591 research outputs found

    A new family of elliptic curves with positive ranks arising from the Heron triangles

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce a new family of elliptic curves with positive ranks. These elliptic curves have been constructed with certain rational numbers, namely a, b, and c as sides of Heron triangles having rational areas kk. It turned out that the torsion groups of this family are of the form Z2Z×Z2Z\frac{\Bbb{Z}}{2\Bbb{Z}}\times \frac{\Bbb{Z}}{2\Bbb{Z}} and also the rank is positive

    Change4Life Sports Clubs research 2016 - part one report

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    Change4Life Sports Clubs are funded by the Department of Health and managed by the Youth Sport Trust (YST). The clubs were introduced into primary schools in 2011/12 and aim to increase the physical activity, health and wellbeing of less active 7-9 year olds through the provision of fun multi-sport themes and healthy lifestyle activities. The success of the clubs has resulted in additional funding to expand the programme as a central part of a broader healthy lifestyle offer in schools. This is supported by the development of a hub of expertise focused in the areas of greatest health inequalities (priority areas) to support and share effective practice among schools and local authority Health and Wellbeing boards. In 2015, spear produced a Lifetime Impact Evaluation of the Change4Life Sports Clubs (2011-2015). The evaluation incorporated a controlled experimental evaluation at the forefront of research in the social sciences and NESTA rated 4-5. Data from over 7,500 children in more than 500 clubs showed that Change4Life Sports Clubs have a significant, positive impact on the activity levels, health behaviours and wellbeing of participating children. The Lifetime Evaluation Report included a number of recommendations for enhancing and building upon the evidence base for the programme. These recommendations included assessing the effectiveness of programme infrastructure in the sustainability of the clubs, assessing programme alignment with public health priorities and exploring the possibility of an economic assessment of the impact of the programme. The Change4Life Sports Clubs Research 2016 has three key objectives: 1. Demonstrate the wider impact of the Change4Life Sports Clubs 2. Assess the value for money and return on investment of the Change4Life Sports Clubs 3. Capture good practice for embedding and sustaining the programme (locally and nationally) This Part 1 Report examines the evidence of the wider impact of Change4Life Sports Clubs (objective 1), explored and presented in 5 main sections: 1.Evaluation of the wider impact of Change4Life Sports Clubs on healthy lifestyles 2.Evaluation of the wider impact of Change4Life Sports Clubs on behaviour and engagement 3.Exploration of how the Change4Life Sports Clubs are being embedded and sustained in schools 4.Exploration of how the Change4Life Sports Clubs programme supports whole school agenda 5.Exploration of how the Change4Life Sports Clubs programme supports public health priorities The final section of this report presents 6 area profiles to provide a geographical context to the wider impact of the Change4Life Sports Clubs

    Capitalizing on the placebo component of treatments

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    A placebo treatment is traditionally administered in a double-blind, randomized controlled trial to control for the ‘real’ effects of the treatment under investigation. In the present paper a broader view of the placebo is proposed, one in which the idea of a potentially ‘useable’ placebo component of a sports or exercise medicine treatment is presented. It is argued that many interventions in sport and exercise psychology might contain a placebo component that could be capitalized upon by practitioners, through processes often as simple as communicating positive expectations of a treatment to clients. Research findings relating to factors that might influence an individual’s response to a placebo, such as personality, situation and genetics, are briefly addressed. Ethical considerations for practice and future research are discussed

    Value for money & return on Investment of Change4Life Sports Clubs – part 2

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    Headlines Unit Outcome and Unit Cost Analyses • Change4Life Sports Clubs have a cost of £305 for every new child meeting CMO physical activity guidelines, for which cost an additional 0.2 children were lifted out of inactivity and a further 2.2 children were lifted out of low activity, with each of these children experiencing an average increase in reported wellbeing and individual development outcomes of 71%. • In comparison to the control condition counterfactual, Change4Life Sports Clubs delivered the following NET outcomes per £1,000 of expenditure: • 41 participants • 0.8 sustained clubs • 3.9 Young Leaders • 2.8 new children meeting CMO physical activity guidelines • 8.4 children lifted out of low activity • 1.3 children lifted out of inactivity • 0.1 children newly eating 5-a-day • 0.6 children reporting increased wellbeing and individual development outcomes • 5.1 children starting with low activity levels reporting increased wellbeing and individual development outcomes. Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) Analysis • The cost per QALY generated for the GROSS outcomes of Change4Life Sports Clubs is £3,385 (range:£3,036 to £3,806). • In comparison to the control condition counterfactual, the cost per QALY generated for the NET outcomes of Change4Life Sports Clubs is £3,791 (range: £3,413 to £4,245). • The cost per QALY generated for Change4Life Sports Clubs is significantly below NICE’s threshold for value for money per QALY of £20,000. • The cost per QALY generated for the GROSS outcomes of Change4Life Sports Clubs compares favourably to GROSS outcomes estimated for walking buses (£4,008 per QALY), dance classes (£27,570 per QALY), free swimming (£40,462 per QALY) and community sports (£71,456 per QALY). • The cost per QALY generated by the NET outcomes of exercise referral interventions in adulthood is approximately five and a half times greater than that of Change4Life Sports Clubs. Analysis of Future Health at Ages 13-15 • The Change4Life Sports Clubs cohort are predicted to do around an hour more physical activity per week at ages 13-15 than that predicted for the control condition counterfactual, and than today’s 13-15 year olds. • The estimated additional physical activity of the Change4Life Sports Clubs cohort up to ages 13-15 will generate one additional QALY for every five children that took part in Change4Life Sports Clubs. • In comparison to the control counterfactual, the cost per QALY generated by the estimated future NET outcomes of Change4Life Sports Clubs up to ages 13-15 is £120. • Across the Health Survey for England, the Millennium Cohort Study and the Understanding Society Survey, no data is available to support a robust estimation of likely health and wellbeing status associated with physical activity levels at ages 13

    Lifetime evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club Programme

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    ABOUT THE PROGRAMME The Change4Life Primary School Sports Club programme is funded by the Department of Health and managed by the Youth Sport Trust. The clubs were introduced into primary schools in 2011/12 and aim to increase the physical activity, health and wellbeing of less active 7-9 year olds through the provision of fun multi-sport themes and healthy lifestyle activities. SPEAR’s evaluations of the primary programme have consistently demonstrated that Change4Life Clubs can be effective mechanisms for increasing physical activity levels among less active primary children. Through provision of a safe space to learn and play, the opportunity to contribute to club delivery and encouragement of small steps toward increasing activity levels, the clubs have helped less active children build the competencies, confidence and resilience they need to be healthy and active throughout the lifecourse. The success of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Clubs has resulted in additional funding to expand the programme as a central part of a broader healthy lifestyle offer in schools. This is supported by the development of a hub of expertise focused in the areas of greatest health inequalities (priority areas) to support and share effective practice among schools and local authority Health and Wellbeing boards. ABOUT THE EVALUATION SPEAR was commissioned from October 2013 to March 2015 to conduct a third, successive evaluation of the Change4Life Primary School Sports Club programme. In October 2014, SPEAR produced an Interim Report including impact and delivery insights and progress and planning for the primary evaluation. SPEAR also recommended inclusion of a lifetime impact assessment to provide additional value to the Final Report findings and the project end date was subsequently extended to May 2015. This Final Report both supplements and supersedes the Interim Report. SPEAR’s current evaluation of the Change4Life Clubs reflects both the changing context and priorities of the primary programme and, through a systematic, controlled experimental evaluation, provides the robust evidence base necessary to support and further the programme as it develops into the future. The 2015 Final Report presents a lifetime evaluation of the programme to date. Drawing together extant data from SPEAR’s 2011/12 and 2012/13 (2011-20133 ) evaluations with new data collated across 2013/14 and early 2014/154 (2013-20155 ), this report focuses on the lifetime impact of the clubs in key areas, namely physical activity, health behaviours and wellbeing. The report shows how delivery has evolved to address programme aims, discusses challenges faced embedding clubs as a sustainable part of schools’ healthy lifestyle offer and considers preliminary evidence of the impact of the new support framework in priority areas. Data informing this report is drawn from the survey returns of over 7,500 children participating in more than 500 Change4Life Clubs and from just under 500 children in 15 control schools. Survey completions from over 2,000 club deliverers and SGOs, telephone interviews with 39 stakeholders and data from 20 site visits complements and triangulates the experimental data allowing the experiences and perspectives of a broad range of stakeholders to be presented. Key messages are summarised at the start of each section (and in the Headlines section on pages 2-5). The report is divided into three substantive sections: Who participated? What worked? and What did the clubs look like? The Influence of the Change4Life Brand is addressed and Recommendations for the programme are presented

    Is there a role for implicit and explicit information about placebo and nocebo effects in reducing the use of drugs in sport?

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    Background: The gateway hypothesis posits that the use of sport supplements by athletes can lead to the use of banned and possibly harmful performance-enhancing drugs. Previous data suggest that athletes implicitly exposed to a placebo intervention and/or explicitly informed about the role of placebo effects in sport may be less likely to use sports supplements, and therefore - in line with the gateway hypothesis - less likely to progress to drugs. Methods: Participants (n=629) completed the Sports Supplements Beliefs Scale (SSBS), Performance Enhancement Attitude Scale (PEAS) and a Likert-type scale measuring intention to use sports supplements. They were then randomised to Placebo (n=263), Nocebo (n=209) and Control (n=157). All participants completed a performance trial (see Hurst et al., this conference). Placebo and Nocebo participants subsequently received the results of the trial as well as a brief educational session describing the role of placebo/nocebo effects in sports performance. Controls received no information. All participants re-completed the questionnaires. Results: Analyses indicated that following the intervention, beliefs (P=0.009, Cohens d [d]=0.43), attitudes (P=0.047, d=0.29) and intentions (P=0.020, d=0.33) relating to the use of drugs and sport supplements were significantly lower in the Placebo and Nocebo group compared to Controls. Conclusions: Implicit exposure to a placebo/nocebo intervention and explicit exposure to a brief educational intervention about placebo effects influenced athlete’s beliefs, attitudes and intentions about drugs and sport supplements. Given the gateway hypothesis, experience of, or education about the placebo and nocebo effect may prevent athletes transitioning towards doping
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