274 research outputs found

    Estudio químico de los productos aislados de Schkuria Pinnata var. Pinnata (lam.)

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    El presente trabajo tuvo por objeto el estudio de loscompuestos aislados de la planta Schkuria pinnata. En el mismo se describen: a) los hidrocarburos presentes en plantas de la familia delas Compuestas, haciendo mención de sus funciones y suorigen biogenético; también se comenta su forma de distribuciónen las distintas tribus de la mencionada familiay su aplicación en la taxonomía química; b) los hidrocarburos aislados de la planta Schkuria pinnata,considerando los métodos físicos utilizados en la identificaciónde los mismos y la relación, desde el punto devista taxonómico, entre dicha planta y otras de la familiade las Compuestas; c) los alcoholes de plantas en general, sus funciones, suorigen biogenético y su forma de distribución en lasmismas; en particular se consideran los alcoholes aisladosde Schkuria pinnata y los métodos empleados en la identificaciónde los mismos; d) los triterpenos presentes en plantas de la familia de las Compuestas; se hace una revisión de todos los mono alcoholestriterpénicos pentacíclicos conocidos y aislados deplantas de la familia de las Compuestas; e) los triterpenos pentacíclicos aislados de la Schkuriapinnata; en base a los valores de las constantes físicasy a los resultados de los métodos espectroscópicos yquímicos, se proponen estructuras para los alcoholestriterpénicos hallados; se hace además un breve comentariosobre la biogénesis de tales productos en plantas; f) los esteroles presentes en plantas de la familia de las Compuestas; se comenta brevemente las funciones de losesteroles en plantas y la existencia de algunos de ellosen plantas de la familia de las Compuestas; g) los esteroles aislados de la Schkuria pinnata; se discutenlos métodos utilizados para la identificación de losmismos. Se presenta además, un resumen del trabajo realizado conel objeto de aislar e identificar otros productos existentesen la planta Schkuria pinnata; los mismos no pudieron sercaracterizados por no encontrarse métodos adecuados para lapurificación de tales sustancias.Fil: Flematti, Susana María. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina

    (Methylthio)phenol semiochemicals are exploited by deceptive orchids as sexual attractants for Campylothynnus thynnine wasps

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    Until recently, (methylthio)phenols as natural products had only been reported from bacteria. Now, four representatives of this class of sulfurous aromatic compounds have been discovered as semiochemicals in the orchid Caladenia crebra, which secures pollination by sexual deception. In this case, field bioassays confirmed that a 10:1 blend of 2-(methylthio)benzene-1,4-diol (1) and 4-hydroxy-3-(methylthio)benzaldehyde (2) sexually attracts the male thynnine wasp Campylothynnus flavopictus (Tiphiidae:Thynnineae), the exclusive pollinator of C. crebra. Here we show with field bioassays that another undescribed species of Campylothynnus (sp. A) is strongly sexually attracted to a 1:1 blend of compounds 1 and 2, which elicits very high attempted copulation rates (88%). We also confirm that this Campylothynnus species is a pollinator of Caladenia attingens subsp. attingens. Chemical analysis of the flowers of this orchid revealed two (methylthio)phenols, compound 2 and 2-(methylthio)phenol (3), as candidate semiochemicals involved in pollinator attraction. Thus, (methylthio)phenols are likely to be more widely used than presently known. The confirmation of this Campylothynnus as a pollinator of C. attingens subsp. attingens at our study sites was unexpected, since elsewhere this orchid is pollinated by a different thynnine wasp (Thynnoides sp). In general, sexually deceptive Caladenia only use a single species of pollinator, and as such, this unusual case may offer a tractable study system for understanding the chemical basis of pollinator switching in sexually deceptive orchids.BB and RDP: Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DE 160101313 and DE150101720), RDP: the Australian Orchid Foundation and the Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, RP and GRF: ARC grant (LP130100162) and RP: ARC grant (DP150102762)

    A new selective fluorescent probe based on tamoxifen

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    © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. Developing targeted validation probes that can interrogate biology is of interest for both chemists and biologists. The synthesis of suitable compounds provides a means for avoiding the costly labeling of cells with specific antibodies and the bias associated with the interpretation of biological validation experiments. The chemotherapeutic agent, tamoxifen has been routinely used in the treatment of breast cancer for decades. Once metabolized, the active form of tamoxifen (4-hydroxytamoxifen) competes with the binding of estrogens to the estrogen receptors (ER). Its selectivity in ER modulation makes it an ideal candidate for the development of materials to be used as chemical probes. Here we report the synthesis of a fluorescent BODIPY®FL conjugate of tamoxifen linked through an ethylene glycol moiety, and present proof-of-principle results in ER positive and ER negative cell lines. Optical microscopy indicates that the fluorescent probe binds selectively to tamoxifen sensitive breast cancer cell lines. The compound showed no affinity for the tamoxifen resistant breast cancer lines. The specificity of the new compound make it a valuable addition to the chemical probe tool kit for estrogen receptors

    Aging blow fly pupae using hyperspectral imaging

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    Three Chemically Distinct Floral Ecotypes in Drakaea livida, an Orchid Pollinated by Sexual Deception of Thynnine Wasps

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    Sexually deceptive orchids are unusual among plants in that closely related species typically attract different pollinator species using contrasting blends of floral volatiles. Therefore, intraspecific variation in pollinator attraction may also be underpinned by differences in floral volatiles. Here, we tested for the presence of floral ecotypes in the sexually deceptive orchid Drakaea livida and investigated if the geographic range of floral ecotypes corresponded to variation in pollinator availability. Pollinator choice trials revealed the presence of three floral ecotypes within D. livida that each attracts a different species of thynnine wasp as a pollinator. Surveys of pollinator distribution revealed that the distribution of one of the ecotypes was strongly correlated with that of its pollinator, while another pollinator species was present throughout the range of all three ecotypes, demonstrating that pollinator availability does not always correlate with ecotype distribution. Floral ecotypes differed in chemical volatile composition, with a high degree of separation evident in principal coordinate analysis. Some compounds that differed between ecotypes, including pyrazines and (methylthio)phenols, are known to be electrophysiologically active in thynnine wasp antennae. Based on differences in pollinator response and floral volatile profile, the ecotypes represent distinct entities and should be treated as such in conservation management

    The volatile chemistry of orchid pollination

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    Covering: up to September 2022 Orchids are renowned not only for their diversity of floral forms, but also for their many and often highly specialised pollination strategies. Volatile semiochemicals play a crucial role in the attraction of a wide variety of insect pollinators of orchids. The compounds produced by orchid flowers are as diverse as the pollinators they attract, and here we summarise some of the chemical diversity found across orchid taxa and pollination strategies. We focus on compounds that have been experimentally demonstrated to underpin pollinator attraction. We also highlight the structural elucidation and synthesis of a select subset of important orchid pollinator attractants, and discuss the ecological significance of the discoveries, the gaps in our current knowledge of orchid pollination chemistry, and some opportunities for future research in this field

    Lipidomic features of honey bee and colony health during limited supplementary feeding

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    Honey bee nutritional health depends on nectar and pollen, which provide the main source of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids to individual bees. During malnutrition, insect metabolism accesses fat body reserves. However, this process in bees and its repercussions at the colony level are poorly understood. Using untargeted lipidomics and gene expression analysis, we examined the effects of different feeding treatments (starvation, sugar feeding and sugar + pollen feeding) on bees and correlated them with colony health indicators. We found that nutritional stress led to an increase in unsaturated triacylglycerols and diacylglycerols, as well as a decrease in free fatty acids in the bee fat body. Here, we hypothesise that stored lipids are made available through a process where unsaturations change lipid\u27s structure. Increased gene expression of three lipid desaturases in response to malnutrition supports this hypothesis, as these desaturases may be involved in releasing fatty acyl chains for lipolysis. Although nutritional stress was evident in starving and sugar-fed bees at the colony and physiological level, only starved colonies presented long-term effects in honey production

    Three Chemically Distinct Floral Ecotypes in Drakaea livida, an Orchid Pollinated by Sexual Deception of Thynnine Wasps

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    Sexually deceptive orchids are unusual among plants in that closely related species typically attract different pollinator species using contrasting blends of floral volatiles. Therefore, intraspecific variation in pollinator attraction may also be underpinned by differences in floral volatiles. Here, we tested for the presence of floral ecotypes in the sexually deceptive orchid Drakaea livida and investigated if the geographic range of floral ecotypes corresponded to variation in pollinator availability. Pollinator choice trials revealed the presence of three floral ecotypes within D. livida that each attracts a different species of thynnine wasp as a pollinator. Surveys of pollinator distribution revealed that the distribution of one of the ecotypes was strongly correlated with that of its pollinator, while another pollinator species was present throughout the range of all three ecotypes, demonstrating that pollinator availability does not always correlate with ecotype distribution. Floral ecotypes differed in chemical volatile composition, with a high degree of separation evident in principal coordinate analysis. Some compounds that differed between ecotypes, including pyrazines and (methylthio)phenols, are known to be electrophysiologically active in thynnine wasp antennae. Based on differences in pollinator response and floral volatile profile, the ecotypes represent distinct entities and should be treated as such in conservation management.The Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment and the Australian Systematic Botany Society are thanked for their provision of research funding. AMW was supported by an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP), and BB and RD were supported by Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DE 160101313 and DE150101720)

    Identification of the Cat Attractants Isodihydronepetalactone and Isoiridomyrmecin from Acalypha indica

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    Acalypha indica is a herb that grows throughout the tropical regions of the world. As well as being exploited for medicinal use, the roots of this plant are known to elicit a drug-like effect in cats. Recent research into feral cat control on Christmas Island has investigated whether a preparation of the roots of A. indica might be effective in traps to attract feral cats. However, the volatile nature of the attractants made it unviable for use in traps for more than a few days. In this study, we investigated the volatile components emitted by the plant roots and identified two iridoid compounds, (4R,4aR,7S,7aR)- isodihydronepetalactone and (4R,4aS,7S,7aR)-isoiridomyrmecin, which are known to affect behavioural activity in cats. Synthesis of standards confirmed the stereochemistry of both compounds emitted by the plant. Potential application of these compounds in feral cat control is discussed.The Australian Research Council is also gratefully acknowledged for funding for G.F. (FT110100304) and B.B. (LP130100162)

    2-(Tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)acetic Acid and Ester Derivatives as Long-Range Pollinator Attractants in the Sexually Deceptive Orchid Cryptostylis ovata

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    Sexually deceptive orchids achieve pollination by luring male insects to flowers through chemical and sometimes visual mimicry of females. An extreme example of this deception occurs in Cryptostylis, one of only two genera where sexual deception is known to induce pollinator ejaculation. In the present study, bioassay-guided fractionations of Cryptostylis solvent extracts in combination with field bioassays were implemented to isolate and identify floral volatiles attractive to the pollinator Lissopimpla excelsa. ( S)-2-(Tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)acetic acid [( S)-1] and the ester derivatives methyl ( S)-2-(tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)acetate [( S)-2] and ethyl ( S)-2-(tetrahydrofuran-2-yl)acetate [( S)-3], all previously unknown semiochemicals, were confirmed to attract L. excelsa males in field bioassays. Chiral-phase GC and HPLC showed that the natural product 1 comprised a single enantiomer, its S-configuration being confirmed by synthesis of the two enantiomers from known enantiomers of tetrahydrofuran-2-carboxylic acid.B.B. and R.D.P.: Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DE 160101313 and DE150101720), A.M.W.: Australian Government Research Training Program, and Australian Orchid Foundation Grant 319.17, R.P. and G.R.F.: ARC Linkage Program Award (LP130100162). D. Bainbridge is gratefully acknowledged for designing and fabricating the preparative GC collector used in this stud