156 research outputs found

    Needs and services at an in-patient psychotherapy unit

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    Objective: To describe the impact of services provided, during an admission, on unmet needs and correlates of unmet needs. Method: The study used a modified version of The Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN) to assess the perceived needs of 100 patients on admission to a psychotherapy unit, Valkenberg Hospital, Cape Town. At discharge, the study documented the extent to which the patients had perceived services and interventions to be useful. Results: The mean number of needs on admission was 8.6. At discharge, help received was highest for psychiatric needs. The services most often regarded as useful were organised group activities and therapies. Regression analysis suggests that a lower level of education and the presence of borderline personality traits contribute significantly to unmet need on discharge. Conclusion: The in-patient program is effective in meeting psychiatric needs, but less useful for addressing psycho-social needs. These needs may exacerbate psychiatric problems and should be managed more actively before, during and after an in-patient sta

    Needs and services at an in-patient psychotherapy unit

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    Objective: To describe the impact of services provided, during an admission,on unmet needs and correlates of unmet needs. Method: The study used a modified version of The Camberwell Assessment of Need (CAN) to assess the perceived needs of 100 patients on admission to a psychotherapy unit, Valkenberg Hospital, Cape Town. At discharge, the study documented the extent to which the patients had perceived services and interventions to be useful. Results: The mean number of needs on admission was 8.6. At discharge, help received was highest for psychiatric needs. The services most often regarded as useful were organised group activities and therapies. Regression analysis suggests that a lower level of education and the presence of borderline personality traits contribute significantly to unmet need on discharge. Conclusion: The in-patient program is effective in meeting psychiatric needs, but less useful for addressing psycho-social needs. These needs may exacerbate psychiatric problems and should be managed more actively before, during and after an in-patient stay. Keywords: Mental health services; Camberwell assessment of Need; Unmet need African Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 10 (3) 2007: pp. 149-15

    The neurobiology of HIV dementia: implications for practice in South Africa

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    In this review, the neuropathogenesis of HIV dementia (HIV-D) is discussed in the context of the local epidemic. HIV-D continues to be prevalent in the era of highly active anti-retroviral therapy. HIV neuro-invasion into the central nervous system may result in the development of separate HIV genotypes in an individual through compartmentalisation. The blood brain barrier continues to limit penetration of anti-retroviral drugs into the cerebrospinal fluid. Individuals with active neuro-inflammation appear to respond well to HAART. In some cases low grade neuro-degeneration persists with consequent clinical deterioration. In South Africa, the emergence of a sub-epidemic of HIV-D is being driven by various factors, including the incomplete coverage of HAART to all who need it, the late stage presentation of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and a co-occurring methamphetamine epidemic. Differences in viral subtype do not appear to confer protection against HIV-D. Implications for PLWHA who are at risk for HIV-D in South Africa are explored, with a view to providing suggestions for improving practice and research into this area

    HIV/AIDS and psychiatry: Towards the establishment of a pilot programme for detection and treatment of common mental disorders in people living with HIV/AIDS in Cape Town

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    As the roll-out of antiretrovirals (ARVs) to people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA) continues to increase in South Africa, so too does the need to integrate mental health services into HIV care. In this editorial, we argue that the role of mental health in ARV programmes is central. The prevalence of mental disorders in PLWHA is higher than in the general population, and the impact of these conditions is substantial. Screening tools for mental disorders are both available and feasible. These should be incorporated into routine ARV care, with support from dedicated HIV mental health services

    Substance misuse in youth admitted to a psychiatric emergency unit

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    Objectives. To investigate the pattern of substance misuse in youth admitted to a psychiatric emergency unit of a 'major hospital, and to compare regular users of cannabis,methaqualone and alcohol with the rest of the sample in terms of selected psychosocial variables.Study population. Consecutive patients aged 25 years or younger admitted to a psychiatric emergency unit over a 3month period.Method. Patients completed a standardised questionnaire .containing questions about their family, social, economic and educational backgrounds. Their current psychiatric folder was examined to ascertain mental state and behaviour on admission as well as previous psychiatric contacts and hospitalisation. Particular attention was paid to the use of cannabis, methaqualone and alcohol For each substance patients were divided into two groups, namely those who did not use the substance or who used it infrequently, and regular users. Unadjusted odds ratios were used to document the relationship between substance use and the selected psychosocial variablesResults. One hundred and fourteen patients were assessed, of which number 61 (53.5%) were male and 98 (86%) were single. The group consisted of 37 blacks (32.5%), 56 coloureds (49.1%) and 21 whites (18.4%)_ Alcohol was . regularly used by 30 patients (263%), cannabis by 29 (25.4%), methaqualone by 11 (9.6%), and any-of these substances by 46 patients (40.4%). Unadjusted odds ratios showed that there was a significant association between regular use of alcohol and cannabis and male gender, dropping out of school, previous psychiatric treatment, and an absence of both depression and suicidal ideation; and between regular cannabis use and bizarre behaviour, auditory hallucinations and disorganised or incoherent speech. Methaqualone use was associated with hostile threats.Conclusions. In the study population substance use was associated with various adverse psychosocial circumstances; these may alert the practitioner to the possibility of substance use. Cannabis misuse was suggested by behavioural, perceptual and speech abnormalities on mental state examination

    Challenges faced by South African health services in implementing the Mental Health Care Act

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) has drawn attention to the growing global burden of mental disorders, and to recent advances in our understanding of and ability to treat these disorders. Mental disorders accounted for 12% of the global burden of disease in 2000. This figure will rise to 15% in 2020, when it is estimated that unipolar depression will be the second most disabling health condition in the world. In South Africa, neuropsychiatric disorders account for the second highest proportion of the local burden of disease, after HIV/AIDS

    A model for estimating mental health service needs in South Africa

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    Objective. To develop a model for estimating the services and human resources needed. to care for people with severe psychiatric conditions in a hypothetical population of 100 000 people in South Africa.Method. Annual mental health service needs were estimated. in terms of numbers of daily patient visits (DPV) in ambulatory care, the number of beds required, and staffing_ Developed within a spreadsheet format, the model allows for the adjustment of key service variables according.to estimated or existing service data.Results. At 100% coverage, 87 DPV, 28 acute beds, and 10 medium-long stay beds are necessary for a population of 100 000 people. This would require 352 full-time equivalent mental health staff: 21.3 for inpatient care, 12.0 for ambulatory care, and 1.9 for management.Conclusion. Because the model can produce a range of service recommendations, the assumptions that inform it should be clearly stated. and justified.. This method makes the assumptions on which services are planned. explicit and allows for a rational approach to decision making

    A situational analysis of child and adolescent mental health services in Ghana Uganda South Africa and Zambia

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    Objective: Approximately one in five children and adolescents (CA) suffer from mental disorders. This paper reports on the findings of a situational analysis of CA mental health policy and services in Ghana, Uganda, South Africa and Zambia. The findings are part of a 5 year study, the Mental Health and Poverty Project, which aims to provide new knowledge regarding multi-sectoral approaches to breaking the cycle of poverty and mental ill-health in Africa. Method: The World Health Organization’s Assessment Instrument for Mental Health Systems (WHO-AIMS) Version 2.2 was used to collect quantitative information on mental health resources. Mental health policies and legislation were analysed using the WHO Policy and Plan, and Legislation Checklists. Qualitative data were collected through focus groups and interviews. Results: Child and adolescent mental health (CAMH) - related legislation, policies, services, programmes and human resources are scarce. Stigma and low priority given to mental health contribute to low investment in CAMH. Lack of attention to the impoverishing impact of mental disorders on CA and their families contribute to the burden. Conclusion: Scaling up child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) needs to include anti-stigma initiatives, and a greater investment in CAMH. Clear policy directions, priorities and targets should be set in country-level CAMH policies and plans. CAMHS should be intersectoral and include consideration of the poverty- mental health link. The roles of available mental health specialists should be expanded to include training and support of practitioners in all sectors. Interventions at community level are needed to engage youth, parents and local organizations to promote CAMH

    Methamphetamine use and sexual risk behaviour in Cape Town South Africa: A review of data from 8 studies conducted between 2004 and 2007

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    Community studies and studies of admissions to drug treatment centers indicate a dramatic increase in the prevalence of methamphetamine use in Cape Town since 2003. There has also been a substantial increase over this time period in the prevalence of HIV infection among women attending public antenatal clinics in the Western Cape province. This study aimed to review research conducted in Cape Town on the link between methamphetamine use and sexual risk behaviour. Method:A review of published research conducted in Cape Town between 2004 and 2007 was undertaken using PubMed, EBSCOhost and Science Direct. Results:Eight studies were identified, both quantitative and qualitative, and focusing on diverse populations, such as learners in school, out of school youth, adults in the community, men who have sex with men and sex workers. The total sample across the studies was 8153. Across multiple studies methamphetamine was fairly consistently associated with early vaginal sex, condom use during sex, having casual sex and other HIV risk behaviours. For some sub-groups the direction of the relationship was in an unexpected direction. Conclusion: The consistency of the findings across studies highlights the increased risk for contracting HIV among methamphetamine users, and reinforces the importance of interventions addressing both methamphetamine use and unsafe sexual behaviour among young people and other sectors of the population. The need for further research is also considered, particularly research that will explain some of the racial differences that were found

    Adolescent substance use: a prospective longitudinal model of substance use onset among South African adolescents

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    Substance use onset among Colored adolescents between eighth and ninth grades in an urban area of Cape Town, South Africa was examined using latent transition analysis. Longitudinal self-report data regarding substance use (N = 1118, 50.9% female) were collected in 2004 and 2005. Results indicated that the pattern of onset was similar across genders; adolescents first tried either alcohol or cigarettes, followed by both, then dagga (cannabis), and then inhalants. The prevalence of lifetime cigarette use was slightly greater for females; dagga (cannabis) and inhalant use were greater for males. The similarity of developmental onset in the current sample to previous international work supports the promise of adapting prevention programs across contexts. The study’s limitations are noted.Web of Scienc
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