6,196 research outputs found

    Sol–gel synthesis and characterization of barium (magnesium) aluminosilicate glass sealants for solid oxide fuel cells

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    Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) correspond to efficient energy conversion systems coupled with low emissions of pollutants. In the aim to fabricate high temperature planar SOFC, glass and glass-ceramic sealants are developed to associate several criteria and properties : high thermal expansion (11.0 to 12.0 ⋅ 10− 6 K− 1), high electrical resistance > 2 kΩ/cm2, good thermochemical compatibility with the other active materials of the fuel cell, and stability under H2 and H2O atmospheres at an operation temperature of 800 °C for a long time. According to these requirements, new BAS (BaO–Al2O3–SiO2) and BMAS (BaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2) glass-ceramic sealants have been developed by sol–gel route which is a non-conventional process for such applications. By this soft chemistry process, we anticipate a decrease in the glasses processing temperature due to a better homogeneity between cationic precursors in the mixture and a more important reactivity of materials. Experimental results in terms of thermomechanical properties, thermal expansion coefficient, crystalline phase content, and microstructure were discussed. In particular, the influence of the %BaO on the thermomechanical properties of glass-ceramics was described. Changes in properties of glass-ceramics were closely related to the microstructure. The influence of MgO on glass processing temperatures, on the structure and on the microstructure is evaluated in order to confirm that these glass-ceramics are promising candidates to SOFC applications. So, after performing a systematic investigation to the various systems, the properties of suitable glass were proposed

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    When Ferae Naturae Attack: Public Policy Implications and Concerns for the Public and State Regarding the Classification of Indigenous Wildlife as Interpreted Under State Immunity Statutes

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    Generally, most states have Immunity Statutes that grant municipal entities, and the government, immunity from particular tort-suit liabilities. Every state has a varied list of elements and factors that fall under particular municipality protection. One such protection is for when injuries arise from a “natural condition”, which has been interpreted to include many natural elements like: a rushing river; an avalanche, falling rocks, heavy rain, etc. But what about wildlife—especially indigenous wildlife? This article examines a case recently decided by the Utah Supreme Court, which involved the horrific story of an 11-year-old boy who was stolen from his tent by a wild black bear, and mauled to death. The court refused to include the indigenous black bear within the “natural condition” exception within Utah’s Immunity Act, which opened the State to liability. Specifically, this article examines and proposes that the Utah Supreme Court came to the wrong decision in the case by excluding a black bear from the “natural condition” exception under Utah’s Immunity Act, and that the State should have been immune from the incident. Further, the article displays that indigenous wildlife is a condition of the natural land generally, and examines statutes from other jurisdictions that include such wildlife. The article suggests that for strong public policy reasons, Immunity Acts generally should be broadly interpreted to include indigenous wildlife within the “natural condition” exceptions, and alternatively should be drafted include indigenous wildlife. State costs, wildlife preservation, tourist funding, local economy, taxes, and other public and private interests are examined to display that wildlife should be considered within Immunity Statutes. Lastly, the article expressly recommends a change to Utah’s Immunity Act to include wildlife within the “natural condition exception”—in order to better reflect the aforementioned interests, and to save the State from future liabilities from injuries resulting from wildlife

    Hot-Mix Coal-Tar Concrete Pavement and Multiple, Coal-Tar Seals on Shoulders

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    It is proposed to construct an experimental section of roadway, 6.6 miles in length, using coal-tar concrete for base and surface, and to use multiple, coal-tar seals (3 seals) with coverstone on the shoulders. A section of pavement, 5.1 miles in length, incorporating the same structural thicknesses and types of courses but containing normal asphaltic binders, to be constructed on the same route will be designated for comparison and control purposes. The use of the coal-tar will be in compliance with Section 201(e) of the Appalachian Regional Development Acts of 1965

    The Design of Thin, Silica Sand-Asphalt, Wearing Surfaces for Highways and Bridges

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    This study was performed at the Highway Materials Research Laboratory in Lexington, Kentucky. In this study the various sands were combined with a sphalt cement of penetration 60 to 70 and tested by the Marshall method to determine the physical characteristics of the mixtures. Other variables investigated were the hardness of the asphalt cement and the amount of mineral filler. A coefficient of friction was determined, by means of a laboratory testing device, for each of the mixtures. Due to the promising results of the laboratory testing, and the successful re-surfacing of bridges with silica sand-asphalt mixtures in the New York area; the Research Division of the Kentucky Department of Highways, in June 1958, recommended silica sand-asphalt for the re-surfacing of Clark Memorial Bridge in Louisville. All laboratory testing of sands up to that time had been of crushed sandstones. The lack of sands tone in the Louisville area led to an investigation of the possibility of blending locally available bank and river sands. Various blends of the river and bank sand were tested, with and without mineral filler; and it was concluded that a satisfactory mixture could be manufactured using these sands