30 research outputs found

    Amplification of High Harmonics Using Weak Perturbative High Frequency Radiation

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    The mechanism underlying the substantial amplification of the high-order harmonics q \pm 2K (K integer) upon the addition of a weak seed XUV field of harmonic frequency q\omega to a strong IR field of frequency \omega is analyzed in the framework of the quantum-mechanical Floquet formalism and the semiclassical re-collision model. According to the Floquet analysis, the high-frequency field induces transitions between several Floquet states and leads to the appearance of new dipole cross terms. The semiclassical re-collision model suggests that the origin of the enhancement lies in the time-dependent modulation of the ground electronic state induced by the XUV field.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Controlling the Bandwidth of High Harmonic Emission Peaks with the Spectral Polarization of the Driver

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    We demonstrate a High-Harmonic-Generation scheme which offers control over the bandwidth of the spectral peaks. The scheme uses a vectorial two-color driver with close central frequencies, generated by spectrally splitting a linearly-polarized input femtosecond-duration laser pulse and subsequent recombining the two halves after their polarizations are made cross-elliptical and counter-rotating. This results in the generation of new emission channels which coalesce into broad odd-integer HHG peaks, the bandwidth of each being proportional to the frequency difference between the two colors, to the harmonic order and inversely-proportional to the driver fields' ellipticities. Peak-broadening to the extent that a supercontinuum is formed is also demonstrated. This source will find use in HHG applications benefiting from high-flux broadband extreme ultra-violet radiation, such as attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Adiabatic theorem for non-hermitian time-dependent open systems

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    In the conventional quantum mechanics (i.e., hermitian QM) the adia- batic theorem for systems subjected to time periodic fields holds only for bound systems and not for open ones (where ionization and dissociation take place) [D. W. Hone, R. Ketzmerik, and W. Kohn, Phys. Rev. A 56, 4045 (1997)]. Here with the help of the (t,t') formalism combined with the complex scaling method we derive an adiabatic theorem for open systems and provide an analytical criteria for the validity of the adiabatic limit. The use of the complex scaling transformation plays a key role in our derivation. As a numerical example we apply the adiabatic theorem we derived to a 1D model Hamiltonian of Xe atom which interacts with strong, monochromatic sine-square laser pulses. We show that the gener- ation of odd-order harmonics and the absence of hyper-Raman lines, even when the pulses are extremely short, can be explained with the help of the adiabatic theorem we derived

    High Harmonic Generation without Tunnel-Ionization

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    A new High Harmonic Generation (HHG) scheme, which doesn't rely on Tunnel-Ionization as the ionization mechanism but rather on Single-Photon Ionization, is theoretically proposed and numerically demonstrated. The scheme uses two driver fields: an extreme-ultraviolet driver which induces the ionization, and a circularly-polarized, co-rotating, two-color infrared driver carried at a fundamental frequency and its second harmonic which induces the recollision. Using Classical and time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation simulations of a model Argon atom, we show that in this scheme ionization is essentially decoupled from recollision. Releasing the process from being Tunneling-dependent reduces its degree of nonlinearity, which offers new capabilities in attosecond science, such as generation of High Harmonics from highly-charged ions, or from specific deep core electronic levels. It is shown that the emitted high harmonics involve the absorption of photons of one color of the infrared driver, and the emission of photons of the second color. This calls for future examination of the possible correlations between the emitted high harmonics

    New photonic conservation laws in parametric nonlinear optics

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    Conservation laws are one of the most generic and useful concepts in physics. In nonlinear optical parametric processes, conservation of photonic energy, momenta and parity often lead to selection rules, restricting the allowed polarization and frequencies of the emitted radiation. Here we present a new scheme to derive conservation laws in optical parametric processes in which many photons are annihilated and a single new photon is emitted. We then utilize it to derive two new such conservation laws. Conservation of reflection-parity (RP) arises from a generalized reflection symmetry of the polarization in a superspace, analogous to the superspace employed in the study of quasicrystals. Conservation of space-time-parity (STP) similarly arises from space-time reversal symmetry in superspace. We explore these new conservation laws numerically in the context of high harmonic generation and outline experimental set-ups where they can be tested

    Generation of phase-matched circularly-polarized extreme ultraviolet high harmonics for magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy

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    Circularly-polarized extreme UV and X-ray radiation provides valuable access to the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of materials. To date, this capability was available only at large-scale X-ray facilities such as synchrotrons. Here we demonstrate the first bright, phase-matched, extreme UV circularly-polarized high harmonics and use this new light source for magnetic circular dichroism measurements at the M-shell absorption edges of Co. We show that phase matching of circularly-polarized harmonics is unique and robust, producing a photon flux comparable to the linearly polarized high harmonic sources that have been used very successfully for ultrafast element-selective magneto-optic experiments. This work thus represents a critical advance that makes possible element-specific imaging and spectroscopy of multiple elements simultaneously in magnetic and other chiral media with very high spatial and temporal resolution, using tabletop-scale setups.Comment: 12 text pages, 4 figures, supplamentary information 6 page