244 research outputs found

    Design Patterns in the Teaching of Programming

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    AbstractTeaching algorithmization and programming has been recently going through big changes trying to react to the dynamic development of software industry. Previously used methodical process, development models, or programming languages do not conform to current requirements. The results of the surveys in primary and secondary schools, we can say that the teaching of programming and algorithms are not sufficiently exploited. The aim of this paper is to present practical experience of the author teaching programming and the possibilities of using design patterns in the teaching of programming. According to the performed analyzes the procedures and methodologies of teaching programming shows that Design Patterns are used only marginally. For these reasons, students learn to improper practices that subsequently applied in practical solutions programs. According to the experiments show that the correct use of the teaching of design patterns can improve student performance in programmin

    Marco Polo 2002: Venice By Way Of China

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    As part of an executive MBA program, the authors visited with the top executives at multiple Chinese companies and agencies in several major cities during the summer of 2002. Businesses included several that have recently transitioned from being state-owned enterprises; pure entrepreneurial firms; and multi-national enterprises with headquarters outside of China. The visits allowed us to hear how China intends to manage its challenges and pursue its opportunities as well as to witness some early successes, emerging experiments, and looming problems. In this paper, we will share our observations, which are organized around several themes. We conclude that much of what is going on in China must be viewed as transitional and temporary. While there are serious challenges, China should be recognized as having accomplished more positive change faster than perhaps any other country in the history of the world

    A falusi lakosság affinitása az egészségtudatos élelmiszerfogyasztás iránt

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    This paper is concerned with healthy nutrition as a consumer trend. Importance of the issue has been evidenced by the fighting against malnutrition worldwide. Deseases caused by malnutrition - mainly obesity - are problems in both developed and developing countries. Consumers of the 21st century run unhealthy ways of life, even in the field of nutrition. Unfortunately, it is a common practice that eating plays not a central role in the life of people. Further, there is no adaptation to changing environment and there is a lack of physical exercises and sports, as well. However, there are opportunities for prevention of problems mentioned above majority of people seems not to behave as a conscious consumer. An empirical research was designed and managed in a rural environment on causes of this phenomenon. Affinity of people living in a rural environment to consuming healthy food was investigated. This is a paper discussing factors - including affinity - affecting decisions of the consumers focusing on healthy nutrition

    Minőség és marketing: A pénzitézeti szolgáltatások példája

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    A szolgáltatások minőségéről és marketingjéről beszélve a szerzők - a pénzintézeti szolgáltatások példáján - arról a fajta üzletágról fejtik ki nézetüket, amelyben az igények kielégítése nem elsősorban valamely fizikai értelemben vett termékkel valósul meg, hanem a hozzá tartozó információ, folyamat vagy annak eredménye stb révén

    Utjecaj pjevanja na akustičke karakteristike alaringealnog glasa

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    Totalna laringektomija kao metoda kirurškog liječenja tumora područja glave i vrata nosi doživotne posljedice koje su funkcionalnog, psihološkog i socijalnog karaktera, a jedna od najtežih je gubitak sposobnosti glasnog govora. Zbog toga rehabilitacija glasa/govora nakon totalne laringektomije predstavlja važan aspekt funkcionalne rehabilitacije laringektomirane osobe. Dvije najčešće korištene metode usvajanja alaringealnog govora su ezofagealni (EF) i traheoezofagealni (TEF) glas/govor. Rehabilitacija je primarno usmjerena na restituciju glasa/govora u svrhu svakodnevne komunikacije, ali moguće je pomicati granice, te ju usmjeriti na najkompleksniji čin proizvodnje glasa - pjevanje. U Hrvatskoj službeno postoje četiri zbora laringektomiranih osoba. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u akustičkim vrijednostima alaringealnog glasa između dvije skupine laringektomiranih osoba. U jednu skupinu su bili uključeni uspješno rehabilitarni bolesnici, a u drugu uspješno rehabilitirani bolesnici koji su i članovi zbora alaringealnih pjevača. Na osnovu objektivnih akustičkih parametara prikazati ćemo koja skupina postiže bolje akustičke vrijednosti. Metode: Istraživanje smo proveli na 12 članova zbora i 12 uspješno rehabilitiranih laringektomiranih bolesnika u Klinici za bolesti uha, nosa i grla i kirurgiju glave i vrata Kliničkog bolničkog centra Zagreb. Akustičke vrijednosti mjerene su programom za akustičku analizu glasa LingWAVES SLP Suite Pro VPR (WEVOSYS medical technology GmbH - Germany), te su analizirani sljedeći parametri: fundamentalna frekvencija, intenzitet, varijacije u osnovnoj frekvenciji (jitter), varijacije u intenzitetu glasa (shimmer). Rezultati statističke analize pokazali su da postoji statistički značajna razlika (p<0.05) između dvije skupine alaringealnih govornika na svim mjerenim parametrima. Zaključak: Bolesnici koji su uključeni u zbor alaringealnih pjevača postižu bolje rezultate od drugih laringektomiranih osoba na svim mjerenim akustičkim parametrima