1,081 research outputs found

    Counting Statistics of Many-Particle Quantum Walks

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    We study quantum walks of many non-interacting particles on a beam splitter array, as a paradigmatic testing ground for the competition of single- and many-particle interference in a multi-mode system. We derive a general expression for multi-mode particle-number correlation functions, valid for bosons and fermions, and infer pronounced signatures of many-particle interferences in the counting statistics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Public support to clusters : a firm level study of French 'local productive systems'

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    This paper analyzes empirically a public policy promoting industrial clusters in France. Cluster policies have become popular in many countries but have not been extensively evaluated empirically. We use data on production and employment for firms that benefited from the policy and on firms that did not, both before and after the policy started. We first show that the policy selected firms in relative decline. Furthermore, our results suggest that the policy had no major effect on their productivity but may have helped them in terms of employment

    Public support to clusters. A firm level study of french 'local productive systems'

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    This paper analyzes empirically a public policy promoting industrial clusters in France. Cluster policies have become popular in many countries but have not been extensively evaluated. We propose in this paper the first quantitative evaluation of a cluster policy exploiting firm-level data. We use data on production and employment for firms that benefited from the policy and on firms that did not, both before and after the policy started. We first show that the policy selected firms in sectors and regions in relative decline. Second, the policy did not succeed in reversing the relative decline in productivity for the targeted firms. The policy had no robust effect on employment or exports

    Spezifische Methoden fĂĽr historische Aspekte im Mathematikunterricht

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    In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, wie die Integration von historischen Inhalten in den Mathematik-unterricht diesen bereichern und zu einem authentischen Bild der Wissenschaft Mathematik bei den Schülerinnen und Schülern beitragen kann. Hierzu wirft der Autor zunächst einen Blick auf die Geschichte des Mathematikunterrichts, um im Anschluss zu zeigen, wie der derzeitige österreichische Lehrplan der Allgemeinbildenden Höheren Schulen die Behandlung historischer Inhalte ermutigt oder sogar vorschreibt. In weiterer Folge werden fünf konkrete Aspekte entwickelt und ausführlich erläutert. Diese Aspekte („Reflektiver Aspekt“, „Kreativer Aspekt“, „Interaktiver Aspekt“, „Affektiver Aspekt“, „Gender Aspekt“) betreffen sowohl historische, mathematische und philosophische, als auch gesellschaftliche und affektive Bereiche, sodass eine ganze Reihe von möglichen positiven Auswirkungen auf den Mathematikunterricht sichtbar wird. Daran anschließend werden verschiedene Methoden diskutiert, in welcher Weise geschichtliche Inhalte im Unterricht vorkommen können. Das Spektrum reicht hier von einfachen historischen Kurzinformationen über Anekdoten und historische Rechenaufgaben bis hin zu Originaltexten, die die Entwicklung mathematischer Teildisziplinen mitunter hautnah erleben lassen. Im letzten Teil der Arbeit stellt der Autor schließlich sieben Arbeitsblätter zu dem ausgesuchten Themenbereich „Gleichungen“ zusammen und zeigt, wie man die zuvor entwickelten Prinzipien und Möglichkeiten konkret für den Unterricht umsetzen kann. Es wurde darauf geachtet, alle genannten historischen Aspekte in die Arbeitsblätter zu integrieren und so eine abwechslungsreiche Grundlage für all jene zu schaffen, die mehr von der langen Geschichte der Mathematik in ihrem Unterricht erzählen wollen. Zu allen Aufgaben werden auf einem eigenständigen Blatt Lösungen angegeben. Außerdem findet sich jeweils ein didaktischer Kommentar für die Lehrerinnen und Lehrer sowie umfangreiche historische Hintergrundinformation, wo dies sinnvoll oder spannend erschien.This paper examines the benefits one can expect from integrating historical content into the education of mathematics. It argues that such an integration will result in a more authentic picture of the science mathematics and that it will enrich and enliven an otherwise often abstract and dull mathematics course. At the beginning the author takes a look at the history of mathematical education and discusses the way the current Austrian curriculum encourages or even dictates the use of historical content in the Allgemeinbildenden Höheren Schule (High School for General Education). Subsequently, five concrete aspects are developed (“Reflective Aspect”, “Creative Aspect”, “Interactive Aspect”, “Affective Aspect”, “Gender Aspect”), which include areas of history, mathematics and philosophy as well as society and motivation. Thus, a wide variety of possible applications is shown. Afterwards the author discusses methods how historical subjects can be incorporated in an existing mathematics course. The possibilities range from simple short notes, anecdotes and historical problems to original texts written by actual mathematicians which can make students experience the development of certain mathematical disciplines at first hand. In the last part of the paper the author assembles seven work sheets which display possible realisations of the aspects that were discussed beforehand. This is done by means of the selected subject “equations”. Special care was put in assuring that all aspects are included so that anyone who wants to tell more of the long history of mathematics receives a sound base of great variety. Every work sheet is accompanied by an independent sheet of solutions. In addition, a didactical commentary and extensive background information for teachers are provided where it seemed reasonable and interesting

    Rezente Verbreitung und potenzielle Veränderng des Permafrosts in hochalpinen Regionen

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    In dieser Arbeit wird die rezente und zukünftige Permafrostverbreitung im Bereich Gokyo (86°41'37"E; 27°57'18"N) in Nepal im Himalajagebirge großmaßstäbig untersucht, da Permafrost auf der Südseite des Himalajagebirges nur grundlegend erforscht ist. Hierfür wurden Blockgletscher kartiert und Messungen der Basistemperatur der Schneedecke (BTS) durch kleine Temperaturlogger an der Bodenoberfläche durchgeführt. Das erlaubt eine Modellierung der Permafrostverbreitung durch zwei unterschiedliche Methoden. Die Untersuchung basiert sowohl auf Fernerkundungsdaten als auch auf Feldbegehungen. Die mittlere Seehöhe der Blockgletscher nach Exposition wird verwendet, um die untere Grenze des Permafrostvorkommens zu berechnen (nach BARSCH, 1978), während das Permafrostvorkommen nach BTS durch eine lineare Regression mit den unabhängigen Variablen Seehöhe und direkte Sonneneinstrahlung im Jänner in Anlehnung an das Modell PERMAMAP von HOELZLE (1992) kalkuliert wird. Nach der Mittelung der Seehöhe der Blockgletscher liegt die untere Grenze bei: Nord 5021, Ost 5201, Süd 5271 und West 5114 Meter Seehöhe. Bei der BTS Modellierung liegt die Permafrostuntergrenze bedeutend tiefer, jedoch könnte hierfür eine zu geringe Schneedeckenmächtigkeit ausschlaggebend sein. Weitere Untersuchungen mit geophysikalischen Methoden sind notwendig, um diese Abschätzung zu untermauern. Nach dem Temperaturszenario vom International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) für Nepal wird die untere Permafrostgrenze im Jahr 2039 um 188 Meter höher sein als 2009.In this study recent and future Permafrost in the Gokyo area (86°41'37"E; 27°57'18"N) in Nepal, Himalaya was investigated: Rockglaciers were mapped and the bottom temperature of snow was measured using miniature temperature data loggers. The lower limit of Permafrost distribution was modelled with two different methods: As first method the mean elevation of rockglaciers split into aspects (after BARSCH, 1978), and as second the model PERMAMAP (HOELZLE, 1992) were slightly modified and used. The calculated lower limit of Permafrost using rockglaciers was: North 5021, East 5201, South 5271 and West 5117 meters above sea-level. Using PERMAMAP model the lower limit of permafrost lies much deeper, maybe due to less snow cover making the results unreliable. Geophysical investigations are needed to improve permafrost knowledge in this area. The temperature rise calculated for Nepal by the International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) was used to determine the lower permafrost limit for the year 2039, indicating a rise of up to 188 meters compared to the year 2009

    The expression of CPP fusion proteins in plastids

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    Plastid transformation is a valuable technique for both basic and applied science. In basic science the technique is used to study chloroplast function. Applied approaches deal with the potential of the plastid for the production of medicinal therapeutics, in most cases vaccine antigens coupled to adjuvants. Adjuvants are used for the trans-mucosal delivery of attached cargoes. Cell penetrating peptides (CPPs) emerged as valuable tools for the delivery of cell-impermeable cargoes across cell barriers more than twenty years ago. Although the exact mechanism of CPP penetration of cells is still discussed, the applied value of CPPs is documented in a number of clinical studies. Recently, scientists working in the CPP field launched a call for an alternative expression platform for CPP fusion peptides / proteins. Only a short time before, CPPs were introduced into plant science and some impressive first results, manipulating plant cells from the “outside”, were achieved. The present study aimed at combining the fields of plastid transformation and CPPs from the “inside”. We report the first expression of CPP fusion proteins in a plant, more precisely in the plastid. The approach focused on three aspects of CPP fusion protein expression in the organelle: (A) the principal feasibility of CPP-fusion protein expression in the plastid, (B) the location of CPP fusion proteins in the plant cell upon plastid-based expression and (C) the use of plastids for the manufacture of CPP fusions to provide an alternative to the bacterial expression system. Nine prominent CPPs were employed in three vector series to investigate these aspects. In vector series I the selected CPPs were fused to the fluorescent protein eGFP to provide an optical read-out; in vector series II, the CPPs were fused to Arabidopsis MYB transcription factor PAP1 to provide a biological read-out and in vector series III, two CPPs were fused to the human enzyme PAH to introduce plant-based CPP fusion protein expression. Taken together, the expression of CPP fusion in the plastid turned out to be feasible. Transplastomic plants reached homoplasmy, produced viable seeds and stably inherited the desired trait to their progenies in a maternal fashion. Only low protein accumulation levels were detected. Pleiotropic effects occured at the low protein accumulation levels observed. Localisation of CPP fusion proteins was shown to be restricted to the plastid. An inability of CPP fusion proteins isolated from vector series I to penetrate protoplasts, young plant tissue and human cell lines was revealed. The value of a plastid-based manufacture of CPP fusion proteins for clinical approaches failed to be demonstrated due to low fusion protein accumulation levels. Bottlenecks of the current study are discussed and suggestions are made to provide a framework for future efforts

    Les pôles de compétitivité : que peut-on en attendre?

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    Le 12 juillet 2005, le gouvernement a labellisé 67 « pôles de compétitivité » ou clusters. Ils sont aujourd'hui au nombre de 71. La politique d'aménagement du territoire est passée d'une intervention publique destinée à aider les régions en difficulté à une politique visant à encourager les plus dynamiques. Un objectif d'efficacité s'est ainsi substitué à un objectif d'équité. Sur quoi se fonde-t-il ? Sur l'idée que le regroupement des activités de production et de recherche permet d'améliorer la productivité des entreprises. Les clusters, pourtant, ne se décrètent pas, car ils obéissent à des mécanismes complexes. À contre-courant de l'enthousiasme que suscite le soutien aux clusters, cette étude montre qu'une telle politique peut en réalité avoir des effets négatifs: une trop grande spécialisation rend les régions tributaires du destin d'un secteur, en particulier lorsque les travailleurs sont peu mobiles, comme c'est le cas en France
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