with different autoimmune diseases, multidisciplinary approaches are required for its proper diagnosis

    System identification of R/C girder bridges based on field measurements and numerical simulations

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    U radu je dan pregled istraživanja provedenih u okviru NATO projekta SfP 983828. Predmet istraživanja je identifikacija parametara koji utječu na dinamički odziv postojećih armiranobetonskih grednih mostova, utemeljena na mjerenjima ambijentalnih vibracija i numeričkim simulacijama uporabom modela na bazi konačnih elemenata (MKE). U tu je svrhu instrumentaliziran most preko rijeke Bosne u blizini Sarajeva. Urađena su ispitivanja ambijentalnih vibracija i geofizička istraživanja. Rezultati su analizirani i urađen je poboljšani trodimenzijski numerički model koji uzima u obzir interakciju tla i konstrukcije, kao i interakciju gornjeg i donjeg stroja mosta. Razvijeni su modeli s projektnim parametrima i parametrima dobivenim mjerenjem. Urađena je komparativna ocjena razvijenih modela i verificiran model koji je imao vrijednosti dinamičkih karakteristika konstrukcije podudarne mjerenim vrijednostima. Rezultati analize pokazuju da je odgovarajuće određivanje krutosti stupova, kolovozne ploče i ležajeva ključni parametar za pouzdanu identifikaciju sustava.An overview of research performed in the framework of the NATO Project SfP 983828 is given in the paper. The scope of the research was to identify the parameters affecting the dynamic response of an existing R/C girder bridge, based on ambient vibration measurements and numerical simulations using finite element models (FEM). For this purpose, the bridge across the river Bosnia near Sarajevo and the soil surrounding the bridge were instrumented. Ambient vibration tests and geophysical investigations were performed. The results are studied and a refined three-dimensional (3D) FEM is developed that takes into consideration the soil-structure interaction and superstructure-substructure interaction. The FEM’s with designed parameters and parameters obtained by measurements were developed. The developed FEM models are comparatively assessed and FEM model with congruence between the measured and computationally predicted dynamic characteristics of the structure was defined. The results of the analysis show that the adequate determination of the pier, deck and bearings stiffness is the key parameter for reliable system identification

    The facial palsy as first symptom of the temporal bone lung cancer metastasis

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    Can a presepsin (SCD14-ST) obtained from tracheal aspirate be a biomarker for early-onset neonatal sepsis

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    © 2020, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. In absence of clear clinical signs and clear definition, neonatal sepsis is still one of the major cause of morbidity and mortality. Most researchs in past time was directional on finding new biomarkers with greater sensitivity and specific-ity in detection of neonatal sepsis. The aim of our study was to investigate if presepsin obtained from tracheal asprate in intubated newborns, can be a novel biomarker of systemic bacterial infection. Our ‘’case control’’ study included 60 newborns, 11 with suspected neonatal sepsis. Tracheal aspirate for examination was taken in the usual toilets, in asep-tic conditions, by lavage with 2 ml of 0.9% NaCl in Mucus suction set. In the same day were mesured presepsin (blood), CRP, PCT, leukocytes and neutrophyls, as well as blood cul-ture. Our research showed higher levels for PCT and prese-psin (blood) in septic newborns, as well as in newborns with clinical signs of SIRS. Presepsin obtained from a tracheal aspirate had high score for septic newborns. As the coefficients of simple linear correlation showed, there was quantitative agreement between presepsin (blood) with presepsin (trache-al aspirate)-increase in the value of one leads to an increase in other. In conjunction with an already validated markers of infection, presepsin obtained from tracheal aspirate cam be turned on in diagnostic procedures

    Long-term treatment with olanzapine in hospital conditions: Prevalence and predictors of the metabolic syndrome

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    © 2015, Serbia Medical Society. All rights reserved. Introduction The risk of metabolic abnormalities is greatly increased in schizophrenic patients started on an atypical antipsychotic medication. Patients with psychiatric disorders exceed mortality ranges resulting from, among others, increased risk of cardiovascular events. Other factors contributing to the development of metabolic syndrome include prolonged duration of illness, increasing age, female sex and lifestyle factors. Objective This cross-sectional study was taken up to assess the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in schizophrenic patients receiving olanzapine monotherapy for at least six months and to determine the most important risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome presence in these patients. Methods A total of 93 long term hospitalized schizophrenic patients (71 men, 22 women), had a screening of the following: case-history data, psychiatric scales, anthropometric measures, blood (fasting glucose, lipid status, C-reactive protein – CRP) and urine samples (microalbuminuria). Results Prevalence of MetS according to International Diabetes Federation criteria in our study was 34.4%. The multivariate analysis distinguished the following significant predictors of MetS presence (in order of appearance): data about diabetes mellitus in family history (p=0.002), body mass index >25 kg/m2 (p=0.002), hyperlipidemia in family history (p=0.008), and elevated CRP value (p=0.042). Conclusion High rate of MetS in patients treated with olanzapine in this study exceeds MetS prevalence in general population. Among observed parameters, our study pointed to several “high risk” predictors associated with MetS presence. Regular monitoring of cardiometabolic risk factors is highly recommended. Positive heredity distress mentioned above may direct a psychiatrist to prescribe some other drug than olanzapine in the long term treatment of schizophrenia