3 research outputs found

    How universities have responded to E-learning as a result of Covid-19 challenges

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    E-learning environments designed with adaptive technology in mind can help students learn and retain information more effectively by enhancing their learning experience and increasing their level of engagement. Here, students' learning styles are considered in creating an adaptable online environment, and the effects on student engagement are examined. For the sake of this study, we've also attempted to describe and compare the suggested adaptive learning environment to an existing e-learning technique. With Covid-19 in the classroom, technology advancements have grown exponentially, and this progress has coincided with the process of teaching and learning. Virtual classrooms necessitated an e-learning process since it was the most user-friendly teaching method. A descriptive, correlative, transversal and prescriptive research approach was used. An online survey was used to gather data to get a random and voluntary sample of 3560 university students from Peru. A lack of reading comprehension is an issue, but students may use communication technologies and the Internet to improve their teaching and to learn via self-learning.Campus Arequip

    O efeito do risco de liquidez sobre o custo de financiamento do sistema financeiro no Peru, período 2015-2020

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    The profitability of financial entities through the cost of financing can be affected by scenarios of liquidity risk stress, so this research seeks to answer the question: Does the liquidity risk differentiated in legal, natural, foreign currency, and foreign currency financing? national have any effect on the financing cost of multiple banking entities, period September 2015-November 2020? The objective was to analyze the liquidity risk of commercial banking in the Peruvian financial system through the volatility of deposits and to estimate the effect on the profitability of commercial banking through the cost of financing, taking into account the differences between legal financing, natural financing, financing in foreign currency and in national currency. The method that was applied is a model of autoregressive vectors (VAR) and impulse response functions, in addition to applying the GARCH model to find the level of volatility of the data. We worked with data from the Superintendence of Banking, Insurance, and AFPs (SBS), using Eviews 10. It was determined that the volatility of deposits in national currency explains the behavior of the cost of financing, that is, the greater the volatility of deposits in currency national generates higher financing costs, likewise; it was found that the volatility of deposits from legal entities, the volatility of deposits from natural persons and the volatility of deposits in foreign currency does not explain the behavior of the financing cost.La rentabilidad de las entidades financieras a través del costo de financiamiento puede verse afectada por escenarios de tensión de riesgos de liquidez, por lo que la presente investigación busca responder la pregunta ¿El riesgo de liquidez diferenciado en financiamiento jurídico, natural, en moneda extranjera y nacional tienen algún efecto sobre el costo de financiamiento de las entidades bancarias de la banca múltiple, periodo setiembre 2015-noviembre 2020?; el objetivo fue analizar el riesgo de liquidez de la banca múltiple del sistema financiero peruano a través de la volatilidad de los depósitos y estimar el efecto sobre la rentabilidad de la banca múltiple a través del costo de financiamiento, teniendo en consideración las diferencias entre financiamiento jurídico, financiamiento natural, financiamiento en moneda extranjera y en moneda nacional. El método que se aplicó es un modelo de vectores autorregresivos (VAR) y funciones impulso respuesta, además de aplicar el modelo GARCH para hallar el nivel de volatilidad de los datos. Se trabajó con datos de la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP (SBS), utilizando el Eviews 10. Se determinó que la volatilidad de depósitos en moneda nacional explica el comportamiento del costo de financiamiento, es decir, a mayor volatilidad de depósitos en moneda nacional genera mayores costos de financiamiento, asimismo; se obtuvo que la volatilidad de depósitos de personas jurídicas, la volatilidad de depósitos de personas natural y la volatilidad de depósitos en moneda extranjera no explican el comportamiento del costo de financiamiento.A rentabilidade das instituições financeiras através do custo de financiamento pode ser afetada por cenários de estresse de risco de liquidez, então esta pesquisa procura responder à pergunta: o risco de liquidez diferenciado em financiamento legal, natural, em moeda estrangeira e doméstico tem algum efeito sobre o custo de financiamento dos bancos comerciais, período setembro 2015-novembro 2020? O objetivo era analisar o risco de liquidez dos bancos comerciais no sistema financeiro peruano através da volatilidade dos depósitos e estimar o efeito sobre a rentabilidade dos bancos comerciais através do custo de financiamento, levando em conta as diferenças entre o financiamento legal, natural, em moeda estrangeira e doméstica. O método aplicado é um modelo autoregressivo vetorial (VAR) e funções de resposta a impulso, além de aplicar o modelo GARCH para encontrar o nível de volatilidade dos dados. Trabalhamos com dados da Superintendência de Banca, Seguros e AFP (SBS), utilizando o Eviews 10. Foi determinado que a volatilidade dos depósitos em moeda nacional explica o comportamento do custo de financiamento, ou seja, quanto maior a volatilidade dos depósitos em moeda nacional, maior o custo de financiamento, e que a volatilidade dos depósitos de pessoas jurídicas, a volatilidade dos depósitos de pessoas físicas e a volatilidade dos depósitos em moeda estrangeira não explicam o comportamento do custo de financiamento

    Effect of Education on the Economic Income of Households in Peru, Application of the Mincer Theory in Times of Pandemic (COVID-19)

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    The objective was to determine the effect of education on the economic income of households in Peru in times of the pandemic (COVID-19), for which a quantitative research approach was applied, of a non-experimental type and of descriptive-correlational design; the econometric model of log-linear type was used, based on the Mincer equation, with the information from the database of the National Household Survey, for the period of 2021. The economic income on average was 275.96 soles, with a standard deviation of 1451.41 soles, with high variability, identifying very precarious economic income ranging from 15.00 to 15,000.00 soles/month per worker; the years of schooling of the worker on average were 12 years, showing the scope of complete secondary training, with a population without years of education, and on the contrary, there are workers with postgraduate education, with the variability of 4 years. Finally, the effect of education measured through years of schooling on economic income is positive, or direct, since education explains 14.34% of economic income; the experience of the worker, gender, area of residence, age and marital status, in the same way, have a positive effect on economic income, strongly highlighting gender and area of residence which explain 19.86% and 30.45% of the economic income in the household in Peru