521 research outputs found
The impact of the microbial agents of the Streptococcaceae family on the vital activity of human and animal bodies
Institute of Physiology and Sanocreatology, Academy of Science of Moldova, Department of Microbiology, Virusology and Immunology, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and PharmacyBackground: Enterococci make up a part of the microbial flora of the human digestive tract and fulfil an important role in colonizing the mucosa by
supplying the mucosal resistance. At the same time they are considered the representatives of conditionally pathogenic microflora, contributing to the
self emergence of the infection, including the gastrointestinal one.
Material and methods: The materials of the research have been the contents of the bowel (rectum) of children and young agricultural animals and
the monostrains of the microorganisms in the form of Streptococci. The isolation of Enterococci has been achieved by the numerical determination of
their level in the vaccination of the samples of the bowel (rectum) contents on a selective nutrient agar medium with ball, esculin and free sodium azide
(currently offered by the firm Himedia) and depending on the functional status of the studied subjects.
Results: The microorganisms of the family Streptococcaceae, isolated from the contents of gastrointestinal tract of humans and animals, have been
classified in 3 species: Enterococcus (74.17), Streptococcus (12.63) and Lactococcus (13.18%). It has been established experimentally that the quantitative
level of Enterococcus in the content of the gastrointestinal tract of children and young agricultural animals is constant, depending on its functional status
and the health condition of the macroorganisms. Of the Enterococcus species (the representative of Streptococcaceae family) only the species Enterococcus
faecium has showed a positive influence on the vital activity of man and animal organisms, being not only belonging to the Enterococcus species with the
numerical prevalence, but also having a wide spectrum of non-pathogenic and probiotic properties.
Conclusions: The defined properties of probiotics can be used in the pharmaceutical industry as an informative test in the selection of the prospects
for enterococci. At the same time we recommend that in carrying out the additional measures on correction of bowel bacteriocenosis the strains of
enterococci with probiotic properties should be used at the large scale
Structura etiologică a agenţilor patogeni în dismicrobismul intestinal
Actualitatea temei. Actualmente, printre copii
și adulţi au o răspândire largă dismicrobismul și disfuncţiile
intestinale diareice de etiologie bacteriană.
Unele dintre cauzele principale ale acestora sunt contaminarea
mediului ambiant cu agenţi microbieni ce
cauzează maladii intestinale și influenţa stresogenă
excesivă. Flora microbiană intestinală este partea
componentă a sistemului ecologic unic al macroorganismului,
ea îndeplinește rolul de indicator al
stării sănătăţii lui. De aceea, dereglarea nivelului
ei numeric și calitativ sau de specie contribuie la
dezvoltarea disfuncţiilor intestinale diareice, uneori
cu urmări letale. Luând în consideraţie cele expuse,
problema menţinerii bacteriocenozei intestinale la
nivel optim, caracteristic pentru organismul uman,
rămâne a fi actuală.
În ultimul timp, în rezultatul situaţiei socioeconomice
și ecologice nefavorabile, hipo- și avitaminozelor,
antibiotico-, hormono- și chimioterapiei neraţionale,
încălcărilor în alimentaţie, se observă răspândirea lar largă
a manifestărilor disbiotice ale cavităţii bucale, pielii,
intestinului. Se atrage atenţia asupra rolului lactobacteriilor
în profilaxia cancerului intestinal. Problema
dereglărilor biocenozei intestinului la copii este una
dintre cele mai actuale, mai ales la copiii mici, inclusiv
în perioada de nou-născut. Rezultatele studiilor știinţifice
contemporane indică prezenţa dismicrobismului
intestinal de gradele I-II la 50% de sugari sănătoși, iar
de gradele III-IV – la 20-25% din copii.
Scopul: determinarea agenţilor patogeni care
au prevalat în starea de dismicrobism intestinal, în
cercetările efectuate pe anii 2011, 2012, în Centrul
Naţional Știinţifico-Practic de Medicină Preventivă,
secţia Bacteriologia și Epidemiologia bolilor extrem de
contagioase și securitatea biologică.
Materiale și metode. Probele au fost colectare
înaintea utilizării preparatelor antimicrobiene. În
cercetare au fost utilizate probele de materii fecale în
cantitate de 1,0 g, diluate și omogenizate cu 9,0 ml de
soluţie fiziologică. Ulterior, probele au fost însămânţate
pe mediile nutritive diferenţiale și de diagnostic, așa
ca: Endo, Cistovici, geloză sânge, Saburo, geloză salină
cu gălbenuș de ou, geloză lactobac., mediul tioglicolic.
Coloniile suspecte lactozo-negative au fost multiplicate
și replicate pe mediile Hiss, pentru identificarea
biochimică. La fel, a fost determinată sensibilitatea la
preparatele antimicrobiene prin metoda difuziunii
discurilor. Pentru ca ulterior terapia antimicrobiană
să fie efectivă, este necesar de indicat un tratament
raţional, conform sensibilităţii la antibiotice.
Rezultate. Structura agenţilor etiologici, provocatori
ai stării de dismicrobism intestinal, ce au fost
determinaţi în anul 2011 în CNȘP EBEC și SB: în total
au fost efectuate 272 de analize: E. Coli – 119, E. coli
patogene – 58, Staphylococus aureus – 41, Staphylococus
sp. – 15, Candida albicans – 46, Enterobacter
spp. – 16, Klebsiella sp. – 17, Kpebsiella pneumonie –
18, Edwardsiella tarda – 2, Proteus sp. – 8, Citrobacter
freundi – 7, Enterica gr. 57 – 6, Kluyvera cryocrescens
– 9, Serratia spp. – 11, Cedaceea sp. – 0, Pseudomon
aeruginosa – 8, Morganella morgani – 4. Numărul
total de agenţi patogeni – 390.
Structura agenţilor etiologici, provocatori ai
stării de dismicrobism intestinal, care au fost determinaţi
în anul 2012 în CNȘP EBEC și SB: în total
au fost efectuate 247 de analize: E. Coli – 122, E. coli
patogene – 122, Staphylococus aureus – 60, Staphylococus
sp. – 14, Candida albicans – 70, Enterobacter
spp. – 30, Klebsiella sp. – 24, Kpebsiella pneumonie –
7, Edwardsiella tarda – 1, Proteus sp. – 6, Citrobacter
freundi – 20, Enterica gr. 57 – 4, Kluyvera cryocrescens
– 13, Serratia spp. – 11, Cedaceea sp. – 8, Pseudomon
aeruginosa – 3, Morganella morgani – 2. Numărul
total de agenţi patogeni – 422.În perioada 2011-2012, în CNSP EBEC și SB, la
copiii de vârsta 0,1-1 an s-au depistat 145 de probe,
ceea ce constituie 32,7% din toate analizele făcute
în dismicrobism.
1. Cea mai frecventă a fost asociaţia dintre 2
agenţi patogeni – Candida albicans și Staphilococus
2. Cele mai multe probe (32,7%) au fost depistate
la copiii de vârsta 0,1-1 an.
3. O diferenţă semnificativa între femei (247
probe) și bărbaţi (270 probe) nu a fost observată
Stringy Instantons and Cascading Quivers
D-brane instantons can perturb the quantum field theories on space-time
filling D-branes by interesting operators. In some cases, these D-brane
instantons are novel "stringy" effects (not interpretable directly as instanton
effects in the low-energy quantum field theory), while in others the D-brane
instantons can be directly interpreted as field theory effects. In this note,
we describe a situation where both perspectives are available, by studying
stringy instantons in quivers which arise at simple Calabi-Yau singularities.
We show that a stringy instanton which wraps an unoccupied node of the quiver,
and gives rise to a non-perturbative mass in the space-time field theory, can
be reinterpreted as a conventional gauge theory effect by going up in an
appropriate renormalization group cascade. Interestingly, in the cascade, the
contribution of the stringy instanton does not come from gauge theory
instantons but from strong coupling dynamics.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, harvma
The Crk adapter protein is essential for Drosophila embryogenesis, where it regulates multiple actin-dependent morphogenic events
Small Src homology domain 2 (SH2) and 3 (SH3) adapter proteins regulate cell fate and behavior by mediating interactions between cell surface receptors and downstream signaling effectors in many signal transduction pathways. The CT10 regulator of kinase (Crk) family has tissue-specific roles in phagocytosis, cell migration, and neuronal development and mediates oncogenic signaling in pathways like that of Abelson kinase. However, redundancy among the two mammalian family members and the position of the Drosophila gene on the fourth chromosome precluded assessment of Crk's full role in embryogenesis. We circumvented these limitations with short hairpin RNA and CRISPR technology to assess Crk's function in Drosophila morphogenesis. We found that Crk is essential beginning in the first few hours of development, where it ensures accurate mitosis by regulating orchestrated dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton to keep mitotic spindles in syncytial embryos from colliding. In this role, it positively regulates cortical localization of the actin-related protein 2/3 complex (Arp2/3), its regulator suppressor of cAMP receptor (SCAR), and filamentous actin to actin caps and pseudocleavage furrows. Crk loss leads to the loss of nuclei and formation of multinucleate cells. We also found roles for Crk in embryonic wound healing and in axon patterning in the nervous system, where it localizes to the axons and midline glia. Thus, Crk regulates diverse events in embryogenesis that require orchestrated cytoskeletal dynamics
Dynamical supersymmetry breaking from unoriented D-brane instantons
We study the non-perturbative dynamics of an unoriented Z_5-quiver theory of
GUT kind with gauge group U(5) and chiral matter. At strong coupling the
non-perturbative dynamics is described in terms of set of baryon/meson
variables satisfying a quantum deformed constraint. We compute the effective
superpotential of the theory and show that it admits a line of supersymmetric
vacua and a phase where supersymmetry is dynamically broken via gaugino
condensation.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figur
Instanton Induced Neutrino Majorana Masses in CFT Orientifolds with MSSM-like spectra
Recently it has been shown that string instanton effects may give rise to
neutrino Majorana masses in certain classes of semi-realistic string
compactifications. In this paper we make a systematic search for supersymmetric
MSSM-like Type II Gepner orientifold constructions admitting boundary states
associated with instantons giving rise to neutrino Majorana masses and other L-
and/or B-violating operators. We analyze the zero mode structure of D-brane
instantons on general type II orientifold compactifications, and show that only
instantons with O(1) symmetry can have just the two zero modes required to
contribute to the 4d superpotential. We however discuss how the addition of
fluxes and/or possible non-perturbative extensions of the orientifold
compactifications would allow also instantons with and U(1) symmetries
to generate such superpotentials. In the context of Gepner orientifolds with
MSSM-like spectra, we find no models with O(1) instantons with just the
required zero modes to generate a neutrino mass superpotential. On the other
hand we find a number of models in one particular orientifold of the Gepner
model with instantons with a few extra uncharged
non-chiral zero modes which could be easily lifted by the mentioned effects. A
few more orientifold examples are also found under less stringent constraints
on the zero modes. This class of instantons have the interesting
property that R-parity conservation is automatic and the flavour structure of
the neutrino Majorana mass matrices has a simple factorized form.Comment: 68 pages, 2 figures; v2. typos corrected, refs adde
D-brane Instantons on the T^6/Z_3 orientifold
We give a detailed microscopic derivation of gauge and stringy instanton
generated superpotentials for gauge theories living on D3-branes at
Z_3-orientifold singularities. Gauge instantons are generated by D(-1)-branes
and lead to Affleck, Dine and Seiberg (ADS) like superpotentials in the
effective N=1 gauge theories with three generations of bifundamental and
anti/symmetric matter. Stringy instanton effects are generated by Euclidean
ED3-branes wrapping four-cycles on T^6/\Z_3. They give rise to Majorana masses
in one case and non-renormalizable superpotentials for the other cases. Finally
we determine the conditions under which ADS like superpotentials are generated
in N=1 gauge theories with adjoints, fundamentals, symmetric and antisymmetric
chiral matter.Comment: 31 pages, no figure
Green energies are widely implemented worldwide and also in our country. Our paper provides its applicability in terms of facilities within Bioterra University central campus in Bucharest and also in our Tourist and Students Practice Units located in Predeal – "TreiBrazi", Buşteni –" Zamora" , Danube Delta –"Baltenii de Sus" and at the Seaside - EforieSud and Comorova Forest, Neptun resort (all being owned by Bioterra University of Bucharest).At the United Nations Conference in Paris (held on 12 December 2015) regarding the Climate change, the partners  reached a New Global Climate change Agreement: limiting global warming, well below 2 Celsius degrees, underlining the importance of using of the non-polluting renewable energies. Beyond this limit, the scientists fear of the next irreversible effects:- repeated extreme events - cyclones, droughts, etc.;- decline of agricultural yields;- extinction of some species. Rising with +2 Celsius degrees, the sea level will increase with 40 cm till 2100 year; rising with + 4-5 Celsius degrees, the sea level will increasewith 80 cm and it will continue to ascend
Unoriented D-brane Instantons vs Heterotic worldsheet Instantons
We discuss Fermi interactions of four hyperini generated by ``stringy''
instantons in a Type I / Heterotic dual pair on T^4/Z_2.Comment: Minor corrections and clarifications. Added reference
Lifting D-Instanton Zero Modes by Recombination and Background Fluxes
We study the conditions under which D-brane instantons in Type II orientifold
compactifications generate a non-perturbative superpotential. If the instanton
is non-invariant under the orientifold action, it carries four instead of the
two Goldstone fermions required for superpotential contributions. Unless these
are lifted, the instanton can at best generate higher fermionic F-terms of
Beasley-Witten type. We analyse two strategies to lift the additional zero
modes. First we discuss the process of instantonic brane recombination in Type
IIA orientifolds. We show that in some cases charge invariance of the measure
enforces the presence of further zero modes which, unlike the Goldstinos,
cannot be absorbed. In other cases, the instanton exhibits reparameterisation
zero modes after recombination and a superpotential is generated if these are
lifted by suitable closed or open string couplings. In the second part of the
paper we address lifting the extra Goldstinos of D3-brane instantons by
supersymmetric three-form background fluxes in Type IIB orientifolds. This
requires non-trivial gauge flux on the instanton. Only if the part of the
fermionic action linear in the gauge flux survives the orientifold projection
can the extra Goldstinos be lifted.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, 5 tables; v2: Appendix B slightly expanded,
minor rewordin
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