776 research outputs found

    Basic calculation proficiency and mathematics achievement in elementary school children

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    The relation between skill in simple addition and subtraction and more general math achievement in elementary school is well established but not understood. Both the intrinsic importance of skill in simple calculation for math and the influence of conceptual knowledge and cognitive factors (working memory, processing speed, oral language) on simple calculation and math are plausible. The authors investigated the development of basic calculation fluency and its relations to math achievement and other factors by tracking a group of 259 United Kingdom English children from second to third grade. In both grades the group did not retrieve the solutions to most problems, but their math achievement was typical. Improvement in basic calculation proficiency was partially predicted by conceptual knowledge and cognitive factors. These factors only partially mediated the relation between basic calculation and math achievement. The relation between reading and math was wholly mediated by number measures and cognitive factors

    Realist trials and the testing of context-mechanism-outcome configurations: a response to Van Belle et al.

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    BACKGROUND: Van Belle et al. argue that our attempt to pursue realist evaluation via a randomised trial will be fruitless because we misunderstand realist ontology (confusing intervention mechanisms with intervention activities and with statistical mediation analyses) and because RCTs cannot comprehensively examine how and why outcome patterns are caused by mechanisms triggered in specific contexts. METHODS: Through further consideration of our trial methods, we explain more fully how we believe complex social interventions work and what realist evaluation should aim to do within a trial. RESULTS: Like other realists, those undertaking realist trials assume that: social interventions provide resources which local actors may draw on in actions that can trigger mechanisms; these mechanisms may interact with contextual factors to generate outcomes; and data in the 'empirical' realm can be used to test hypotheses about mechanisms in the 'real' realm. Whether or not there is sufficient contextual diversity to test such hypotheses is a contingent not a necessary feature of trials. Previous exemplars of realist evaluation have compared empirical data from intervention and control groups to test hypotheses about real mechanisms. There is no inevitable reason why randomised trials should not also be able to do so. Random allocation merely ensures the comparability of such groups without necessarily causing evaluation to lapse from a realist into a 'positivist' or 'post-positivist' paradigm. CONCLUSIONS: Realist trials are ontologically and epistemologically plausible. Further work is required to assess whether they are feasible and useful but such work should not be halted on spurious philosophical grounds

    Innovation: A selection from the Bodleian’s Special Collections for the Vice Chancellor's Circle

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    Inventiveness in the sciences and humanities as shown in manuscripts, rare books, and archives in the Bodleian's Special Collections

    Ecology of Owens Valley vole

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    Little current data exist concerning the status and ecology of Owens Valley vole (OVV; Microtus californicus vallicola), despite its California Department of Fish and Game listing as a Species of Special Concern. No formal studies have been undertaken to understand the ecology of OVV or other small mammal species occurring in mesic-vegetative communities in Owens Valley, California. I investigated the relative abundance of small mammal species in mesic-plant associations of Owens Valley, OVV distribution, and OVV use of vegetative types as habitat. Low OVV capture rates decreased the efficiency of systematic trapping surveys. Live trapping and sign surveys yielded contradictory results. The distribution of OVV was associated with irrigation and microhabitat features such as waterways, fence lines, and brush patches. The distribution and use of vegetation types by OVV was similar to that of the California vole (M. californicus)

    Role theory of schools and adolescent health.

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    Evidence that health and education are interlinked is transforming investment in adolescent health. However, no comprehensive theory of how schools influence mental and physical health, which could guide, and be tested through, empirical studies, exists. Using neuroscience, sociology, and other disciplines, we theorise that schools catering for students age 11-18 years can influence health by affecting the behavioural roles that are available for students to perform, the resources available to influence student behaviour, and how peers and teachers (known as the audience) respond. Some schools offer opportunities for students to adopt diverse pro-school roles and to maintain these roles via constructive feedback. Other schools focus narrowly on high academic attainment. Where pro-school roles are unavailable, are beyond students' resources, or elicit negative responses from teachers and peers, students might experience anxiety and choose to adopt anti-school roles, particularly in later adolescence. Behaviours that harm health, such as violence and drug use, are central to anti-school roles because they can facilitate belonging and status within anti-school peer groups and symbolise alternative transitions to adulthood

    Dating and relationship violence among 16-19 year olds in England and Wales: a cross-sectional study of victimization.

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    Background: Dating and relationship violence (DRV) is under-researched in the UK, especially among Further Education (FE) students. This study examines the association between DRV victimization and socio-demographic characteristics, sexual identity and dating and relationship behaviours among 16-19 year olds FE students. Methods: Cross-sectional self-report data were collected from 1751 students aged 16-19 at six FE settings in England and Wales. Factor analysis examined the structure of DRV victimization by gender. Multilevel logistic regression examined the odds ratios of DRV victimization according to socio-demographics, sexual identity and dating behaviours. Results: DRV victimization clusters into two categories for females, and three for males. Among females, 46.1% experienced controlling behaviours and 31.6% threatening behaviours; 49.9% of males experienced controlling behaviours, 27.1% threatening behaviours and 5.8% online sexual violence. The odds of DRV victimization were 2-8 times greater for males and 2-4 times greater for females who had ever sent a sexually explicit image. No consistent association was found between DRV and age, spending money per week, educational attainment or meeting partners online. Conclusions: The high prevalence, absence of gender differences and social patterning, suggests DRV victimization may be becoming normalized and is of significant public health importance for young people in England and Wales

    A Comparison of Mechanical and Electrical Wind-Powered Water Pumps

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    Worldwide, 783 million people do not have access to clean water; 319 million of them reside in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this region, the transportation of water from its source to its point-of-use can be arduous to complete using current methods. The men and women in developing communities must exert considerable effort to retrieve the few gallons of water they need to survive. Due to the lack of infrastructure and no external source of energy, new methods to transport the water must be capable of generating their own energy. The Archimedes Initiative has set out to identify a mechanically powered pump that performs as effectively as an electrical pump based on the following criteria: a 5-10L/min flow rate, 1-mile flow distance, and 150 ft. vertical head distance. The team will conduct research into the efficiency and performance of both hybrid and mechanical systems. At the project’s conclusion, The Archimedes Initiative plans to have a fully functioning wind-powered water pump capable of meeting the design criteria. The project is currently ongoing and much progress has been made towards developing preliminary designs and a viable prototype. After several iterations of design review and redesign, the team plans to begin construction of a prototype in January and testing is scheduled for February 2017. A fully functioning and usable prototype will be complete by the conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year

    The three stages of building and testing mid-level theories in a realist RCT: a theoretical and methodological case-example.

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    BACKGROUND: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of social interventions are often criticised as failing to open the 'black box' whereby they only address questions about 'what works' without explaining the underlying processes of implementation and mechanisms of action, and how these vary by contextual characteristics of person and place. Realist RCTs are proposed as an approach to evaluation science that addresses these gaps while preserving the strengths of RCTs in providing evidence with strong internal validity in estimating effects. METHODS: In the context of growing interest in designing and conducting realist trials, there is an urgent need to offer a worked example to provide guidance on how such an approach might be practically taken forward. The aim of this paper is to outline a three-staged theoretical and methodological process of undertaking a realist RCT using the example of the evaluation of a whole-school restorative intervention aiming to reduce aggression and bullying in English secondary schools. DISCUSSION: First, informed by the findings of our initial pilot trial and sociological theory, we elaborate our theory of change and specific a priori hypotheses about how intervention mechanisms interact with context to produce outcomes. Second, we describe how we will use emerging findings from the integral process evaluation within the RCT to refine, and add to, these a priori hypotheses before the collection of quantitative, follow-up data. Third, we will test our hypotheses using a combination of process and outcome data via quantitative analyses of effect mediation (examining mechanisms) and moderation (examining contextual contingencies). The results are then used to refine and further develop the theory of change. CONCLUSION: The aim of the realist RCT approach is thus not merely to assess whether the intervention is effective or not, but to develop empirically informed mid-range theory through a three-stage process. There are important implications for those involved with reporting and reviewing RCTs, including the use of new, iterative protocols. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN10751359 (Registered 11 March 2014)

    Realist complex intervention science: applying realist principles across all phases of the Medical Research Council framework for developing and evaluating complex interventions

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    The integration of realist evaluation principles within randomised controlled trials (‘realist RCTs’) enables evaluations of complex interventions to answer questions about what works, for whom and under what circumstances. This allows evaluators to better develop and refine mid-level programme theories. However, this is only one phase in the process of developing and evaluating complex interventions. We describe and exemplify how social scientists can integrate realist principles across all phases of the Medical Research Council framework. Intervention development, modelling, and feasibility and pilot studies need to theorise the contextual conditions necessary for intervention mechanisms to be activated. Where interventions are scaled up and translated into routine practice, realist principles also have much to offer in facilitating knowledge about longer-term sustainability, benefits and harms. Integrating a realist approach across all phases of complex intervention science is vital for considering the feasibility and likely effects of interventions for different localities and population subgroups