12 research outputs found

    The double smeared null energy condition

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    The null energy condition (NEC), an important assumption of the Penrose singularity theorem, is violated by quantum fields. The natural generalization of the NEC in quantum field theory, the renormalized null energy averaged over a finite null segment, is known to be unbounded from below. Here, we propose an alternative, the double smeared null energy condition (DSNEC), stating that the null energy smeared over two null directions has a finite lower bound. We rigorously derive DSNEC from general worldvolume bounds for free quantum fields in Minkowski spacetime. Our method allows for future systematic inclusion of curvature corrections. As a further application of the techniques we develop, we prove additional lower bounds on the expectation values of various operators such as conserved higher spin currents. DSNEC provides a natural starting point for proving singularity theorems in semi-classical gravity

    Entanglement in the quantum Hall fluid of dipoles

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    We revisit a model for gapped fractonic order in (2+1) dimensions (a symmetric-traceless tensor gauge theory with conservation of dipole and trace-quadrupole moments described in \cite{Prem:2017kxc}) and compute its ground-state entanglement entropy on R2\mathbb R^2. Along the way, we quantize the theory on open subsets of R2\mathbb R^2 which gives rise to gapless edge excitations that are Lifshitz-type scalar theories. We additionally explore varieties of gauge-invariant extended operators and rephrase the fractonic physics in terms of the local deformability of these operators. We explore similarities of this model to the effective field theories describing quantum Hall fluids: in particular, quantization of dipole moments through a novel compact symmetry leads us to interpret the vacuum of this theory as a dipole condensate atop of which dipoles with fractionalized moments appear as quasi-particle excitations with Abelian anyonic statistics. This interpretation is reflected in the subleading ``topological entanglement" correction to the entanglement entropy. We extend this result to a series of models with conserved multipole moments

    A guide to the BRAIN initiative cell census network data ecosystem

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    Characterizing cellular diversity at different levels of biological organization and across data modalities is a prerequisite to understanding the function of cell types in the brain. Classification of neurons is also essential to manipulate cell types in controlled ways and to understand their variation and vulnerability in brain disorders. The BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) is an integrated network of data-generating centers, data archives, and data standards developers, with the goal of systematic multimodal brain cell type profiling and characterization. Emphasis of the BICCN is on the whole mouse brain with demonstration of prototype feasibility for human and nonhuman primate (NHP) brains. Here, we provide a guide to the cellular and spatial approaches employed by the BICCN, and to accessing and using these data and extensive resources, including the BRAIN Cell Data Center (BCDC), which serves to manage and integrate data across the ecosystem. We illustrate the power of the BICCN data ecosystem through vignettes highlighting several BICCN analysis and visualization tools. Finally, we present emerging standards that have been developed or adopted toward Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) neuroscience. The combined BICCN ecosystem provides a comprehensive resource for the exploration and analysis of cell types in the brain.Horizon 2020 (H2020)R01 NS096720Radiolog