403 research outputs found

    Central Limit Theorems for the Brownian motion on large unitary groups

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    In this paper, we are concerned with the large N limit of linear combinations of the entries of a Brownian motion on the group of N by N unitary matrices. We prove that the process of such a linear combination converges to a Gaussian one. Various scales of time and various initial distribution are concerned, giving rise to various limit processes, related to the geometric construction of the unitary Brownian motion. As an application, we propose a quite short proof of the asymptotic Gaussian feature of the linear combinations of the entries of Haar distributed random unitary matrices, a result already proved by Diaconis et al.Comment: 14 page

    Rectangular R-transform as the limit of rectangular spherical integrals

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    In this paper, we connect rectangular free probability theory and spherical integrals. In this way, we prove the analogue, for rectangular or square non-Hermitian matrices, of a result that Guionnet and Maida proved for Hermitian matrices in 2005. More specifically, we study the limit, as n,mn,m tend to infinity, of the logarithm (divided by nn) of the expectation of exp[nmθXn]\exp[\sqrt{nm}\theta X_n], where XnX_n is the real part of an entry of UnMnVmU_n M_n V_m, θ\theta is a real number, MnM_n is a certain n×mn\times m deterministic matrix and Un,VmU_n, V_m are independent Haar-distributed orthogonal or unitary matrices with respective sizes n×nn\times n, m×mm\times m. We prove that when the singular law of MnM_n converges to a probability measure μ\mu, for θ\theta small enough, this limit actually exists and can be expressed with the rectangular R-transform of μ\mu. This gives an interpretation of this transform, which linearizes the rectangular free convolution, as the limit of a sequence of log-Laplace transforms.Comment: 17 page

    On a surprising relation between rectangular and square free convolutions

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    Debbah and Ryan have recently proved a result about the limit empirical singular distribution of the sum of two rectangular random matrices whose dimensions tend to infinity. In this paper, we reformulate it in terms of the rectangular free convolution introduced in a previous paper and then we give a new, shorter, proof of this result under weaker hypothesis: we do not suppose the \pro measure in question in this result to be compactly supported anymore. At last, we discuss the inclusion of this result in the family of relations between rectangular and square random matrices.Comment: 8 page

    Exponential bounds for the support convergence in the Single Ring Theorem

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    We consider an nn by nn matrix of the form A=UTVA=UTV, with U,VU, V some independent Haar-distributed unitary matrices and TT a deterministic matrix. We prove that for kn1/6k\sim n^{1/6} and b2:=1nTr(T2)b^2:=\frac{1}{n}\operatorname{Tr}(|T|^2), as nn tends to infinity, we have ETr(Ak(Ak))  b2kandE[Tr(Ak)2]  b2k.\mathbb{E} \operatorname{Tr} (A^{k}(A^{k})^*) \ \lesssim \ b^{2k}\qquad \textrm{and} \qquad\mathbb{E}[|\operatorname{Tr} (A^{k})|^2] \ \lesssim \ b^{2k}. This gives a simple proof (with slightly weakened hypothesis) of the convergence of the support in the Single Ring Theorem, improves the available error bound for this convergence from nαn^{-\alpha} to ecn1/6e^{-cn^{1/6}} and proves that the rate of this convergence is at most n1/6lognn^{-1/6}\log n.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Minor typos corrected, references added. To appear in J. Funct. Ana

    Cycles of free words in several independent random permutations with restricted cycle lengths

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    In this text, we consider random permutations which can be written as free words in several independent random permutations: firstly, we fix a non trivial word ww in letters g1,g11,...,gk,gk1g_1,g_1^{-1},..., g_k,g_k^{-1}, secondly, for all nn, we introduce a kk-tuple s1(n),...,sk(n)s_1(n),..., s_k(n) of independent random permutations of {1,...,n}\{1,..., n\}, and the random permutation σn\sigma_n we are going to consider is the one obtained by replacing each letter gig_i in ww by si(n)s_i(n). For example, for w=g1g2g3g21w=g_1g_2g_3g_2^{-1}, σn=s1(n)s2(n)s3(n)s2(n)1\sigma_n=s_1(n)\circ s_2(n)\circ s_3(n)\circ s_2(n)^{-1}. Moreover, we restrict the set of possible lengths of the cycles of the si(n)s_i(n)'s: we fix sets A1,...,AkA_1,..., A_k of positive integers and suppose that for all nn, for all ii, si(n)s_i(n) is uniformly distributed on the set of permutations of {1,...,n}\{1,..., n\} which have all their cycle lengths in AiA_i. For all positive integer ll, we are going to give asymptotics, as nn goes to infinity, on the number Nl(σn)N_l(\sigma_n) of cycles of length ll of σn\sigma_n. We shall also consider the joint distribution of the random vectors (N1(σn),...,Nl(σn))(N_1(\sigma_n),..., N_l(\sigma_n)). We first prove that the order of ww in a certain quotient of the free group with generators g1,...,gkg_1,..., g_k determines the rate of growth of the random variables Nl(σn)N_l(\sigma_n) as nn goes to infinity. We also prove that in many cases, the distribution of Nl(σn)N_l(\sigma_n) converges to a Poisson law with parameter 1/l1/l and that the random variables N1(σn),N2(σn),...N_1(\sigma_n),N_2(\sigma_n), ... are asymptotically independent. We notice the surprising fact that from this point of view, many things happen as if σn\sigma_n were uniformly distributed on the nn-th symmetric group.Comment: 28 page

    Rectangular random matrices. Related convolution

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    We characterize asymptotic collective behaviour of rectangular random matrices, the sizes of which tend to infinity at different rates: when embedded in a space of larger square matrices, independent rectangular random matrices are asymtotically free with amalgamation over a subalgebra. Therefore we can define a "rectangular free convolution", linearized by cumulants and by an analytic integral transform, called the "rectangular R-transform".Comment: 36 pages, to appear in PTR