576 research outputs found

    Improvements to 232-thorium, 230-thorium, and 231-protactinium analysis in seawater arising from GEOTRACES intercalibration

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    The GEOTRACES program requires the analysis of large numbers of seawater samples for ^(232)Th, ^(230)Th, and ^(231)Pa. During the GEOTRACES international intercalibration exercise, we encountered unexpected difficulties with recovery and contamination of these isotopes, ^(232)Th in particular. Experiments were carried out to identify the source of these issues, leading to a more streamlined and efficient procedure. The two particular problems that we identified and corrected were (1) frits in columns supplied by Bio-Rad Laboratories caused loss of Th during column chemistry and (2) new batches of AG1-X8 resin supplied by Bio-Rad Laboratories released more than 100 pg of ^(232)Th during elution of sample. To improve yields and blanks, we implemented a series of changes including switching to Eichrom anion exchange resin (100-200 μm mesh) and Environmental Express columns. All Th and Pa samples were analyzed on a Neptune multi-collector inductively-coupled-plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) using peak hopping of ^(230)Th and ^(229)Th on the central SEM, with either ^(232)Th, ^(236)U (or both) used to monitor for beam intensity. We used in-house laboratory standards to check for machine reproducibility, and the GEOTRACES intercalibration standard to check for accuracy. Over a 1-y period, the 2 s.d. reproducibility on the GEOTRACES SW STD 2010-1 was 2.5% for ^(230)Th, 1.8% for ^(232)Th, and 4% for ^(231)Pa. The lessons learned during this intercalibration process will be of value to those analyzing U-Th-Pa and rare earth elements as part of the GEOTRACES program as well as those using U-series elements in other applications that require high yields and low blanks, such as geochronology

    Fusion-From Stars to Power Sockets

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    Fusion energy is one of the promising energy sources of the future, with a practically limitless abundance of hydrogen in the universe and earth, it has the potential to replace current energy technologies being theoretically superior in efficiency with minimal environmental impact. A systematic review and meta-analysis of its thermodynamic properties, including the examination of the efficiency of underlying technologies and fusion causing techniques was conducted to examine the potential of this technology as a viable energy source. Through these methods we obtained thermodynamic data relating to to the efficiency of fusion engines, such as the Tokamak, Direct Pulse, Z-Pinch and Fusor style fusion engines, and the underlying technologies relating to conduction and radiation losses in a fusion engine in order to assess current and projected thermodynamic efficiencies and hypothesise potential research requirements to make fusion technology viable. From this research it is concluded that the main flaw in fusion technology is the inability to properly address radiation and conduction losses which minimise the power output of any fusion reactor.Furthermore, while it is necessary to develop these technologies for the development of working fusion technology, their applications to other energy industries, such as solar and nuclear fission, would be more beneficial to the clean energy near future than to the long term goal of fusion technology

    Atmospheric Dust Inputs, Iron Cycling, and Biogeochemical Connections in the South Pacific Ocean from Thorium Isotopes

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    One of the primary sources of micronutrients to the sea surface in remote ocean regions is the deposition of atmospheric dust. Geographic patterns in biogeochemical processes such as primary production and nitrogen fixation that require micronutrients like iron (Fe) are modulated in part by the spatial distribution of dust supply. Global models of dust deposition rates are poorly calibrated in the open ocean, owing to the difficulty of determining dust fluxes in sparsely sampled regions. We present new estimates of dust and Fe input rates from measurements of dissolved and particulate thorium isotopes ²³⁰Th and ²³²Th on the FS Sonne SO245 section (GEOTRACES process study GPpr09) in the South Pacific. We first discuss high‐resolution upper water column profiles of Th isotopes and the implications for the systematics of dust flux reconstructions from seawater Th measurements. We find dust fluxes in the center of the highly oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre that are the lowest of any mean annual dust input rates measured in the global oceans, but that are 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than those estimated by global dust models. We also determine dust‐borne Fe fluxes and reassess the importance of individual Fe sources to the surface South Pacific Gyre, finding that dust dissolution, not vertical or lateral diffusion, is the primary Fe source. Finally, we combine our estimates of Fe flux in dust with previously published cellular and enzymatic quotas to determine theoretical upper limits on annual average nitrogen fixation rates for a given Fe deposition rate

    Atmospheric Dust Inputs, Iron Cycling, and Biogeochemical Connections in the South Pacific Ocean from Thorium Isotopes

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    One of the primary sources of micronutrients to the sea surface in remote ocean regions is the deposition of atmospheric dust. Geographic patterns in biogeochemical processes such as primary production and nitrogen fixation that require micronutrients like iron (Fe) are modulated in part by the spatial distribution of dust supply. Global models of dust deposition rates are poorly calibrated in the open ocean, owing to the difficulty of determining dust fluxes in sparsely sampled regions. We present new estimates of dust and Fe input rates from measurements of dissolved and particulate thorium isotopes ²³⁰Th and ²³²Th on the FS Sonne SO245 section (GEOTRACES process study GPpr09) in the South Pacific. We first discuss high‐resolution upper water column profiles of Th isotopes and the implications for the systematics of dust flux reconstructions from seawater Th measurements. We find dust fluxes in the center of the highly oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre that are the lowest of any mean annual dust input rates measured in the global oceans, but that are 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than those estimated by global dust models. We also determine dust‐borne Fe fluxes and reassess the importance of individual Fe sources to the surface South Pacific Gyre, finding that dust dissolution, not vertical or lateral diffusion, is the primary Fe source. Finally, we combine our estimates of Fe flux in dust with previously published cellular and enzymatic quotas to determine theoretical upper limits on annual average nitrogen fixation rates for a given Fe deposition rate

    Deep-Sea Oxygen Depletion and Ocean Carbon Sequestration During the Last Ice Age

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    Enhanced ocean carbon storage during the Pleistocene ice ages lowered atmospheric CO2 concentrations by 80 to 100 ppm relative to interglacial levels. Leading hypotheses to explain this phenomenon invoke a greater efficiency of the ocean's biological pump, in which case carbon storage in the deep sea would have been accompanied by a corresponding reduction in dissolved oxygen. We exploit the sensitivity of organic matter preservation in marine sediments to bottom water oxygen concentration to constrain the level of dissolved oxygen in the deep central equatorial Pacific Ocean during the last glacial period (18,000–28,000 years BP) to have been within the range of 20–50 μmol/kg, much less than the modern value of ~168 μmol/kg. We further demonstrate that reduced oxygen levels characterized the water column below a depth of ~1,000 m. Converting the ice age oxygen level to an equivalent concentration of respiratory CO2, and extrapolating globally, we estimate that deep‐sea CO2 storage during the last ice age exceeded modern values by as much as 850 Pg C, sufficient to balance the loss of carbon from the atmosphere (~200 Pg C) and from the terrestrial biosphere (~300–600 Pg C). In addition, recognizing the enhanced preservation of organic matter in ice age sediments of the deep Pacific Ocean helps reconcile previously unexplained inconsistencies among different geochemical and micropaleontological proxy records used to assess past changes in biological productivity of the ocean.Several grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation supported the production of the data reported here during the course of previous studies. However, the synthesis of results presented here was carried out without directed grant support except that S. L. J. acknowledges financial support by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grants PP00P2‐144811 and PP00P2‐172915)

    Context?specific and Project?induced Risk: Designing Projects for Promoting Resilient Livelihoods

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    Agriculture?based projects can rarely operate without having a significant impact on their participants' exposure to risk. If participant risk is not adequately considered and addressed in a project's design, there can be negative implications for the project's outcome. To avoid this, identifying and establishing mechanisms that will minimise project?induced risk is essential during the design process. In this article we examine the importance of risk within agriculture. We explore the context of risk in which the projects locate themselves, and the relationship between farmer?specific risk and sustainability of project outcomes. Drawing on a range of project documents and project immersions, we evaluate the extent to which agricultural interventions are cognisant of risks facing farm households and how the intervention itself changes the risk portfolio of farm households. We argue that understanding the ways in which projects interact and shape context?specific risk is critical for future strategising about how to build risk into monitoring and evaluation strategies

    An In Vivo Platform for Tumor Biomarker Assessment

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    Tumor biomarkers provide a quantitative tool for following tumor progression and response to therapy. However, investigations of clinically useful tumor biomarkers are time-consuming, costly, and limited by patient and tumor heterogeneity. In addition, assessment of biomarkers as indicators of therapy response is confounded by the concomitant use of multiple therapeutic interventions. Herein we report our use of a clinically relevant orthotopic animal model of malignant pleural mesothelioma for investigating tumor biomarkers. Utilizing multi-modality imaging with correlative histopathology, we demonstrate the utility and accuracy of the mouse model in investigating tumor biomarkers – serum soluble mesothelin-related peptide (SMRP) and osteopontin (OPN). This model revealed percentage change in SMRP level to be an accurate biomarker of tumor progression and therapeutic response – a finding consistent with recent clinical studies. This in vivo platform demonstrates the advantages of a validated mouse model for the timely and cost-effective acceleration of human biomarker translational research

    QCD event generators with next-to-leading order matrix-elements and parton showers

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    A new method to construct event-generators based on next-to-leading order QCD matrix-elements and leading-logarithmic parton showers is proposed. Matrix elements of loop diagram as well as those of a tree level can be generated using an automatic system. A soft/collinear singularity is treated using a leading-log subtraction method. Higher order re-summation of the soft/collinear correction by the parton shower method is combined with the NLO matrix-element without any double-counting in this method. An example of the event generator for Drell-Yan process is given for demonstrating a validity of this method.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, version 2: update reference [13

    \u3csup\u3e230\u3c/sup\u3eTh and \u3csup\u3e231\u3c/sup\u3ePa on GEOTRACES GA03, the U.S. GEOTRACES North Atlantic transect, and implications for modern and paleoceanographic chemical fluxes

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    The long-lived uranium decay products 230Th and 231Pa are widely used as quantitative tracers of adsorption to sinking particles (scavenging) in the ocean by exploiting the principles of radioactive disequilibria. Because of their preservation in the Pleistocene sediment record and through largely untested assumptions about their chemical behavior in the water column, the two radionuclides have also been used as proxies for a variety of chemical fluxes in the past ocean. This includes the vertical flux of particulate matter to the seafloor, the lateral flux of insoluble elements to continental margins (boundary scavenging), and the southward flux of water out of the deep North Atlantic. In a section of unprecedented vertical and zonal resolution, the distributions of 230Th and 231Pa across the North Atlantic shed light on the marine cycling of these radionuclides and further inform their use as tracers of chemical flux. Enhanced scavenging intensities are observed in benthic layers of resuspended sediments on the eastern and western margins and in a hydrothermal plume emanating from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Boundary scavenging is clearly expressed in the water column along a transect between Mauritania and Cape Verde which is used to quantify a bias in sediment fluxes calculated using 230Th-normalization and to demonstrate enhanced 231Pa removal from the deep North Atlantic by this mechanism. The influence of deep ocean ventilation that leads to the southward export of 231Pa is apparent. The 231Pa/230Th ratio, however, predominantly reflects spatial variability in scavenging intensity, complicating its applicability as a proxy for the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation