25 research outputs found

    Schematic phylogenetic tree for the haplotype D5a2a1.

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    Note: Bur: Buryat; Kaz: Kazak; Kir: Kirghiz; Tib: Tibetan; Uyg: Uyghur; The following sequences were obtained from the Phylotree Build 17.0 [46]: AP013256, AP008854, AP013197, AP010743, AP011023, AP008536, AP013256, and AP009424 are Japanese sequences; JF824956 is from China, but unknown ethnic origin; FJ383195 is from India; AY255162 is a Han Chinese sequence.</p

    Geographic distribution of the human populations included in the analysis of mitochondrial genomes from Central Eurasia and the mtGenome pairwise F<sub>ST</sub> value based PCA.

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    Notes on Fig 4: Populations having more than 30 sequences were included in the PCA analysis, and thus the dataset contained 1954 sequences from previous studies (Table 3) and 120 Kazak mtGenome sequences from Jetisuu. Sample IDs of the sequences were given in S7 Table. The pseudo-mtGenomes (N = 80) were excluded from the PCA analysis. Kazak [Kazaks from Jetisuu, Kazakhstan, i.e., Jeti_Kaz on the map]; Alt_Kaz [Kazaks from the Altay Republic, Russia]; Buryat [Buryats from the Buryat Republic, Russia]; Hungarian [Hungarians from Hungary]; Kirghiz [Kirghiz from Xinjiang, China (TJ_Kir) and Kirghiz from Tajikistan (TJ_Kir)]; Russian [Russians from Russia]; Sherpa [Sherpas from Zhangmu, Tibet, China]; Tajik [Tajiks from Xinjiang, China (XJ_Taj) and Tajiks from Tajikistan (TJ_Taj)]; Tatar [Tatars from the Tatar Republic, Russia]; Tibetan [Ethnic Tibetans and other ethnic groups from Tibet, China (Tib_1–5)]; Tuba [Tubas from the Tuba/Tuva Republic, Russia]; Uyghur [Uyghurs from Xinjiang, China (Uyg_1–2)].</p