23 research outputs found

    Effect of folic acid supplementation on homocysteine concentration and association with training in handball players

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    [Background] Strenuous physical activity can alter the status of folic acid, a vitamin directly associated with homocysteine (Hcy); alterations in this nutrient are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Handball players are a population at risk for nutrient deficiency because of poor dietary habits. [Objective] The aims of this study were to evaluate nutritional status for macronutrients and folic acid in members of a high-performance handball team, and determine the effect of a nutritional intervention with folic acid supplementation and education. [Design] A total of 14 high-performance handball players were monitored by recording training time, training intensity (according to three levels of residual heart rate (RHR): 80%), and subjective perceived exertion (RPE) during a 4-month training period. Nutritional, laboratory and physical activity variables were recorded at baseline (Week 0), after 2 months of dietary supplementation with 200 μg folic acid (50% of the recommended daily allowance) (Week 8) and after 2 months without supplementation (Week 16). We compared training load and analyzed changes in plasma concentrations of Hcy before and after the intervention. [Results] Bivariate analysis showed a significant negative correlation (P < 0.01) between Hcy and folic acid concentrations (r = −0.84) at Week 8, reflecting a significant change in Hcy concentration (P < 0.05) as a result of hyperhomocysteinemia following the accumulation of high training loads. At Week 16 we observed a significant negative correlation (P < 0.01) between Hcy concentration and training time with an RHR <60%, indicating that aerobic exercise avoided abrupt changes in Hcy and may thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular accidents in high-performance athletes. [Conclusion] Integral monitoring and education are needed for practitioners of handball sports to record their folic acid status, a factor that directly affects Hcy metabolism. Folic acid supplementation may protect athletes against alterations that can lead to cardiovascular events related to exertion during competition.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (grant number AP2009- 3701) and by FIS Project PI07/1228 form the Carlos III Health Institute


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    The importance of the innovation process lies in its main functions, those of generating and leading to the conception and development of new processes and products, based on creativity. Hence the need of education for innovation. In this article we present, for a start, the main stages of an innovation process. Then, elements of innovation management, innovation strategies, innovation activities. We also present aspects regarding the financing of the innovation process and of the technology transfer. As results of the efficient application of these theoretical elements specific to an innovation process, we present the main elements of a patent (Invention Patent no. 107025/1993) of one of the authors. This patent, entitled "Burner" has gone through all stages, from conception to implementation in industry. This implementation took place in the former Special Steels Plant ok Targoviste (COST), in Electric Steel Mill no. 1 (OE1), with a good technological and economic efficienc

    Asociación de la deficiencia de magnesio con parámetros antropométricos y clínico-nutricionales en mujeres posmenopáusicas

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    Background: During menopause occurs weight gain and bone loss occurs due to the hormone decline during this period and other factors such as nutrition. Magnesium deficiency suggests a risk factor for obesity and osteo porosis. Objective: To evaluate the clinical and nutritional magnesium status in a population of postmenopausal women, assessing intake and serum levels of magnesium in the study population and correlation with anthropometric parameters such as body mass index (BMI) and body fat, and biochemical parameters associated. Subjects and Method: The study involved 78 healthy women aged 44-76, with postmenopausal status, from the province of Grenade, Spain. The sample was divided into two age groups: group 1, aged < 58, and group 2 aged≥58. Anthropometric parameters were recorded and nutritional intake was assessed by 72-hour recall, getting the RDAs through Nutriber ® program. To assess the biochemical parameters was performed a blood sample was taken. Magnesium was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) in erythrocyte and plasma wet-mineralized samples. Results: Our results show that 37.85% of the total subjects have an overweight status. Magnesium intake found in our population is insufficient in 36% of women, while plasma magnesium deficiency corresponds to 23% of the population and 72% of women have deficient levels of magnesium in erythrocyte. Positive correlations were found between magnesium intake and dietary intake of calcium, of phosphorus, and with prealbumin plasma levels, as well as with a lower waist / hip ratio. Magnesium levels in erythrocyte were correlated with lower triglycerides and urea values. Conclusion: It is important to control and monitor the nutritional status of magnesium in postmenopausal women to prevent nutritional alterations and possible clinical and chronic degenerative diseases associated with magnesium deficiency and with menopause.Introducción: Durante la menopausia se produce un aumento de peso y de pérdida de masa ósea debido a la disminución hormonal producida durante este periodo y a otros factores como la nutrición. La deficiencia de magnesio podría ser un factor de riesgo para la obesidad y la osteoporosis. Objetivo: Evaluar el estado clínico-nutricional en una población de mujeres postmenopáusicas, evaluando la ingesta y los niveles séricos de magnesio, y su correlación con parámetros antropométricos, como el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la grasa corporal, así como con parámetros bioquímicos asociados. Sujetos y Metodología: En el estudio participaron 78 mujeres sanas en situación de postmenopausia de la provincia a de Granada, con edades comprendidas entre los 44-76 años. La muestra se dividió en dos grupos de edad: grupo 1, mujeres postmenopáusicas con edad menor de 58 años y grupo 2, de edad mayor o igual a 58 años. Se registraron parámetros antropométricos y se valoró la ingesta nutricional mediante recordatorio de 72 horas, obteniendo las RDAs a través del programa Nutriber®. Para valorar los parámetros bioquímicos se realizó una extracción de sangre y el magnesio se analizó mediante espectrofotometría de absorción atómica de llama (FAAS) en muestras de eritrocitos y plasma previamente mineralizadas por vía húmeda. Resultados: Nuestros resultados muestran que el 37.8% de las mujeres presentan sobrepeso. La ingesta de magnesio encontrada en nuestra población es insuficiente en el 36% de las mujeres, mientras que la deficiencia de magnesio plasmático y eritrocitario corresponde al 23% y el 72% de las mujeres, respectivamente. Se observaron correlaciones significativas positivas entre el aporte de magnesio en la dieta y el aporte de calcio, de fósforo, y los niveles plasmáticos de prealbúmina, además de con una menor relación cintura/cadera. Los niveles de magnesio en eritrocito se correlacionaron con los niveles de triglicéridos y con menores valores de urea. Conclusión: Es importante un control y seguimiento de la situación nutricional en magnesio d la mujer postme-nopáusica para prevenir alteraciones clínico-nutricionales y posibles enfermedades crónico-degenerativas relacionadas con la deficiencia del magnesio y la menopausia

    Nutritional and methodological perspectives of zinc ions and complexes: physiological and pathological states.

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    Zinc, an essential element playing crucial roles in numerous physiological, but also pathological processes, is still one of the most studied elements. The main importance of this metal is especially based on the structural role of zinc ions in many proteins including the transcription factors, antioxidant enzymes, and metallothioneins. Due to the role of zinc in many crucial physiological processes, its homeostasis must be intensively controlled. The controlling mechanisms are based especially on the zinc transporters and low-molecular proteins metallothioneins (MT). Zinc deficiency has been related with different state of diseases. Here, we primarily aim our attention to zinc and nutrition reviewing the whole process from intake to determination of this metal. The function of zinc ions in proteins with particular emphasis to oxidative stress is discussed followed by intake mechanisms and the role of zinc ions in both physiological and pathological processes. Finally, we summarized the assays used for detection of zinc in complex biological matrices

    The pharmacist in the administration of the autonomous community of Andalusia

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    Objetivo: En primer lugar determinar las condiciones de acceso al Cuerpo de Farmacéuticos adscrito a la Administración Sanitaria de la Junta de Andalucía y en segundo lugar, conocer las distintas modalidades, cómo se han organizado los distintos cuerpos y cómo se estructuran en sus diferentes subgrupos. Además se analiza y define su régimen laboral. En tercer lugar, determinar la estructura orgánica y funciones de los distintos Cuerpos a los que tiene acceso el farmacéutico en la Administración de la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza Metodología: Revisión de la normativa, vigente y derogada, que regula los cuerpos y el sistema de acceso para Farmacéutico en la Comunidad Autónoma Andaluza. Conclusión: La figura del farmacéutico como agente sanitario en la legislación autonómica andaluza, se encuentra regulada en distintas normas que exigen una interpretación de acuerdo a los criterios de la Ley 6/185 de Ordenación de la Función Pública de la Junta de Andalucía. Las distintas modalidades de ejercicio profesional, ya sea como agente sanitario de la autoridad autonómica o como profesional especializado se definen en distintos estatutos orgánicos necesarios para definir claramente sus funciones y responsabilidades.Objetive: First to determine the conditions of access to the Pharmacists' Body assigned to the Sanitary Administration of the Meeting of Andalusia and secondly, to know the different modalities, how the different bodies have been organized and how they are structured in his different subgroups. In addition his labor regime is analyzed and defines. Thirdly, to determine the organic structure and functions of the different Bodies to which the pharmacist has access in the Administration of the Autonomous Andalusian Community Methodology: Review of the regulation, in force and repealed, that regulates the bodies and the system of access for Pharmacist in the Autonomous Andalusian Community. Conclusion / discussion The figure of the pharmacist like sanitary agent in the autonomous Andalusian legislation, is regulated in different procedure that demand an interpretation of agreement to the criteria of the Law 6/185 of Arrangement of the Public Function of the Meeting of Andalusia. The different modalities of professional exercise, already be like a sanitary agent of the autonomous authority or as specialized professional they are defined in different organic necessary bylaws to define clearly his functions and responsibilities

    The Recent Emergence of Clostridium difficile Infection in Romanian Hospitals is Associated with a High Prevalence of Polymerase Chain Reaction Ribotype 027

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    Aims: To investigate the epidemiology of Clostridium difficile infection in Romanian hospitals. Methods: A survey was conducted at nine hospitals throughout Romania between November 2013 and February 2014. Results: The survey identified 393 patients with Clostridium difficile infection. The median age was 67 years (range: 2-94 years); 56% of patients were aged >65 years. The mean prevalence of Clostridium difficile infection was 5.2 cases per 10.000 patient-days. The highest prevalences were 24.9 and 20 per 10.000 patient-days in hospitals specializing in gastroenterology and infectious diseases, respectively. Clostridium difficile infections were health care-associated in 70.5% patients and community-acquired in 10.2%. The origin was not determined in 19.3%. Clostridium difficile infection was severe in 12.3% of patients, and the in-hospital all-cause mortality was 8.8%. Polymerase chain reaction ribotype 027 had the highest prevalence in all participating hospitals and represented 82.6% of the total ribotyped isolates. The minimum inhibitory concentration of moxifloxacin was >4 μg/mL for 59 of 80 tested isolates (73.8%). Of 59 isolates, 54 were highly resistant to moxifloxacin (minimum inhibitory concentration ≥32 μg/mL), and the majority were polymerase chain reaction ribotype 027 (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The ribotype 027 was the predominant cause of Clostridium difficile infections in Romania. In some specialized hospitals, the prevalence of Clostridium difficile infection was higher than the European mean prevalence, and this demonstrates the need for strict adherence to infection control programs


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    Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae have the potential to rapid dissemination in healthcare settings, becoming a major infection control and public health concern. PCR remains the reference method for identifying these strains, but is still expensive. We evaluated the performance of four phenotypic tests for identifying OXA-48-producing (Oxacillinase-48) Enterobacteriaceae. These were modified Hodge test (MHT), a combination disk test with meropenem alone or in combination with various inhibitors and temocillin, an enzymatic test and an immunochromatographic test. The tests were performed and interpreted according to guidelines or manufacturer’s recommendations. The most frequent microorganism included in the study was Klebsiella pneumoniae. All the tests had 100% specificity, except MHT (87,5%). Sensitivity was 91,25% for MHT, 90% for the combination disk test, 95% for the enzymatic test and 82,50% for the immunochromatographic test


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    Enterobacteriaceaele producătoare de carbapenemază au potenţialul de a se răspândi rapid in spitale şi în instituţiile de îngrijire a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi, devenind o problemă majoră de sănătate publică şi pentru controlul infecţiilor. PCR rămâne metoda de referinţă pentru identificarea acestor tulpini, dar este încă scumpă. În acest studiu am evaluat performanţa a patru teste fenotipice pentru identificarea Enterobacteriaceaelor producătoare de carbapenemază tip OXA-48 (Oxacilinază-48). Aceste teste au fost: testul Hodge modificat (MHT), un test care conţine discuri cu meropenem singur sau în combinaţie cu diferiţi inhibitori şi temocilina, un test enzimatic şi unul imunocromatografic. Testele s-au efectuat şi interpretat conform ghidurilor sau recomandărilor producătorilor. Cel mai frecvent microorganism inclus în studiu a fost Klebsiella pneumoniae. Cu o singură excepţie (MHT 87,5%), toate testele au avut o specificitate de 100%. Sensibilitatea a fost de 91,25% pentru MHT, 90% pentru combinaţia de discuri, 95% pentru testul enzimatic şi 82,5% pentru testul imunocromatografic

    Calcic and hormonal levels in postmenopausal women of the province of Granada

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    Introducción: La menopausia es una etapa en la vida de la mujer que se produce a raíz del cese de la función ovárica, con la desaparición del capital folicular o por la ausencia quirúrgica de los ovarios. En esta situación, el metabolismo del calcio se ve alterado debido a cambios hormonales, pudiendo derivar en osteoporosis y cambios en los niveles de otros minerales. Objetivo: Estudiar el estatus cálcico en una población de mujeres postmenopáusicas y establecer la relación con factores hormonales directamente relacionados como la paratohormona (PTH) y la osteocalcina. Metodología: El estudio se realizó en 24 mujeres de edades comprendidas entre 42 y 71 años. Los criterios de inclusión se basaron en la aceptación a participar en el estudio y no presentar ningún tipo de patología que pudiera afectar su situación nutricional. El Ca se analizó mediante Espectrofotometría de Absorción Atómica (AAS) en muestras de eritrocitos y plasma mineralizadas por vía húmeda. Se aplicó un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo, y mediante programa informático Nutriber (Mataix, y Garcia Diz, 2006) se obtuvo el % RDA. Se contó con la aceptación del Comité ético y el consentimiento informado. Los parámetros hormonales se determinaron por enzimoinmunoensayo mediante método colorimétrico. Resultados: La recomendación de ingesta de Ca en la población femenina adulta es de 800 mg/d. Nuestros resultados muestran una ingesta de Ca por debajo de las RDA en un 97% de las mujeres estudiadas, mientras que la deficiencia plasmática de Ca en el 18%. Por otro lado, se encontró un 19% con valores superiores a los normales de PTH, y un 82 % que mostraba valores de osteocalcina inferiores a los de referencia. Conclusión: Es importante un control y seguimiento de la situación nutricional, especialmente en lo que respecta al metabolismo del calcio, en la mujer postmenopáusica. Es necesario controlar tanto la ingesta como los niveles plasmáticos de Ca y los niveles de hormonas del metabolismo cálcico, para que la población no sufra las consecuentes alteraciones producidas por las carencias en este mineral.Introduction: Menopause is a stage in the life of the woman who comes in the wake of the cessation of ovarian function, with the disappearance of follicular capital or surgical absence of ovaries. In this situation, calcium metabolism is altered due to hormonal changes, can lead to osteoporosis and changes in the levels of other minerals. Objective: To study the calcium status in a population of postmenopausal women and to determine how directly related to hormonal factors such as parathyroid hormone (PTH) and osteocalcin. Methodology: The study was conducted in 24 women aged between 42 and 71 years. Inclusion criteria were based on acceptance to participate in the study and did not show any pathology that could affect their nutritional status. Ca was analyzed by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) in erythrocytes and plasma samples mineralized by wet. We applied a food frequency questionnaire, and through software Nutriber® (Mataix, and Garcia Diz, 2006) won the% RDA. It was accepted by the Ethics Committee and informed consent. Hormonal parameters were determined by colorimetric enzyme immunoassay Results: The recommended intake of Ca in the adult female population is 800 mg / d. Our results show a Ca intake below the RDA in 97% of the women studied, while plasma Ca deficiency in 18%. On the other hand, found a 19% higher than normal values of PTH, and 82% that showed lower osteocalcin values than the reference Conclusion: It is important to control and monitoring of nutritional status, especially in regard to calcium metabolism in postmenopausal women. It is necessary to control both the intake and plasma levels of Ca and hormone levels of calcium metabolism, so that people do not suffer the consequential changes caused by deficiencies in this mineral