77 research outputs found

    Instability in a marginal coral reef: the shift from natural variability to a human-dominated seascape

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    As global climate change drives the demise of tropical reef ecosystems, attention is turning to the suitability o refuge habitat. For the Great Barrier Reef, are there historically stable southern refugia where corals from th north might migrate as climate changes? To address this question, we present a precise chronology of margina coral reef development from Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland, Australia. Our chronology shows that ree growth was episodic, responding to natural environmental variation throughout the Holocene, and tha Moreton Bay was inhospitable to corals for about half of the past 7000 years. The only significant change ii coral species composition occurred between similar to 200 and similar to 50 years ago, following anthropogenic alterations of th, bay and its catchments. Natural historical instability of reefs, coupled with environmental degradation sinc, European colonization, suggests that Moreton Bay offers limited potential as refuge habitat for reef species or human time scales

    A tale of two societies : The doing of qualitative comparative research in Hong Kong and Britain

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    This article explores the challenges and opportunities for methodological innovation arising from an exploratory, cross-national, qualitative study of women’s lives in Hong Kong and Britain. We begin by briefly outlining the aims of our study and its original research design, based on life history interviews with young adult women and their mothers in each location.We then turn to a discussion of how this was modified as we recruited participants and conducted the interviews, including the use of vignettes. We aim to be transparent about some of the problems of implementing a symmetrical approach to generating qualitative data in very different socio-cultural settings compounded by the practical difficulties of geographical distance between team members. We argue for a flexible approach that takes account of local cultural sensibilities rather than trying to follow rigidly identical procedures, recognising also that, in any qualitative research team, there will be differences in approach that affect the data produced. We highlight some of the insights yielded by the problems we encountered and, in particular, an accidental innovation that occurred through an ad hoc decision to conduct focus groups with the young women, which we call ‘cross-cultural data feedback’. This innovation involved our participants in contributing to cross cultural comparison and also brought taken-for-granted assumptions in each setting into sharp relief, as well as sensitising us to issues that proved important in analysing our data. This leads us to raise issues of interpreting and analysing data from differing socio-cultural locations and translating between cultures. We conclude with some recommendations including the potential for the future development of our method of cross-cultural data feedback

    Nicotinamide's Ups and Downs:Consequences for Fertility, Development, Longevity and Diseases of Poverty and Affluence

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    Aims and Scope: To further explore the role of dietary nicotinamide in both brain development and diseases, particularly those of ageing. Articles cover neurodegenerative disease and cancer. Also discussed are the effects of nicotinamide, contained in meat and supplements and derived from symbionts, on the major transitions of disease and fertility from ancient times up to the present day. A key role for the tryptophan – NAD ‘de novo’ and immune tolerance pathway are discussed at length in the context of fertility and longevity and the transitions from immune paresis to Treg-mediated immune tolerance and then finally to intolerance and their associated diseases. Abstract: Nicotinamide in human evolution increased cognitive power in a positive feedback loop originally involving hunting. As the precursor to metabolic master molecule NAD it is, as vitamin B3, vital for health. Paradoxically, a lower dose on a diverse plant then cereal-based diet fuelled population booms from the Mesolithic onwards, by upping immune tolerance of the foetus. Increased tolerance of risky symbionts, whether in the gut or TB, that excrete nicotinamide co-evolved as buffers for when diet was inadequate. High biological fertility, despite disease trade-offs, avoided the extinction of Homo sapiens and heralded the dawn of a conscious, creative, and pro-fertility culture. Nicotinamide equity now would stabilise populations and prevent NAD-based diseases of poverty and affluence

    Tying seismic data to geologic information from core data: an example from ODP Leg 177

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    The integration of seismic data with core data provides ground-truth toa structural interpretation of seismic data.The most important difficulty that arises in an integration effort isthe correct translation between the different scales of the core dataand the seismic data.In the absence of check-shots, detailed knowledge of the velocitystructure at the drilling locations is required, either from downholelogging measurements, velocity analysis of the seismic data, or directmeasurements on core samples.Three of the seven drill-sites during ODP (Ocean Drilling Program) Leg177 in the south-eastern Atlantic were located on the Agulhas Ridge andconnected through eight seismic profiles.Synthetic seismograms created from velocity and density measurements onselected core samples generally show a good agreement with real seismicdata with respect to amplitude and waveform, whereas timing of theevents is troublesome.The use of velocity profiles with inaccurate sections along cores, afalse depth scale due to recovery problems, and inaccuracies in thepositioning during both seismic and coring operations are the mainshortcomings of this method.The main reflectors identified on seismic data correspond to hiatuses orperiods of reduced sedimentation rates, and correlate well with densityvariations.In this way the cored data provide a calibration tool for the overallgeological interpretation of the seismic sections
