74 research outputs found

    Analyse qualitative des rĂ©ponses Ă©pilinguistiques et mĂ©talinguistiques au test d’acceptabilitĂ© du THAM-3 par des Ă©tudiants italophones

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    ABSTRACT. Qualitative analysis of epilinguistic and metalinguistic answers to the THAM‐3 acceptability test by Italian‐speaking students. This article as two aims, methodological and descriptive. It analyses the grammatical and metalinguistic judgements of a group of italians learning French (19 adults) elicitated from the acceptability task of the THAM 3, a linguistic and metalinguistic tests conceived for native speakers. The goal is to show that some difficulties are due to the structure of these acceptabili ty tasks that influences langu

    Le fricative dentali e alveo-palatali in francese e in italiano: differenze fonologiche e ricadute acquisizionali

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    French dental and palatal fricatives are not considered as a problem for italian students because of the similarity of the two phonological systems. In this study, we try to show that, instead of this current opinion, the different phonological value of [s], [z], [∫] and [ʒ] in italian can explain some acquisitional errors such as “position” [pozisjõ] > [posisjõ] or “mesure” [məzyR] > [mə∫yR], [məʒyR]

    Liaison et acceptabilité : une étude pilote

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    Cette contribution prĂ©sente une approche exploratoire au phĂ©nomĂšme de la liaison en français contemporain se situant au carrefour des approches variationnistes et psycholinguistiques sans s’y rĂ©duire complĂštement, puisqu’elle est Ă  la fois quantitative et qualitative. L'Ă©tude des diffĂ©rentes rĂ©ponses Ă  un test d'acceptabilitĂ© phonologique que nous avons construit Ă  cet effet fait Ă©merger que l'analyse sociolinguistique externe, objective et frĂ©quentielle, construite sur de grands corpus d’usages n’est pas complĂštement superposable aux typologies qualitatives, perceptives, internes mises en Ɠuvre par les locuteurs dans leurs jugements

    Lingue romanze in Africa

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    none3noIl volume prende spunto da una giornata di studi che ha avuto luogo presso Sapienza, UniversitĂ  di Roma nel maggio 2019. Riunisce specialisti di vari paesi, e parte dalla constatazione che gli studiosi che operano nelle varie aree della Romania africana (francese, portoghese e spagnola) soffrono di un eccessivo ed ingiustificato isolamento rispetto alle sfide complessive che il tema delle lingue romanze in Africa invece obbliga ad affrontare. Pro- prio in quest’ottica, il volume vuole favorire lo sviluppo di ricerche e analisi sempre piĂč integrate e meno parcellizzate, a beneficio di una comprensione globale di fenomeni linguistici e sociali che condividono spazi e tempi di amplissima portata.openCelani Simone, Celata Chiara, Floquet OresteCelani, Simone; Celata, Chiara; Floquet, Orest

    Regards ivoiriens, nigĂ©riens et bĂ©ninois sur le français. ElĂ©ments pour une typologie des francophonies en Afrique de l’Ouest

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    This article has two objectives. On the one hand, we want to describe three different situations in relation to the French language and culture (Niger, Ivory Coast, Benin) by collecting the discourses of young people who did not experience the period of colonization. Our goal is to approach their representations of French. The second point of our research consists in proposing a hermeneutic vision of the Francophonie which also integrates the description of attitudes, positive or negative, towards French and all that this language can convey

    Orthographic control in relation to metalinguistic awareness: Studies in three different French-speaking contexts

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    This study explores the relationship between metalinguistic awareness and orthographic control. A previous study on a French-speaking sample in Niamey (Niger) revealed an inverse correlation between the metalinguistic scores at an Acceptability task and the number of orthographic errors in the responses to that task. The authors put forward that orthographic control involves an implicit control over the relationship between the orthographic form of words and their meaning, which can be ascribed to an intuitive, ‘epilinguistic’ form of language awareness. The same design was then replicated with two more samples of French-speaking preadolescents of the same age range (11-14), one in Toulouse (France) and the other in Abidjan (Cîte d’Ivoire). Considering the three samples together, the current study aimed at verifying: (a) whether the metalinguistic and orthographic performance varied as a function of geographical and sociolinguistic specificities; (b) to what extent the inverse correlations between orthographic errors and metalinguistic performance were confirmed on a broader sample. The results showed that the participants in Abidjan outperformed their peers in Niamey and Toulouse on both metalinguistic awareness and orthographic control grounds. The inverse correlation between metalinguistic performance and orthographic errors was fully confirmed on the whole sampl

    Aspects linguistiques et sociolinguistiques des français africains

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    Environ 30% des francophones dans le monde vivent aujourd’hui en Afrique subsaharienne; en 2060, ils seront probablement 85% Ă  cause du taux de croissance dĂ©mographique exceptionnel de l’Afrique tout entiĂšre. Les français africains vont donc jouer un rĂŽle de plus en plus important au sein de la francophonie. Les auteurs rĂ©unis dans ce volume les placent au coeur de leur rĂ©flexion en s’interrogeant sur leurs statuts, leurs spĂ©cificitĂ©s, leurs Ă©cologies, leur Ă©volution dans diffĂ©rents contextes, toujours dans le but de montrer la richesse de ce patrimoine linguistique qui nous est en partie encore inconnu. Cet ouvrage collectif est dĂ©diĂ© Ă  Adriana Piga qui Ă  travers son enseignement et son engagement a reprĂ©sentĂ© pendant longtemps le symbole des pays subsahariens, notamment de langue française, Ă  la Sapienza. Elle nous fait cadeau d’un article qui clot ce volume tout en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives de recherche
