4,965 research outputs found

    The high energy limit of the trajectory representation of quantum mechanics

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    The trajectory representation in the high energy limit (Bohr correspondence principle) manifests a residual indeterminacy. This indeterminacy is compared to the indeterminacy found in the classical limit (Planck's constant to 0) [Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 15, 1363 (2000)] for particles in the classically allowed region, the classically forbiden region, and near the WKB turning point. The differences between Bohr's and Planck's principles for the trajectory representation are compared with the differences between these correspondence principles for the wave representation. The trajectory representation in the high energy limit is shown to go to neither classical nor statistical mechanics. The residual indeterminacy is contrasted to Heisenberg uncertainty. The relationship between indeterminacy and 't Hooft's information loss and equivalence classes is investigated.Comment: 12 pages of LaTeX. No figures. Incorporated into the "Proceedings of the Seventh International Wigner Symposium" (ed. M. E. Noz), 24-29 August 2001, U. of Maryland. Proceedings available at http://www.physics.umd.edu/robo

    Applications of artificial intelligence to mission planning

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    The scheduling problem facing NASA-Marshall mission planning is extremely difficult for several reasons. The most critical factor is the computational complexity involved in developing a schedule. The size of the search space is large along some dimensions and infinite along others. It is because of this and other difficulties that many of the conventional operation research techniques are not feasible or inadequate to solve the problems by themselves. Therefore, the purpose is to examine various artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to assist conventional techniques or to replace them. The specific tasks performed were as follows: (1) to identify mission planning applications for object oriented and rule based programming; (2) to investigate interfacing AI dedicated hardware (Lisp machines) to VAX hardware; (3) to demonstrate how Lisp may be called from within FORTRAN programs; (4) to investigate and report on programming techniques used in some commercial AI shells, such as Knowledge Engineering Environment (KEE); and (5) to study and report on algorithmic methods to reduce complexity as related to AI techniques

    Unexpected cell type-dependent effects of autophagy on polyglutamine aggregation revealed by natural genetic variation in C. elegans.

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    BACKGROUND: Monogenic protein aggregation diseases, in addition to cell selectivity, exhibit clinical variation in the age of onset and progression, driven in part by inter-individual genetic variation. While natural genetic variants may pinpoint plastic networks amenable to intervention, the mechanisms by which they impact individual susceptibility to proteotoxicity are still largely unknown. RESULTS: We have previously shown that natural variation modifies polyglutamine (polyQ) aggregation phenotypes in C. elegans muscle cells. Here, we find that a genomic locus from C. elegans wild isolate DR1350 causes two genetically separable aggregation phenotypes, without changing the basal activity of muscle proteostasis pathways known to affect polyQ aggregation. We find that the increased aggregation phenotype was due to regulatory variants in the gene encoding a conserved autophagy protein ATG-5. The atg-5 gene itself conferred dosage-dependent enhancement of aggregation, with the DR1350-derived allele behaving as hypermorph. Surprisingly, increased aggregation in animals carrying the modifier locus was accompanied by enhanced autophagy activation in response to activating treatment. Because autophagy is expected to clear, not increase, protein aggregates, we activated autophagy in three different polyQ models and found a striking tissue-dependent effect: activation of autophagy decreased polyQ aggregation in neurons and intestine, but increased it in the muscle cells. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that cryptic natural variants in genes encoding proteostasis components, although not causing detectable phenotypes in wild-type individuals, can have profound effects on aggregation-prone proteins. Clinical applications of autophagy activators for aggregation diseases may need to consider the unexpected divergent effects of autophagy in different cell types

    The Equivalence Postulate of Quantum Mechanics

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    The Equivalence Principle (EP), stating that all physical systems are connected by a coordinate transformation to the free one with vanishing energy, univocally leads to the Quantum Stationary HJ Equation (QSHJE). Trajectories depend on the Planck length through hidden variables which arise as initial conditions. The formulation has manifest p-q duality, a consequence of the involutive nature of the Legendre transform and of its recently observed relation with second-order linear differential equations. This reflects in an intrinsic psi^D-psi duality between linearly independent solutions of the Schroedinger equation. Unlike Bohm's theory, there is a non-trivial action even for bound states. No use of any axiomatic interpretation of the wave-function is made. Tunnelling is a direct consequence of the quantum potential which differs from the usual one and plays the role of particle's self-energy. The QSHJE is defined only if the ratio psi^D/psi is a local self-homeomorphism of the extended real line. This is an important feature as the L^2 condition, which in the usual formulation is a consequence of the axiomatic interpretation of the wave-function, directly follows as a basic theorem which only uses the geometrical gluing conditions of psi^D/psi at q=\pm\infty as implied by the EP. As a result, the EP itself implies a dynamical equation that does not require any further assumption and reproduces both tunnelling and energy quantization. Several features of the formulation show how the Copenhagen interpretation hides the underlying nature of QM. Finally, the non-stationary higher dimensional quantum HJ equation and the relativistic extension are derived.Comment: 1+3+140 pages, LaTeX. Invariance of the wave-function under the action of SL(2,R) subgroups acting on the reduced action explicitly reveals that the wave-function describes only equivalence classes of Planck length deterministic physics. New derivation of the Schwarzian derivative from the cocycle condition. "Legendre brackets" introduced to further make "Legendre duality" manifest. Introduction now contains examples and provides a short pedagogical review. Clarifications, conclusions, ackn. and references adde

    Blocked All-Pairs Shortest Paths Algorithm on Intel Xeon Phi KNL Processor: A Case Study

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    Manycores are consolidating in HPC community as a way of improving performance while keeping power efficiency. Knights Landing is the recently released second generation of Intel Xeon Phi architecture. While optimizing applications on CPUs, GPUs and first Xeon Phi's has been largely studied in the last years, the new features in Knights Landing processors require the revision of programming and optimization techniques for these devices. In this work, we selected the Floyd-Warshall algorithm as a representative case study of graph and memory-bound applications. Starting from the default serial version, we show how data, thread and compiler level optimizations help the parallel implementation to reach 338 GFLOPS.Comment: Computer Science - CACIC 2017. Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 79

    Child mortality in rural Malawi: HIV closes the survival gap between the socio-economic strata

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    As HIV-related deaths increase in a population the usual association between low socioeconomic status and child mortality may change, particularly as death rates from other causes decline.METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: As part of a demographic surveillance system in northern Malawi in 2002-6, covering a population of 32,000, information was collected on socio-economic status of the households. Deaths were classified as HIV/AIDS-related or not by verbal autopsy. Poisson regression models were used to assess the association of socio-economic indicators with all-cause mortality, AIDS-mortality and non-AIDS mortality among children. There were 195 deaths in infants, 109 in children aged 1-4 years, and 38 in children aged 5-15. All-cause child mortality in infants and 1-4 year olds was similar in households with higher and lower socio-economic status. In infants 13% of deaths were attributed to AIDS, and there were no clear trends with socio-economic status for AIDS or non-AIDS causes. For 1-4 year olds 27% of deaths were attributed to AIDS. AIDS mortality was higher among those with better built houses, and lowest in those with income from farming and fishing, whereas non-AIDS mortality was higher in those with worse built houses, lowest in those with income from employment, and decreased with increasing household assets.CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In this population, since HIV infection among adults was initially more common among the less poor, childhood mortality patterns have changed. The usual gap in survival between the poor and the less poor has been lost, but because the less poor have been disproportionately affected by HIV, rather than because of relative improvement in the survival of the poorest

    The PAPAGENO Parallel-Parser Generator

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    The increasing use of multicore processors has deeply transformed computing paradigms and applications. The wide availability of multicore systems had an impact also in the field of compiler technology, although the research on deterministic parsing did not prove to be effective in exploiting the architectural advantages, the main impediment being the inherent sequential nature of traditional LL and LR algorithms. We present PAPAGENO, an automated parser generator relying on operator precedence grammars. We complemented the PAPAGENO-generated parallel parsers with parallel lexing techniques, obtaining near-linear speedups on multicore machines, and the same speed as Bison parsers on sequential execution

    Auditing the accessibility of MOOCs: a four-component approach

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    This paper reports the design of a four-component audit to evaluate the accessibility of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The MOOC accessibility audit was designed as part of a research programme at The Open University (UK) that aimed to assess the current state of accessibility of MOOC platforms and resources, to uncover accessibility barriers, and to derive recommendations on how the barriers could be addressed. The audit is composed of four evaluation components: technical accessibility, user experience (UX), quality and learning design. The audit consists of four processes supported by checklists corresponding to each of the four components implemented via a heuristic evaluation approach, an evaluation technique from Human-Computer Interaction literatur