17 research outputs found

    Antarctic station-based seasonal pressure reconstructions since 1905: 2. Variability and trends during the twentieth century

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    The Antarctic seasonal station-based pressure reconstructions evaluated in our companion paper are evaluated here to provide additional knowledge on Antarctic pressure variability during the twentieth century. In the period from 1905 to 1956, we find that the Hadley Centre gridded sea level pressure data set compared the best with our reconstructions, perhaps due to similar methods to estimate pressure without direct observations. The primary focus on the twentieth century Antarctic pressure variability was in summer and winter, as these were the seasons with the highest reconstruction skill. In summer, there is considerable interannual variability that was spatially uniform across all of Antarctica. Notable high pressure anomalies were found in the summers of 1911/1912 and 1925/1926; both summers correspond to negative phases of the Southern Annular Mode as well as El Niño events in the tropical Pacific. In addition, negative summer pressure trends during the last ~40 years across all of Antarctica are unique in the context of 30 year trends throughout the entire twentieth century, suggesting a strong component of anthropogenic forcing on the recent summer trends. In contrast, mean winter pressure is less variable from year to year during the early twentieth century, and there is less similarity between the pressure variations along the Antarctic Peninsula compared to the rest of the continent. No significant pressure trends were found consistently across all Antarctica (although some significant regional trends can be identified), and low-frequency, multidecadal-scale variability appears to dominate the historical pressure variations in this season

    Can current reanalyses accurately portray changes in Southern Annular Mode structure prior to 1979?

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    Early reanalyses are less than optimal for investigating the regional effects of ozone depletion on Southern Hemisphere (SH) high-latitude climate because the availability of satellite sounder data from 1979 significantly improved their accuracy in data sparse regions, leading to a coincident inhomogeneity. To determine whether current reanalyses are better at SH high-latitudes in the pre-satellite era, here we examine the capabilities of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) fifth generation reanalysis (ERA5), the Twentieth Century Reanalysis version 3 (20CRv3), and the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) 55-year reanalysis (JRA-55) to reproduce and help explain the pronounced change in the relationship between the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and Antarctic near-surface air temperatures (SAT) between 1950 and 1979 (EARLY period) and 1980–2020 (LATE period). We find that ERA5 best reproduces Antarctic SAT in the EARLY period and is also the most homogeneous reanalysis across the EARLY and LATE periods. ERA5 and 20CRv3 provide a good representation of SAM in both periods with JRA-55 only similarly skilful in the LATE period. Nevertheless, all three reanalyses show the marked change in Antarctic SAM-SAT relationships between the two periods. In particular, ERA5 and 20CRv3 demonstrate the observed switch in the sign of the SAM-SAT relationship in the Antarctic Peninsula: analysis of changes in SAM structure and associated meridional wind anomalies reveal that in these reanalyses positive SAM is linked to cold southerly winds during the EARLY period and warm northerly winds in the LATE period, thus providing a simple explanation for the regional SAM-SAT relationship reversal

    THE AMUNDSEN SEA LOW Variability, Change, and Impact on Antarctic Climate

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    The Amundsen Sea low (ASL) is a climatological low pressure center that exerts considerable influence on the climate of West Antarctica. Its potential to explain important recent changes in Antarctic climate, for example, in temperature and sea ice extent, means that it has become the focus of an increasing number of studies. Here, the authors summarize the current understanding of the ASL, using reanalysis datasets to analyze recent variability and trends, as well as ice-core chemistry and climate model projections, to examine past and future changes in the ASL, respectively. The ASL has deepened in recent decades, affecting the climate through its influence on the regional meridional wind field, which controls the advection of moisture and heat into the continent. Deepening of the ASL in spring is consistent with observed West Antarctic warming and greater sea ice extent in the Ross Sea. Climate model simulations for recent decades indicate that this deepening is mediated by tropical variability while climate model projections through the twenty-first century suggest that the ASL will deepen in some seasons in response to greenhouse gas concentration increases

    An assessment of early 20th Century Antarctic pressure reconstructions using historical observations

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    While gridded seasonal pressure reconstructions poleward of 60°S extending back to 1905 have been recently completed, their skill has not been assessed prior to 1958. To provide a more thorough evaluation of the skill and performance in the early 20th century, these reconstructions are compared to other gridded datasets, historical data from early Antarctic expeditions, ship records, and temporary bases. Overall, the comparison confirms that the reconstruction uncertainty of 2–4 hPa (evaluated after 1979) over the Southern Ocean is a valid estimate of the reconstruction error in the early 20th century. Over the interior and near the coast of Antarctica, direct comparisons with historical data are challenged by elevation‐based reductions to sea level pressure. In a few cases, a simple linear adjustment of the reconstruction to sea level matches the historical data well, but in other cases, the differences remain greater than 10 hPa. Despite these large errors, comparisons with continuous multi‐season observations demonstrate that aspects of the interannual variability are often still captured, suggesting that the reconstructions have skill representing variations on this timescale, even if it is difficult to determine how well they capture the mean pressure at these higher elevations. Additional comparisons with various 20th century reanalysis products demonstrate the value of assimilating the historical observations in these datasets, which acts to substantially reduce the reanalysis ensemble spread, and bring the reanalysis ensemble mean within the reconstruction and observational uncertainty

    A twentieth century perspective on summer Antarctic pressure change and variability and contributions from tropical SSTs and ozone depletion

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    During the late 20th 33 Century, the Antarctic atmospheric circulation has changed and significantly influenced the overall Antarctic climate, through processes including a poleward shift of the circumpolar westerlies. However, little is known about the full spatial pattern of atmospheric pressure over the Antarctic continent prior to 1979. Here we investigate surface pressure changes across the entire Antarctic continent back to 1905 by developing a new summer pressure reconstruction poleward of 60°S. We find that only across East Antarctica are the recent pressures significantly lower than pressures in the early 20th 40 century; we also discern periods of significant positive pressure trends in the early 20th 41 century across the coastal South Atlantic sector of Antarctica. Climate model simulations reveal that both tropical sea surface temperature variability and other radiative forcing mechanisms, in addition to ozone depletion, have played an important role in forcing the recent observed negative trends

    Surface staffed and automatic weather station observations

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