6 research outputs found

    Universal vaccination of children against hepatitis a in Chile: a cost-effectiveness study La vacunación infantil universal contra la hepatitis a en Chile: análisis de la relación costo-efectividad

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the healthcare and economic impact of routine hepatitis A vaccination of toddlers in Chile. METHODS: We used a dynamic model of hepatitis A infection to evaluate the impact of a two-dose vaccination program, administered at ages 12 and 18 months. The model incorporated the changing epidemiology of hepatitis A in Chile and the development of vaccine-induced herd immunity. Our analysis was conducted from the public payer perspective, and an estimation of the societal perspective was performed. Costs are expressed in 2005 U.S. dollars. RESULTS: Vaccination of toddlers rapidly reduced the healthcare burden of hepatitis A. In the base case (95% vaccination coverage, 100-year time horizon, 1% annual decrease in force of infection), the average number of infections fell by 76.6% annually, and associated deaths fell by 59.7%. Even at 50% coverage, the program reduced infection rates substantially. Routine vaccination of toddlers had economic as well as health benefits, saving 4984perlifeyeargained(basecasescenario).Theprogrambecamecostsavingafter6years,anditsoverallcosteffectivenessperlifeyeargainedwaslargelyunaffectedbychangesindiseaserelatedcosts,herdimmunity,coveragerate,andannualdecreaseinforceofinfection.CONCLUSIONS:RoutinevaccinationoftoddlerswillreducetheratesofsymptomatichepatitisAandassociatedmortality.Thetwodosescheduleevaluatedherewillbelessexpensivethandiseaserelatedcostsintheabsenceofvaccinationfromthesixthyearofitsimplementation.ThesefindingssupporttheestablishmentofaroutinevaccinationprogramfortoddlersinChile.OBJETIVO:EvaluarelimpactosanitarioyeconoˊmicodelavacunacioˊnsistemaˊticadeinfantescontralahepatitisAenChile.MEˊTODOS:SeempleoˊunmodelodinaˊmicodehepatitisAparaevaluarelimpactodeunprogramadevacunacioˊndedosdosisadministradasalos12y18meses.ElmodeloincorporoˊlaepidemiologıˊacambiantedelahepatitisAenChileylaaparicioˊndelainmunidaddegrupoinducidaporlavacuna.Elanaˊlisisserealizoˊdesdelaperspectivadelfinanciadorpuˊblicoysehizounestimadodesdelaperspectivadelasociedad.Loscostosseexpresaronendoˊlaresestadounidensesdelan~o2005.RESULTADOS:LavacunacioˊndelosinfantesredujoraˊpidamentelacargadelahepatitisAparalosserviciosdesalud.Enlavariantedebase(coberturadelavacunacioˊn:954 984 per life-year gained (base case scenario). The program became cost saving after 6 years, and its overall cost-effectiveness per life-year gained was largely unaffected by changes in disease-related costs, herd immunity, coverage rate, and annual decrease in force of infection. CONCLUSIONS: Routine vaccination of toddlers will reduce the rates of symptomatic hepatitis A and associated mortality. The two-dose schedule evaluated here will be less expensive than disease-related costs in the absence of vaccination from the sixth year of its implementation. These findings support the establishment of a routine vaccination program for toddlers in Chile.OBJETIVO: Evaluar el impacto sanitario y económico de la vacunación sistemática de infantes contra la hepatitis A en Chile. MÉTODOS: Se empleó un modelo dinámico de hepatitis A para evaluar el impacto de un programa de vacunación de dos dosis administradas a los 12 y 18 meses. El modelo incorporó la epidemiología cambiante de la hepatitis A en Chile y la aparición de la inmunidad de grupo inducida por la vacuna. El análisis se realizó desde la perspectiva del financiador público y se hizo un estimado desde la perspectiva de la sociedad. Los costos se expresaron en dólares estadounidenses del año 2005. RESULTADOS: La vacunación de los infantes redujo rápidamente la carga de la hepatitis A para los servicios de salud. En la variante de base (cobertura de la vacunación: 95%; horizonte temporal: 100 años; reducción anual de la virulencia de la infección: 1%), el número promedio de casos se redujo anualmente en 76% y el número de muertes asociadas disminuyó en 59,7%. Incluso con una cobertura de vacunación de 50%, el programa redujo notablemente la tasa de infección. La vacunación sistemática de los infantes presentó beneficios económicos y sanitarios y ahorró US 4 984,00 por año de vida ganado (en el escenario base). El programa generó ahorros a partir del sexto año y la efectividad general en función del costo por año de vida ganado no se afectó por cambios en los costos relacionados con la enfermedad, la inmunidad de grupo, la cobertura de vacunación o la reducción anual de la virulencia de la infección. CONCLUSIONES: La vacunación sistemática de los infantes reduciría la tasa de hepatitis A sintomática y la mortalidad asociada. A partir del sexto año del programa, los costos de aplicar el esquema evaluado de dos dosis serían menores que los relacionados con la enfermedad si no se aplicara la vacuna. Estos resultados apoyan la implantación de programas de vacunación sistemática de infantes contra la hepatitis A en Chile

    Prevention of Recurrent Rhinopharyngitis in At-Risk Children in France: A Cost-Effectiveness Model for a Nonspecific Immunostimulating Bacterial Extract (OM-85 BV)

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    Objective: To estimate the pharmacoeconomic impact for the French Social Security System of preventing recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis (RARP) in at-risk children with OM-85 BV, an immunostimulating agent indicated for the prevention of recurrences. Design: A decision-analysis model. The probability of progression of the infection and of its associated care, the principal direct costs linked to them, and the effectiveness of OM-85 BV were established or calculated by reviewing the available literature (published between 1984 and 2000). Four experts validated the parameters and the model. Results: For the French Social Security System, the mean direct cost for an acute rhinopharyngitis (ARP) infection was Conclusion: Non-specific immunotherapy should be considered for the child at risk of RARP and administered in addition to other recommended measures. The economic savings for the community of using a medication for which the clinical effectiveness has been demonstrated should also be taken into account in assessing its usefulness.Antibronchitic-bacterial-vaccine, Children, Cost-effectiveness, Otorhinolaryngological-infections, Pharmacoeconomics, Vaccines

    Clinical features and prognostic factors of listeriosis: the MONALISA national prospective cohort study

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