182 research outputs found

    Preliminary wind-tunnel investigation of the effects of engine nacelles on a transport configuration with high lift drag ratios to a Mach number of 1.00

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    Wind tunnel tests to determine the effect of engine nacelles added to a low wing fuselage vertical tail configuration utilizing the NASA supercritical airfoil and a refined area ruled fuselage are discussed. The engine arrangement consisted of two aft fuselage, side mounted flow through nacelles and a solid body of revolution mounted above the fuselage in a manner similar to the Boeing 727. A preliminary analysis of the wind tunnel data shows that favorable interference drag can be obtained with the proper longitudinal locations of the nacelles, by canting the nacelle inlets, and by cusping the rearward region of the nacelle

    Experimental Results of Winglets on First, Second, and Third Generation Jet Transports

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    Results of wind tunnel investigations of four jet transport configurations representing both narrow and wide-body configurations and also a future advanced aerodynamic configuration are presented including performance and wing root bending moment data. The effects of winglets on the aerodynamic characteristics throughout the flight envelope were studied. The results indicate that winglets improved the cruise lift to drag ratio between 4 and 8 percent, depending on the transport configuration. The data also indicate that ratios of relative aerodynamic gain to relative structural weight penalty for winglets are 1.5 to 2.5 times those for wing-tip extensions. Over the complete range of flight conditions, winglets produce no adverse effects on buffet onset, lateral-directional stability, and aileron control effectiveness

    Exploratory wind-tunnel investigation of a wingtip-mounted vortex turbine for vortex energy recovery

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    The Langley 8-foot transonic pressure tunnel was used for tests to determine the possibility of recovering, with a turbine-type device, part of the energy loss associated with the lift-induced vortex system. Tests were conducted on a semispan model with an unswept, untapered wing, with and without a wingtip-mounted vortex turbine. Three sets of turbine blades were tested to determine the effect of airfoil section shape and planform. The tests were conducted at a Mach number of 0.70 over an angle-of-attack range from 0 deg. to 4 deg. at a Reynolds number of 3.82 x 10 to the 6th power based on the wing reference chord of 13 in

    Effect of winglets on a first-generation jet transport wing. 1: Longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of a semispan model at subsonic speeds

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    The effects of winglets and a simple wing-tip extension on the aerodynamic forces and moments and the flow-field cross flow velocity vectors behind the wing tip of a first generation jet transport wing were investigated in the Langley 8-foot transonic pressure tunnel using a semi-span model. The test was conducted at Mach numbers of 0.30, 0.70, 0.75, 0.78, and 0.80. At a Mach number of 0.30, the configurations were tested with combinations of leading- and trailing-edge flaps

    Effect of an alternate winglet on the pressure and spanwise load distributions of a first generation jet transport wing

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    Pressure and spanwise load distributions on a first-generation jet transport semispan model at subsonic speeds are presented. The wind tunnel data were measured for the wing with and without an alternate winglet. The results show that the winglet affected outboard wing pressure distributions and increased the spanwise loads near the tip

    Effect of Winglets on a First-Generation Jet Transport Wing. 2: Pressure and Spanwise Load Distributions for a Semispan Model at High Subsonic Speeds

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    Pressure and spanwise load distributions on a first-generation jet transport semispan model at high subsonic speeds are presented for the basic wing and for configurations with an upper winglet only, upper and lower winglets, and a simple wing-tip extension. Selected data are discussed to show the general trends and effects of the various configurations

    Wind tunnel investigation of an all flush orifice air data system for a large subsonic aircraft

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    The results of a wind tunnel investigation on an all flush orifice air data system for use on a KC-135A aircraft are presented. The investigation was performed to determine the applicability of fixed all flush orifice air data systems that use only aircraft surfaces for orifices on the nose of the model (in a configuration similar to that of the shuttle entry air data system) provided the measurements required for the determination of stagnation pressure, angle of attack, and angle of sideslip. For the measurement of static pressure, additional flush orifices in positions on the sides of the fuselage corresponding to those in a standard pitot-static system were required. An acceptable but less accurate system, consisting of orifices only on the nose of the model, is defined and discussed

    Investigation of powered nacelles on a high aspect ratio NASA supercritical wing, phase 2

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    A modified wing with the long core separate flow nacelle and several E(3) nacelles was utilized. The effects of nacelle and pylon cant angles and nacelle longitudinal and vertical location were investigated over a Mach number range from 0.70 to 0.83. The results at the cruise condition 0.82 Mach number and 0.55 lift coefficient are presented

    High Reynolds Number Test of the Boeing TR77 Airfoil in the Langley 0.3-Meter Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel

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    A Boeing TR77 airfoil associated with the Advanced Technology Airfoil Test (ATAT) program was tested in the Langley 0.3 m Transonic Cryogenic Tunnel. Limited analysis of the data indicated that increasing Reynolds number for a fixed Mach number resulted in increased normal-force, nose-down pitching moment, and decreased drag coefficient. Increasing Mach number while keeping the Reynolds number constant yielded the expected increase in normal-force slopes, nose-down pitching moment coefficients, and decrease in angle of attack associated with maximum normal-force coefficient. Turbulent boundary layer flow was achieved over the airfoil at low Reynolds numbers for the test Mach number range using aluminum discs

    Experimental results of winglets on first, second, and third generation jet transports

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    The results of wind tunnel investigations of winglets on four jet transport configurations are presented. Performance and wing root bending moment data were given. Additionally, detailed aerodynamic characteristics are presented at the design condition and also at several off design conditions for one configuration. Results of the investigations indicate that the winglets improve the cruise lift to drag ratio between 4 and 8 percent. These data also show that the ratios of relative aerodynamic gain to relative structural weight penalty for winglets are 1.5 to 2.5 times the ratios for wing tip extensions. The comprehensive investigation of the effects of winglets indicated that winglets produce no adverse effects on buffet onset, lateral directional stability, and aileron control effectiveness