168 research outputs found

    An evaluation of the impact of industrial restructuring on individual human capital accumulation in France (1956-1993)

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    This article evaluates the effect of French industrial restructuring during 1956-1993, on individual human capital accumulation. We use data from the French Training and Occupational Skills survey and the Population Census (INSEE). We estimate a human capital production function using two econometric strategies (controlling for covariates; instrumental variables). We show that industrial restructuring has a negative impact on individual human capital accumulation for the children of blue-collar workers

    Restructurations industrielles et niveau de diplÎme des jeunes générations. Une estimation empirique pour la France

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    Cet article estime l’effet des restructurations industrielles sur le niveau de diplĂŽme acquis par les jeunes gĂ©nĂ©rations sur la pĂ©riode 1956-1993 en France. Nous mobilisons les donnĂ©es issues de l’enquĂȘte Formation et Qualification Professionnelle 2003 et de plusieurs vagues d’enquĂȘtes de recensement de la population. Nous estimons Ă©conomĂ©triquement une fonction de production de capital humain. Nous montrons que les restructurations industrielles exercent un effet nĂ©gatif sur le niveau de diplĂŽme acquis par les enfants d’ouvriers. This article evaluates the effect of industrial restructuring on the level of diploma acquired by young generation on 1956-1993 in France. We use data from the French Training and Occupational Skills (FQP) survey and from several waves from the French Population Census. We econometrically estimate a human capital production function. We show that industrial restructuring has a negative impact on the level of diploma acquired by the children of blue-collar workers

    Restructurations industrielles et niveau de diplÎme des jeunes générations. Une estimation empirique pour la France

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    Cet article estime l’effet des restructurations industrielles sur le niveau de diplĂŽme acquis par les jeunes gĂ©nĂ©rations sur la pĂ©riode 1956-1993 en France. Nous mobilisons les donnĂ©es issues de l’enquĂȘte Formation et Qualification Professionnelle 2003 et de plusieurs vagues d’enquĂȘtes de recensement de la population. Nous estimons Ă©conomĂ©triquement une fonction de production de capital humain. Nous montrons que les restructurations industrielles exercent un effet nĂ©gatif sur le niveau de diplĂŽme acquis par les enfants d’ouvriers. This article evaluates the effect of industrial restructuring on the level of diploma acquired by young generation on 1956-1993 in France. We use data from the French Training and Occupational Skills (FQP) survey and from several waves from the French Population Census. We econometrically estimate a human capital production function. We show that industrial restructuring has a negative impact on the level of diploma acquired by the children of blue-collar workers

    Topological Acoustic Polaritons: Robust Sound Manipulation at the Subwavelength Scale

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    Topological insulators, a hallmark of condensed matter physics, have recently reached the classical realm of acoustic waves. A remarkable property of time-reversal invariant topological insulators is the presence of unidirectional spin-polarized propagation along their edges, a property that could lead to a wealth of new opportunities in the ability to guide and manipulate sound. Here, we demonstrate and study the possibility to induce topologically non-trivial acoustic states at the deep subwavelength scale, in a structured two-dimensional metamaterial composed of Helmholtz resonators. Radically different from previous designs based on non- resonant sonic crystals, our proposal enables robust sound manipulation on a surface along predefined, subwavelength pathways of arbitrary shapes
