355 research outputs found

    Environmental influence on the observed relaxation behaviour of two chromium systems

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    EPR recovery curves were measured for KCr alum and ruby with 2.7% chromium. A considerable influence of the heat transport properties of the bath is observed. Taking care of this influence a spin relaxation time τ = (0.7 ± 0.2) ms could be observed for ruby and a spin-lattice relaxation time T1 ∝ T-1. For KCr alum an anomalous behaviour of T1 was observed which may be due to a phonon bottleneck

    Development, valdidation and outcome of health-related quality of life questionnairies for food allergic patients

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    Voedsel is een essentieel element van ons leven. Het is nodig om in leven te blijven en het is een belangrijk onderdeel van onze culturele identiteit. Mensen met een voedselallergie kunnen ernstig ziek worden na het eten van bepaald voedsel. Ziekmakende reacties ten gevolge van voeding kunnen het resultaat zijn van een voedselallergie, een voedselintolerantie (niet-allergische voedselovergevoeligheid, bijvoorbeeld lactose intolerantie) of een intoxicatie. Bij voedselallergie is er sprake van een abnormale reactie van het immuunsysteem na het eten of drinken van bepaalde voedingsmiddelen. In het lichaam worden specifieke antistoffen (IgE) gemaakt tegen bepaalde eiwitten in de voeding (allergenen). Deze antistoffen binden zich aan bepaalde cellen in het lichaam zoals mestcellen. Wanneer de antistof dan in contact komt met het allergeen kan dit klachten veroorzaken aan de huid, het maagdarmkanaal of de luchtwegen. In het ergste geval kan iemand in shock raken en overlijden. De voedingsmiddelen die de meeste allergische reacties veroorzaken zijn: pinda’s, noten, melk, ei, vis en schaaldieren. Voedselallergie komt voor bij ongeveer 2 tot 5% van de kinderen en bij ongeveer 2% van de volwassenen. Voedselallergie kan helaas nog niet worden genezen. De enige behandeling is strikte vermijding van de voedingsmiddelen waar iemand allergisch voor is. Dit kan het normale dagelijkse leven behoorlijk verstoren. Daarnaast bestaat er, ondanks de strikte vermijding, toch altijd een kans dat men per ongeluk het voedingsmiddel binnen krijgt met als gevolg een (ernstige) allergische reactie. Deze continue onzekerheid kan op zijn beurt weer een bron zijn voor angst. Wanneer een ernstige allergische reactie optreedt, is onmiddellijke en juiste toediening van adrenaline (epinefrine) met een automatische injectiespuit (bijvoorbeeld een Epipen) van groot belang. Deze toediening kan als beangstigend worden ervaren. Al met al kan het hebben van een voedselallergie een behoorlijke negatieve invloed hebben op de kwaliteit van leven. Zie ook: Samenvatting

    Moa and the multi-model architecture: a new perspective on XNF2

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    Advanced non-traditional application domains such as geographic information systems and digital library systems demand advanced data management support. In an effort to cope with this demand, we present the concept of a novel multi-model DBMS architecture which provides evaluation of queries on complexly structured data without sacrificing efficiency. A vital role in this architecture is played by the Moa language featuring a nested relational data model based on XNF2, in which we placed renewed interest. Furthermore, extensibility in Moa avoids optimization obstacles due to black-box treatment of ADTs. The combination of a mapping of queries on complexly structured data to an efficient physical algebra expression via a nested relational algebra, extensibility open to optimization, and the consequently better integration of domain-specific algorithms, makes that the Moa system can efficiently and effectively handle complex queries from non-traditional application domains

    Moa and the Multi-model architecture: a new perspective on XNF 2

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    Advanced non-traditional application domains such as geographic information systems and digital library systems demand advanced data management support. In an effort to cope with this demand, we present the concept of a novel multi-model DBMS architecture which provides evaluation of queries on complexly structured data without sacrificing efficiency. A vital role in this architecture is played by the Moa language featuring a nested relational data model based on XNF2 , in which we placed renewed interest. Furthermore, extensibility in Moa avoids optimization obstacles due to black-box treatment of ADTs. The combination of a mapping of queries on complexly structured data to an efficient physical algebra expression via a nested relational algebra, extensibility open to optimization, and the consequently better integration of domain-specific algorithms, makes that the Moa system can efficiently handle complex queries from non-traditional application domains

    Moa: extensibility and efficiency in querying nested data

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    Advanced non-traditional application domains such as geographic information systems and digital library systems demand advanced data management support. In an effort to cope with this demand, we present a novel multi-model DBMS architecture which provides efficient evaluation of queries on complexly structured data. A vital role in this architecture is played by the Moa language featuring a nested relational data model based on XNF2, in which we placed renewed interest. Furthermore, the architecture allows extensibility on all of its levels providing the means to better integrate domain-specific algorithms into the system. In addition to this, the extensibility of the Moa language is designed in a way that optimization obstacles due to blackbox treatment of ADTs is avoided. This combination of well-integrated domainspecific algorithms, extensibility open to optimization, and a mapping of queries on complexly structured data to an efficient physical algebra expression via a nested relational algebra, makes that the Moa system can efficiently handle complex queries from non-traditional application domains

    The impact of oral food challenges for food allergy on quality of life:a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Food allergy significantly impairs health-related quality of life (HRQL). Currently, it is still unknown whether diagnostic interventions for food allergy improve HRQL. We aim to assess the impact of diagnostic interventions for food allergy on HRQL. METHODS: A systematic search was performed in MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library and CINAHL focused on patients with a (suspected) food allergy who underwent diagnostic interventions (i.e. skin prick test, specific IgE or oral food challenges (OFC)), and in whom HRQL was assessed. The mean difference between HRQL before and after the diagnostic intervention was calculated. A minimal clinically important difference of 0.5 was considered clinically relevant for the Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire . RESULTS: Seven of 1465 original identified publications were included in which the impact of an OFC on HRQL was investigated (total patients n=1370). No other diagnostic interventions were investigated. Food allergy specific parent-reported HRQL improved significantly after an OFC irrespective of the outcome in children with a suspected food allergy in two publications. The change was considered clinically relevant in one of two publications. In addition, parent-reported HRQL improved after an OFC to assess the eliciting dose in children with a confirmed food allergy. The parental burden was significantly reduced after an OFC to assess resolution of food allergy. A meta-analysis could not be performed due to the limited numbers of, and considerable heterogeneity between, eligible publications. CONCLUSION: An OFC is associated with an improved food allergy specific HRQL and a reduced parental burden of food allergy. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
