5 research outputs found
Geographic location of ten Romanian sites analyzed in the present study.
<p>(The figure has been provided by M. Rotea and T. Károly).</p
Principal Component Analysis (47% of the total variance) performed considering mtDNA haplogroup frequencies of the ancient and present-day European and Near East populations.
<p>In green Neolithic populations, in pink Hunter-Gatherer groups (HG), in yellow ancient and present-day Romania groups, present-day European population in blue and present-day Near East population in orange. Interpretation based on the haplogroup frequency has been written on both PC (Absence of haplogroups D, M, C and N on one side of the first component and absence of haplogroup H on the top of the second component). PC1 represents 30% of variance and PC2 represents 17% of variance.</p
Multidimensional Scaling Analysis performed by haplogroup frequencies of the ancient and present-day European and Near East populations.
<p>In green Neolithic populations, in pink hunter-gatherer groups and in yellow ancient and present-day Romanian groups, present-day European population in blue and present-day Near East population in orange. Stress: 0.07553 and RSQ: 0.99071.</p
Haplotype (ht) and haplogroup (hg) mtDNA distribution resulting of the analysis of 62 ancient individuals from Romania.
<p>Haplotype (ht) and haplogroup (hg) mtDNA distribution resulting of the analysis of 62 ancient individuals from Romania.</p
Prehistoric samples from Romania analysed in the present study: Chronology, Cultural stages (also in Supporting Information S1 Table), Archaeological sites and Sample size (I.D.: Identification name; N analysed: Number of individuals analysed; N rep: number of individuals with reproducibility results).
<p>Prehistoric samples from Romania analysed in the present study: Chronology, Cultural stages (also in Supporting Information <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0128810#pone.0128810.s009" target="_blank">S1 Table</a>), Archaeological sites and Sample size (I.D.: Identification name; N analysed: Number of individuals analysed; N rep: number of individuals with reproducibility results).</p