18 research outputs found

    Coenzyme-dependent enzymatic synthesis of fine chemicals. Enzymatic synthesis of L-ascorbic acid via uronic acids. 2. L-hexonate dehydrogenase from yeasts

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    Enzymatic synthesis of L-ascorbic acid may be carried out starting from uronic acids by applying a system with intrase quential cofactor regeneration (figure 2). The first step in this pathway to ascorbic acid is the reduction of D-glucuronic acid to L-gulonic acid by L-hexonate dehydrogenase. This enzyme was detected in the cytoplasma of several yeasts (Lipomyces starkeyi, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schwanniomyces occidentalis and Saccharomyces lipolytica). Up to date all the enzymes found are NADPH-dependent. The enzyme activities varied considerably with media composition and time of harvest. Until now, the best results were obtained for L. starkeyi grown on glucose, galactose or myo-inositol. The enzyme of L. starkeyi was purified by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose CL 4B and anion-exchange chromatography (FPLC: Mono Q). The protein has a pH-optimum around pH 7 and a molecular weight of 30.000 D (as determined on a Superose 12 FPLC-column). At present, the enzyme is characterized in more detail

    CORUM: The comprehensive resource of mammalian protein complexes-2022.

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    The CORUM database has been providing comprehensive reference information about experimentally characterized, mammalian protein complexes and their associated biological and biomedical properties since 2007. Given that most catalytic and regulatory functions of the cell are carried out by protein complexes, their composition and characterization is of greatest importance in basic and disease biology. The new CORUM 4.0 release encompasses 5204 protein complexes offering the largest and most comprehensive publicly available dataset of manually curated mammalian protein complexes. The CORUM dataset is built from 5299 different genes, representing 26% of the protein coding genes in humans. Complex information from 3354 scientific articles is mainly obtained from human (70%), mouse (16%) and rat (9%) cells and tissues. Recent curation work includes sets of protein complexes, Functional Complex Groups, that offer comprehensive collections of published data in specific biological processes and molecular functions. In addition, a new graphical analysis tool was implemented that displays co-expression data from the subunits of protein complexes. CORUM is freely accessible at http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de/corum/

    MIPS bacterial genomes functional annotation benchmark dataset.

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    Motivation: Any development of new methods for automatic functional annotation of proteins according to their sequences requires high-quality data (as benchmark) as well as tedious preparatory work to generate sequence parameters required as input data for the machine learning methods. Different program settings and incompatible protocols make a comparison of the analyzed methods difficult. Results: The MIPS Bacterial Functional Annotation Benchmark dataset (MIPS-BFAB) is a new, high-quality resource comprising four bacterial genomes manually annotated according to the MIPS functional catalogue (FunCat). These resources include precalculated sequence parameters, such as sequence similarity scores, InterPro domain composition and other parameters that could be used to develop and benchmark methods for functional annotation of bacterial protein sequences. These data are provided in XML format and can be used by scientists who are not necessarily experts in genome annotation

    CORUM: The comprehensive resource of mammalian protein complexes2019.

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    CORUM is a database that provides a manually curated repository of experimentally characterized protein complexes from mammalian organisms, mainly human (67%), mouse (15%) and rat (10%). Given the vital functions of these macromolecular machines, their identification and functional characterization is foundational to our understanding of normal and disease biology. The new CORUM 3.0 release encompasses 4274 protein complexes offering the largest and most comprehensive publicly available dataset of mammalian protein complexes. The CORUM dataset is built from 4473 different genes, representing 22% of the protein coding genes in humans. Protein complexes are described by a protein complex name, subunit composition, cellular functions as well as the literature references. Information about stoichiometry of subunits depends on availability of experimental data. Recent developments include a graphical tool displaying known interactions between subunits. This allows the prediction of structural interconnections within protein complexes of unknown structure. In addition, we present a set of 58 protein complexes with alternatively spliced subunits. Those were found to affect cellular functions such as regulation of apoptotic activity, protein complex assembly or define cellular localization. CORUM is freely accessible at http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de/corum/

    The Negatome database: A reference set of non-interacting protein pairs.

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    The Negatome is a collection of protein and domain pairs that are unlikely to be engaged in direct physical interactions. The database currently contains experimentally supported non-interacting protein pairs derived from two distinct sources: by manual curation of literature and by analyzing protein complexes with known 3D structure. More stringent lists of non-interacting pairs were derived from these two datasets by excluding interactions detected by high-throughput approaches. Additionally, non-interacting protein domains have been derived from the stringent manual and structural data, respectively. The Negatome is much less biased toward functionally dissimilar proteins than the negative data derived by randomly selecting proteins from different cellular locations. It can be used to evaluate protein and domain interactions from new experiments and improve the training of interaction prediction algorithms. The Negatome database is available at http://mips.helmholtz-muenchen.de/proj/ppi/negatome

    Systematic identification of pharmacological targets from small-molecule phenotypic screens.

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    Phenotypic drug discovery offers some advantages over target-based methods, mainly because it allows drug leads to be tested in systems that more closely model distinct disease states. However, a potential disadvantage is the difficulty of linking the observed phenotype to a specific cellular target. To address this problem, we developed DePick, a computational target de-convolution tool to determine targets specifically linked to small-molecule phenotypic screens. We applied DePick to eight publicly available screens and predicted 59 drug target-phenotype associations. In addition to literature-based evidence for our predictions, we provide experimental support for seven predicted associations. Interestingly, our analysis led to the discovery of a previously unrecognized connection between the Wnt signaling pathway and an aromatase, CYP19A1. These results demonstrate that the DePick approach can not only accelerate target de-convolution but also aid in discovery of new functionally relevant biological relationships

    Effects of Metformin on Metabolite Profiles and LDL Cholesterol in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE Metformin is used as a first-line oral treatment for type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the underlying mechanism is not fully understood. Here, we aimed to comprehensively investigate the pleiotropic effects of metformin. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS We analyzed both metabolomic and genomic data of the population-based KORA cohort. To evaluate the effect of metformin treatment on metabolite concentrations, we quantified 131metabolites in fasting serumsamples and usedmultivariable linear regression models in three independent cross-sectional studies (n = 151 patients with T2D treated with metformin [mt-T2D]). Additionally, we used linear mixed-effect models to study the longitudinal KORA samples (n = 912) and performed mediation analyses to investigate the effects of metformin intake on blood lipid profiles. We combined genotyping data with the identified metforminassociated metabolites in KORA individuals (n = 1,809) and explored the underlying pathways. RESULTS We found significantly lower (P < 5.0E-06) concentrations of three metabolites (acyl-alkyl phosphatidylcholines [PCs]) when comparing mt-T2D with four control groupswhowere not using glucose-lowering oralmedication. These findings were controlled for conventional risk factors of T2D and replicated in two independent studies. Furthermore, we observed that the levels of thesemetabolites decreased significantly in patients after they started metformin treatment during 7 years' follow-up. The reduction of these metabolites was also associated with a lowered blood level of LDL cholesterol (LDL-C). Variations of these three metabolites were significantly associated with 17 genes (including FADS1 and FADS2) and controlled by AMPK, a metformin target. CONCLUSIONS Our results indicate that metformin intake activates AMPK and consequently suppresses FADS, which leads to reduced levels of the three acyl-alkyl PCs and LDL-C. Our findings suggest potential beneficial effects of metformin in the prevention of cardiovascular disease

    Extensive identification of genes involved in congenital and structural heart disorders and cardiomyopathy

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    Clinical presentation of congenital heart disease is heterogeneous, making identification of the disease-causing genes and their genetic pathways and mechanisms of action challenging. By using in vivo electrocardiography, transthoracic echocardiography and microcomputed tomography imaging to screen 3,894 single-gene-null mouse lines for structural and functional cardiac abnormalities, here we identify 705 lines with cardiac arrhythmia, myocardial hypertrophy and/or ventricular dilation. Among these 705 genes, 486 have not been previously associated with cardiac dysfunction in humans, and some of them represent variants of unknown relevance (VUR). Mice with mutations in Casz1, Dnajc18, Pde4dip, Rnf38 or Tmem161b genes show developmental cardiac structural abnormalities, with their human orthologs being categorized as VUR. Using UK Biobank data, we validate the importance of the DNAJC18 gene for cardiac homeostasis by showing that its loss of function is associated with altered left ventricular systolic function. Our results identify hundreds of previously unappreciated genes with potential function in congenital heart disease and suggest causal function of five VUR in congenital heart disease