13,522 research outputs found

    Identification and characterization of extraterrestrial non-chondritic interplanetary dust

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    Interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) are among the most pristine and primitive extraterrestrial materials available for direct study. Most of the stratospheric particles selected for study from the JSC Curatorial Collection were chondritic in composition (major element abundances within a factor of two of chondritic meteorites) because this composition virtually ensures that the particle is from an extraterrestrial source. It is likely that some of the most interesting classes of IDP's have not been recognized simply because they are not chondritic or do not fit established criteria for extraterrestrial origin. Indeed, mass spectroscopy data from the Giotto Flyby of comet Halley indicate that a substantial fraction of the dust is in the submicron size range and that a majority of these particles contain C, H, O, and/or N as major elements. The preponderance of CHON particles in the coma of Halley implies that similar particles may exist in the JSC stratospheric dust collection. However, the JSC collection also contains a variety of stratospheric contaminants from terrestrial sources which have these same characteristics. Because established criteria for extraterrestrial origin may not apply to such particles in individual cases, and integrated approach is required in which a variety of analysis techniques are applied to the same particle. Non-chondritic IDP's, like their chondritic counterparts, can be used to elucidate pre- and early solar system processes and conditions. The study of non-chondritic IDP's may additionally yield unique information which bears on the nature of cometary bodies and the processing of carbonaceous and other low atomic number materials. A suite of complementary techniques, including Low Voltage Scanning Electron Microscopy (LVSEM), Energy-Dispersive X-ray Microanalysis (EDX), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) isotope-ratio imaging and Analytical Electron Microscopy (AEM), were utilized to accomplish the following two objectives: (1) to develop criteria for the unequivocal identification of extraterrestrial non-chondritic IDP's; and (2) to infer IDP parent body, solar nebula, and pre-solar conditions through the study of phases, textures, and components contained within non-chondritic IDP's. The general approach taken is designed to maximize the total information obtained from each particle. Techniques will be applied in order from least destructive to most destructive

    Unimolecular reaction rates in solution and in the isolated molecule: Comparison of diphenyl butadiene nonradiative decay in solutions and supersonic jets

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    The recent study of diphenyl butadiene (DPB) in supersonic jets and in solution by Shepanski et al.(1) and by Courtney and Felming(2), respectively, provides an opportunity to compare the isomerization rates measured in the isolated molecule (jet) with those measured at very low viscosity in solution. These comparisons should shed light on the vibrational energy flows between “optical” and “reactive” modes in the isolated molecule and on the connection between activated, friction dependent, models of barrier crossing in solution,(3-5) and statistical RRK (or RRKM) theories of gas phase unimolecular reactions(6)

    Results of the 1977 southern California pismo clam survey

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    A Pismo clam, Tivela stultorum, survey was conducted in January 1977 on selected southern California beaches. Effort and catch information was collected through clammer interviews. Estimates for the two day survey were 1,596 clammers spending 2,506 hours to take 6,139 clams. Comparisons were made between the 1977 survey results and previous surveys. Clams were collected for length and age studies. Compliance to the 4.5-inch (114.3 mm) minimum size limit appeared to be good. (15pp.

    Results of the 1976 southern California pismo clam census

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    A Pismo clam, Tivela stultorum, census was conducted in January 1976 on selected southern California beaches. Effort and catch information was collected through clamer interviews. Estimates for January 17 on beaches sampled were 3,296 clammer-hours, 2,170 clammers, and 10,739 legal clams (4.5 inches or larger) harvested. Clams were collected for age and growth studies. Samples of clams from the Long Beach to Newport Beach pier area demonstrate the fastest growth rates of any Pismo clams reported in the literature. Clams begin to be recruited to the fishery at age 40 months. (14pp.) The 1974 year class was the largest on beaches sampled. Recruitment to the fishery will be poor for the 1976-77 and 1977-78 seasons and clamming will be dependent on large older clams

    Nonequilibrium Dynamics of Charged Particles in an Electromagnetic Field: Causal and Stable Dynamics from 1/c Expansion of QED

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    We derive from a microscopic Hamiltonian a set of stochastic equations of motion for a system of spinless charged particles in an electromagnetic (EM) field based on a consistent application of a dimensionful 1/c expansion of quantum electrodynamics (QED). All relativistic corrections up to order 1/c^3 are captured by the dynamics, which includes electrostatic interactions (Coulomb), magnetostatic backreaction (Biot-Savart), dissipative backreaction (Abraham-Lorentz) and quantum field fluctuations at zero and finite temperatures. With self-consistent backreaction of the EM field included we show that this approach yields causal and runaway-free equations of motion, provides new insights into charged particle backreaction, and naturally leads to equations consistent with the (classical) Darwin Hamiltonian and has quantum operator ordering consistent with the Breit Hamiltonian. To order 1/c^3 the approach leads to a nonstandard mass renormalization which is associated with magnetostatic self-interactions, and no cutoff is required to prevent runaways. Our new results also show that the pathologies of the standard Abraham-Lorentz equations can be seen as a consequence of applying an inconsistent (i.e. incomplete, mixed-order) expansion in 1/c, if, from the start, the analysis is viewed as generating a low-energy effective theory rather than an exact solution. Finally, we show that the 1/c expansion within a Hamiltonian framework yields well-behaved noise and dissipation, in addition to the multiple-particle interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Physical characteristics of the inshore environment

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    Oceanography, especially in the United States, has advanced very rapidly during the last two decades. This is true not only of the amount of data collected but also in the development of theories, the improvement of instrumentation, and in the training of investigators. At the same time there has been a tremendous increase of interest in the possible applications of oceanography to other fields of science and to various economic and military problems...

    Series-hybrid bearing - An approach to extending bearing fatigue life at high speeds

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    Fluid film bearing of hybrid device consists of orifice compensated annular thrust bearing and self-acting journal bearing. In series hybrid bearing, both ball bearing and annular thrust bearing carry full system thrust load, but two bearings share speed. Operation of system is stable and automatically fail-safe

    The Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm:Bulletin 87

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    Bulletin 87 with coverage of Avian Influenza H5N1 in Suffolk,commentary on Biofuels, a paper on the organic "transition to sustainable resilience",paper on participatory approach to agronomy trials,update on evolutionary breeding of wheat project,article on formation of new growers alliance in UK