142 research outputs found

    LIBRA: An inexpensive geodetic network densification system

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    A description is given of the Libra (Locations Interposed by Ranging Aircraft) system, by which geodesy and earth strain measurements can be performed rapidly and inexpensively to several hundred auxiliary points with respect to a few fundamental control points established by any other technique, such as radio interferometry or satellite ranging. This low-cost means of extending the accuracy of space age geodesy to local surveys provides speed and spatial resolution useful, for example, for earthquake hazards estimation. Libra may be combined with an existing system, Aries (Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying) to provide a balanced system adequate to meet the geophysical needs, and applicable to conventional surveying. The basic hardware design was outlined and specifications were defined. Then need for network densification was described. The following activities required to implement the proposed Libra system are also described: hardware development, data reduction, tropospheric calibrations, schedule of development and estimated costs

    A 3-D Multilateration: A Precision Geodetic Measurement System

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    A system was designed with the capability of determining 1-cm accuracy station positions in three dimensions using pulsed laser earth satellite tracking stations coupled with strictly geometric data reduction. With this high accuracy, several crucial geodetic applications become possible, including earthquake hazards assessment, precision surveying, plate tectonics, and orbital determination

    Three-D multilateration: A precision geodetic measurement system

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    A technique of satellite geodesy for determining the relative three dimensional coordinates of ground stations within one centimeter over baselines of 20 to 10,000 kilometers is discussed. The system is referred to as 3-D Multilateration and has applications in earthquake hazard assessment, precision surveying, plate tectonics, and orbital mechanics. The accuracy is obtained by using pulsed lasers to obtain simultaneous slant ranges between several ground stations and a moving retroreflector with known trajectory for aiming the lasers

    Molecular Characterization of the Ro/SS-A Autoantigens

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    AbstractMolecular techniques have recently revealed that there are several immunologically distinct Ro/SS-A antigens. Three genes encoding putative Ro/SS-A protein antigens with calculated masses of 46, 52, and 60 kD have been isolated. The encoded amino acid sequence of each is quite dissimilar. The 46-kD antigen is calreticulin (CR), a highly conserved calcium-binding protein that resides predominately in the endoplasmic reticulum where it may be involved in protein assembly. Although CR has recently been confirmed to be a new human rheumatic disease-associated autoantigen, its relationship to the other components of the Ro/SS-A ribonucleoprotein has become somewhat controversial owing predominately to the fact that recombinant forms of calreticulin have not displayed the same pattern of autoantibody reactivity possesse by the native form of this protein.The 52-kD antigen most likely resides in the nucleus and may be involved in the regulation of gene expression. The cellular location and function of the 60-kD antigen is uncertain but studies indicate that it is a RNA-binding protein.The 46- and 60-kD antigens share homology with foreign polypeptides, suggesting that an immune response initially directed against a foreign protein may give rise to the autoimmune response directed at cross-reacting self proteins

    Techniken der Visualisierung und Verbalisierung

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    Das Erinnern und Erzählen von Geschichten ist ein besonderes Merkmal menschlichen Erlebens und Handelns. Der Schriftsteller Max Frisch (1998) glaubte, dass sich jeder Mensch früher oder später eine Geschichte erfinde, die er, selbst unter gewaltigen Opfern, für sein Leben halte, obwohl sie doch letztlich eine Fiktion sei