3,701 research outputs found

    The Mean Ultraviolet Spectrum of a Representative Sample of Faint z~3 Lyman Alpha Emitters

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    We discuss the rest-frame ultraviolet emission line spectra of a large (~100) sample of low luminosity redshift z~3.1 Lyman alpha emitters (LAEs) drawn from a Subaru imaging survey in the SSA22 survey field. Our earlier work based on smaller samples indicated that such sources have high [OIII]/[OII] line ratios possibly arising from a hard ionising spectrum that may be typical of similar sources in the reionisation era. With optical spectra secured from VLT/VIMOS, we re-examine the nature of the ionising radiation in a larger sample using the strength of the high ionisation diagnostic emission lines of CIII]1909, CIV1549, HeII1640, and OIII]1661,1666 in various stacked subsets. Our analysis confirms earlier suggestions of a correlation between the strength of Ly-alpha and CIII] emission and we find similar trends with broad band UV luminosity and rest-frame UV colour. Using various diagnostic line ratios and our stellar photoionisation models, we determine both the gas phase metallicity and hardness of the ionisation spectrum characterised by xi_ion - the number of Lyman continuum photons per UV luminosity. We confirm our earlier suggestion that xi_ion is significantly larger for LAEs than for continuum-selected Lyman break galaxies, particularly for those LAEs with the faintest UV luminosities. We briefly discuss the implications for cosmic reionisation if the metal-poor intensely star-forming systems studied here are representative examples of those at much higher redshift.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Eighth Amendment Challenges to the Length of a Criminal Sentence: Following the Supreme Court “From Precedent to Precedent”

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    Defendant A was convicted twice previously of felonies and sentenced to prison for fraudulent use of a credit card (80.00)andforpassingaforgedcheck(80.00) and for passing a forged check (28.36). Upon his third felony conviction for obtaining money by false pretenses ($120.75), he received a mandatory life sentence under a state recidivist statute

    The Lyman Continuum Escape Survey: Ionizing Radiation from [O III]-Strong Sources at a Redshift of 3.1

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    We present results from the LymAn Continuum Escape Survey (LACES), a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) program designed to characterize the ionizing radiation emerging from a sample of Lyman alpha emitting galaxies at redshift z3.1z\simeq 3.1. As many show intense [O III] emission characteristic of z>6.5z>6.5 star-forming galaxies, they may represent valuable low redshift analogs of galaxies in the reionization era. Using HST Wide Field Camera 3 / UVIS F336WF336W to image Lyman continuum emission, we investigate the escape fraction of ionizing photons in this sample. For 61 sources, of which 77% are spectroscopically confirmed and 53 have measures of [O III] emission, we detect Lyman continuum leakage in 20%, a rate significantly higher than is seen in individual continuum-selected Lyman break galaxies. We estimate there is a 98% probability that 2\leq 2 of our detections could be affected by foreground contamination. Fitting multi-band spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to take account of the varying stellar populations, dust extinctions and metallicities, we derive individual Lyman continuum escape fractions corrected for foreground intergalactic absorption. We find escape fractions of 15 to 60% for individual objects, and infer an average 20% escape fraction by fitting composite SEDs for our detected samples. Surprisingly however, even a deep stack of those sources with no individual F336WF336W detections provides a stringent upper limit on the average escape fraction of less than 0.5%. We examine various correlations with source properties and discuss the implications in the context of the popular picture that cosmic reionization is driven by such compact, low metallicity star-forming galaxies.Comment: 26 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Development of a Next-Generation NIL Library in Arabidopsis Thaliana for Dissecting Complex Traits

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    The identification of the loci and specific alleles underlying variation in quantitative traits is an important goal for evolutionary biologists and breeders. Despite major advancements in genomics technology, moving from QTL to causal alleles remains a major challenge in genetics research. Near-isogenic lines are the ideal raw material for QTL validation, refinement of QTL location and, ultimately, gene discovery. Results: In this study, a population of 75 Arabidopsis thaliana near-isogenic lines was developed from an existing recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between physiologically divergent accessions Kas-1 and Tsu-1. First, a novel algorithm was developed to utilize genome-wide marker data in selecting RILs fully isogenic to Kas-1 for a single chromosome. Seven such RILs were used in 2 generations of crossing to Tsu-1 to create BC1 seed. BC1 plants were genotyped with SSR markers so that lines could be selected that carried Kas-1 introgressions, resulting in a population carrying chromosomal introgressions spanning the genome. BC1 lines were genotyped with 48 genome-wide SSRs to identify lines with a targeted Kas-1 introgression and the fewest genomic introgressions elsewhere. 75 such lines were selected and genotyped at an additional 41 SNP loci and another 930 tags using 2b-RAD genotyping by sequencing. The final population carried an average of 1.35 homozygous and 2.49 heterozygous introgressions per line with average introgression sizes of 5.32 and 5.16 Mb, respectively. In a simple case study, we demonstrate the advantage of maintaining heterozygotes in our library whereby fine-mapping efforts are conducted simply by self-pollination. Crossovers in the heterozygous interval during this single selfing generation break the introgression into smaller, homozygous fragments (sub-NILs). Additionally, we utilize a homozygous NIL for validation of a QTL underlying stomatal conductance, a low heritability trait. Conclusions: The present results introduce a new and valuable resource to the Brassicaceae research community that enables rapid fine-mapping of candidate loci in parallel with QTL validation. These attributes along with dense marker coverage and genome-wide chromosomal introgressions make this population an ideal starting point for discovery of genes underlying important complex traits of agricultural and ecological significance.NSF DEB-1022196, DEB-0618302, DEB-0618347, IOS-09221457Integrative Biolog

    The thermal contact conductance of hard and soft coat anodized aluminium

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    An experimental investigation of the thermal contact conductance of anodized coatings Introduction The thermal performance of microelectronic components has become increasingly important as systems are miniaturized. The dense packaging on standard electronic modules (SEM), widely used in military applications, often leads to thermally induced failures because of the thermal resistance occurring between the module guide fibs and the chassis card rails. This thermal resistance results from the limited contact area at the interface, the uneven contact pressure, surface characteristics, and the bulk resistance of the coatings on the card rails and guide ribs. As circuit densities have increased, cooling schemes have been developed to maintain device temperatures within their optimum design specification. However, other techniques that help reduce the temperature change across component interfaces must also be investigated. Many electronic systems incorporate anodized surfaces, which contribute to the thermal resistance at component interfaces. This paper reports the results of an experimental investigation of anodized films grown at different temperatures and in different electrolyte solutions, and compares these results with previously published information

    The role of the Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 protein in adipocyte insulin action.

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    The Niemann-Pick disease, type C1 (NPC1) gene encodes a transmembrane protein involved in cholesterol efflux from the lysosome. SNPs within NPC1 have been associated with obesity and type 2 diabetes, and mice heterozygous or null for NPC1 are insulin resistant. However, the molecular mechanism underpinning this association is currently undefined. This study aimed to investigate the effects of inhibiting NPC1 function on insulin action in adipocytes. Both pharmacological and genetic inhibition of NPC1 impaired insulin action. This impairment was evident at the level of insulin signalling and insulin-mediated glucose transport in the short term and decreased GLUT4 expression due to reduced liver X receptor (LXR) transcriptional activity in the long-term. These data show that cholesterol homeostasis through NPC1 plays a crucial role in maintaining insulin action at multiple levels in adipocytes

    Multisite functional connectivity MRI classification of autism: ABIDE results

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    Background:: Systematic differences in functional connectivity MRI metrics have been consistently observed in autism, with predominantly decreased cortico-cortical connectivity. Previous attempts at single subject classification in high-functioning autism using whole brain point-to-point functional connectivity have yielded about 80% accurate classification of autism vs. control subjects across a wide age range. We attempted to replicate the method and results using the Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE) including resting state fMRI data obtained from 964 subjects and 16 separate international sites. Methods:: For each of 964 subjects, we obtained pairwise functional connectivity measurements from a lattice of 7266 regions of interest covering the gray matter (26.4 million “connections”) after preprocessing that included motion and slice timing correction, coregistration to an anatomic image, normalization to standard space, and voxelwise removal by regression of motion parameters, soft tissue, CSF, and white matter signals. Connections were grouped into multiple bins, and a leave-one-out classifier was evaluated on connections comprising each set of bins. Age, age-squared, gender, handedness, and site were included as covariates for the classifier. Results:: Classification accuracy significantly outperformed chance but was much lower for multisite prediction than for previous single site results. As high as 60% accuracy was obtained for whole brain classification, with the best accuracy from connections involving regions of the default mode network, parahippocampaland fusiform gyri, insula, Wernicke Area, and intraparietal sulcus. The classifier score was related to symptom severity, social function, daily living skills, and verbal IQ. Classification accuracy was significantly higher for sites with longer BOLD imaging times. Conclusions:: Multisite functional connectivity classification of autism outperformed chance using a simple leave-one-out classifier, but exhibited poorer accuracy than for single site results. Attempts to use multisite classifiers will likely require improved classification algorithms, longer BOLD imaging times, and standardized acquisition parameters for possible future clinical utility

    Αξιοβίωτη Ολοκληρωμένη Ανάπτυξη. Από την Θεωρία στην Πράξη: Η περίπτωση των αστέγων της Αθήνας

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Περιβάλλον και Ανάπτυξη