17 research outputs found

    Wound myiasis caused by Lucilia sericata in an open femoral fracture treated with external fixation

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    Η μυΐαση είναι η τέταρτη πιο κοινή δερματική ασθένεια στον άνθρωπο που σχετίζεται με ταξίδια ενώ η δερματική μυΐαση είναι η συνηθέστερη κλινική μορφή. Αναφέρεται σε μη-ιατρογενή μόλυνση των ιστών από προνύμφες διπτέρων εντόμων και εμφανίζεται κυρίως σε ασθενείς που έχουν κακή υγιεινή, με συνθήκες κακής στέγασης, διανοητική καθυστέρηση, προχωρημένη ηλικία, διαβήτη, ακινητοποίηση και χαμηλό ανοσοποιητικό σύστημα. Ασθενής 14 ετών, ο οποίος είχε υποβληθεί πριν 6 μήνες σε εξωτερική οστεοσύνθεση μηριαίου λόγω κατάγματος διάφυσης μηριαίου, προσήλθε στα επείγοντα ιατρεία με άλγος στην περιοχή των βελονών. Κατά την εξέταση του τραύματος διαπιστώθηκε ερυθρότητα, οίδημα αλλά και η παρουσία ζωντανών προνυμφών διπτέρων εντόμων. Αφού ελέγχθηκε ακτινολογικά το κάταγμα της διάφυσης αφαιρέθηκε σε πρώτο χρόνο το σώμα της εξωτερικής οστεοσύνθεσης και έγινε σχολαστικότατος καθαρισμός. Με κατάλληλα χειρουργικά εργαλεία, απομονώθηκαν όλες οι προνύμφες από το τραύμα και τοποθετήθηκαν σε κατάλληλο υπόστρωμα για περαιτέρω εξέταση και προσδιορισμό του είδους. Έπειτα από μικροσκοπική εξέταση των προνυμφών και με βάση κατάλληλες μορφολογικές κλείδες προσδιορίστηκαν ως προνύμφες 3ης ηλικίας του είδους Lucilia sericata (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae). Έπειτα από 7 ημέρες αντιβιοτικής αγωγής ευρέως φάσματος, κλινοστατισμού, σχολαστικής περιποίησης των τραυμάτων και αφού είχαμε σαφή βελτίωση της περιοχής γύρω από τις βελόνες έγινε αφαίρεση αυτών. Κατά τις επανεξετάσεις έως και 6 μήνες μετά, τόσο κλινικά όσο και ακτινολογικά τα αποτελέσματα ήταν πολύ καλά.On examination of the wound of a patient who was treated previously with external fixation for a diaphysial fracture of the femur, we observed the presence of multiple living larvae (maggots) of dipterous flies. Treatment included removal of the maggots and use of antibiotic. The importance of hygiene and sanitation is discussed

    A novel cache aware routing scheme for Information-Centric Networks

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has attracted the attention of the research community, which has argued that content, instead of end-points, must be at the center stage of attention. The research issues addressed by most of the proposed architectures are related to persistent/unique naming, efficient content distribution and discovery through name-based addresses, in-network caching and security. Given this emergence of ICN-oriented solutions, the relevant management needs in terms of performance have not been extensively studied with most efforts focusing on the performance of the in-network caching schemes. Moreover, little attention has been given on designing efficient routing mechanisms suitable for ICNs, since most of the approaches assume either traditional shortest path or inefficient flooding schemes. In this paper, we describe how a resource management system can be deployed on two of the most prominent ICN network architectures. W,e propose an intra-domain cache aware routing scheme that computes the paths with the minimum transportation cost based on the information item demands and the caching capabilities of the network. Particularly, we initially present a dynamic programming approach for the computation of the minimum transportation cost paths when the caching capabilities of the network are independent of the selected routing scheme, as well as an iterative algorithm for those cases where the caching capabilities of the network are strongly coupled to the routing scheme. Finally, we derive analytically the communication and computational complexity of the proposed approach and we evaluate its performance through simulations. Our results indicate that our cache aware routing scheme adapts efficiently to the ever-changing ICN environment caused by the volatility of the user requests. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Cache-aware routing in Information-Centric Networks

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    Information-Centric Networking (ICN) has attracted the attention of the research community, which has argued that content, instead of end-points, must be at the center stage of attention. The research issues addressed by most of the proposed architectures are related to persistent/unique naming, efficient content distribution, in-network caching and security. Despite the emergence of ICN-oriented solutions, little attention has been given on designing efficient routing mechanisms suitable for ICNs since most of the approaches assume either traditional shortest path or inefficient flooding schemes. In this paper, we first describe how a resource management system can be deployed on two of the most fermentative ICN network architectures and we propose a cache-aware routing scheme that calculate the paths with the minimum transportation cost based on the information item demands and the caching capabilities of the network. We present a Dynamic Programming approach for calculating the paths and we validate the proposed approach through simulations. © 2013 IFIP

    Policy distribution using the publish/subscribe paradigm for managing MANETs

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    Policy management has been an emerging management paradigm that has been extensively studied for the case of fixed networks and limited work has already been done for migrating it to mobile environments. Publish/subscribe has become an important architectural style for designing distributed systems and especially for mobile environments due to the loose coupling of the components involved. In this paper, we present a policy-based management system for Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) using the publish/subscribe paradigm for distributing policies to the managed nodes. Moreover, we enhance the publish/subscribe system with a novel request/response mechanism for tackling the problem of how newly joined nodes will retrieve previously introduced policies. © 2008 Springer-Verlag

    Autonomic cache management in Information-Centric Networks

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    Recent research efforts in the area of future networks indicate Information-Centric Networking (ICN) as the dominant architecture for the Future Internet. The main promise of ICN is that of shifting the communication paradigm of the internetworking layer from machine endpoints to information access and delivery. Optimized content dissemination and efficient caching of information is key to delivering on this promise. Moreover, current trends in management of future networks adopt a more distributed autonomic management architecture where management intelligence is placed inside the network with respect to traditional off-line external management systems. In this paper, we present an autonomic cache management approach for ICNs, where distributed managers residing in cache-enabled nodes decide on which items to cache. We propose three online cache management algorithms with different level of autonomicity and compare them with respect to performance, complexity, execution time and message exchange overhead. Our extensive simulation-based experimentation signifies the importance of network wide knowledge and cooperation. © 2012 IEEE

    Distribute, store and retrieve management policies in wireless ad-hoc networks using the content delivery publish/subscribe paradigm

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    Policy management is a management paradigm that has been extensively studied for the case of fixed networks but limited work can be found for migrating it to mobile environments. It enables dynamic adaptation of the network behavior to current conditions based on high-level business and operational objectives. Publish/subscribe has become an important architectural style for designing distributed systems and especially for mobile environments due to the loose coupling of the components involved namely the publishers and the subscribers. In this paper, we present a policy-based management system for wireless ad-hoc networks using the publish/subscribe paradigm for distributing policies to the managed nodes ensuring this way that all nodes will receive the related defined policies, in an asynchronous and loosely coupled manner, achieving the desired network-wide behavior. Moreover, we enhance the publish/ subscribe system with a novel request/response mechanism for tackling the problem of how newly joined nodes will retrieve previously introduced policies. Finally, we describe our initial design and implementation of the proposed mechanism, evaluate it through simulation and testbed experiments and give pointers to our future work. © 2009 IEEE

    On exploiting network coding in cache-capable small-cell networks

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    Recently, network coding has emerged as an effective way to increase the efficiency of the content placement in the caching networks and thus boost the content delivery to the requesters. Its superiority compared to network coding-agnostic caching schemes lies on the increased availability of the content, which can be extracted by the requesters after they receive and decode a sufficiently large amount of encoded data. Although the topics surrounding network coding and caching have been already studied in the previous literature, their potential on enhancing mobile content delivery has not been fully explored yet. Namely, most of the existing works restrict the encoded data combinations to involve only parts of the same file, since this guarantees a low number of choices and thus simplifies the analysis. In this work, we study the problem of caching linear combinations of different files in a small-cell network. Our goal is to mitigate the pressure on the macrocellular base station by serving as many as possible content requests by the cache-endowed small-cell base stations that are deployed in the cell. Because of the NP-hardness of this problem, we propose a heuristic algorithm that gradually increases the performance of the obtained solution. Numerical results for typical popularity distributions reveal the performance benefits of our approach. © 2014 IEEE

    Distributed cache management in information-centric networks

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    The main promise of current research efforts in the area of Information-Centric Networking (ICN) architectures is to optimize the dissemination of information within transient communication relationships of endpoints. Efficient caching of information is key to delivering on this promise. In this paper, we look into achieving this promise from the angle of managed replication of information. Management decisions are made in order to efficiently place replicas of information in dedicated storage devices attached to nodes of the network. In contrast to traditional off-line external management systems we adopt a distributed autonomic management architecture where management intelligence is placed inside the network. Particularly, we present an autonomic cache management approach for ICNs, where distributed managers residing in cache-enabled nodes decide on which information items to cache. We propose four on-line intra-domain cache management algorithms with different level of autonomicity and compare them with respect to performance, complexity, execution time and message exchange overhead. Additionally, we derive a lower bound of the overall network traffic cost for a certain category of network topologies. Our extensive simulations, using realistic network topologies and synthetic workload generators, signify the importance of network wide knowledge and cooperation. © 2013 IEEE

    Caching in content-based publish/subscribe systems

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    In a publish/subscribe network, message delivery is guaranteed for all active subscribers at publish time. However, in a dynamic scenario where users join and leave the network, a user may be interested in content published before the subscription time. In this paper, we introduce mechanisms that enable caching in such networks, while maintaining the main principle of loose-coupled and asynchronous communication. Furthermore we investigate two caching policies; caching in all candidate brokers (basic caching) which yields high survivability and low delay and caching in leaf brokers (leaf caching) which maintains low overhead and querying complexity. The comparison is performed via simulations and testbed measurements and insights are given for future work

    Mobility support through caching in content-based publish/subscribe networks

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    In a publish/subscribe (pub/sub) network, message delivery is guaranteed for all connected subscribers at publish time. However, in a dynamic mobile scenario where users join and leave the network, it is important that content published at the time they are disconnected is still delivered when they reconnect from a different point. In this paper, we enhance the caching mechanisms in pub/sub networks to enable client mobility. We build our mobility support with minor changes in the caching scheme while preserving the main principles of loose coupled and asynchronous communication of the pub/sub communication model. We also present a new proactive mechanism to reduce the overhead of duplicate responses. The evaluation of our proposed scheme is performed via simulations and testbed measurements. © 2010 IEEE