7 research outputs found
A tipologia ocupacional Erikson-Goldthorpe-Portocarero (EGP):: uma avaliação analítica e empírica*
As classes sociais são consideradas um conceito sociológico por excelência. Neste artigo, propomos uma avaliação empírica do conceito, motivada por questionamentos contemporâneos que têm sido críticos a análises que recorrem ao conceito de classe como dimensão heuristicamente interessante. Nosso esforço se concentra em uma validação da proposta popularmente conhecida como a tipologia EGP (Erikson-Goldthorpe-Portocarero). Através da utilização de uma técnica estatística, sensível ao padrão dos dados ”“ a análise de classes latentes ”“, verificamos o padrão de associação da tipologia com aspectos relevantes do mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Como principal resultado que emerge a partir das análises empreendidas, apontamos uma série de restrições à proposta avaliada. Isso indica para a necessidade dos sociólogos e de outros pesquisadores interessados no trabalho com o conceito estarem sensíveis para as particularidades impostas pelo contexto brasileiro que impõe limites não triviais à sua validade empírica
Estrutura de Classes, Educação e Queda da Desigualdade de Renda (2002-2011)
This paper aims to reconcile the role ascribed to education as a major cause of the recent reduction in inequality in Brazil with a class analysis framework. A series of univariate and multivariate inequality decompositions were carried out, including the between-group/wit hin-group decomposition of the GE(0) index and the regression-based decomposition suggested by Fields (2003). Our results show that a) whereas the class structure composition was relatively stable between 2002 and 2011, the educational composition changed dramatically; b) inequality between classes accounts for a larger fraction of total inequality than inequality between educational groups; and c) when class and education are analyzed simultaneously, the fraction of total inequality explained by education falls abruptly, while the relative share of class inequality remains constant. Thus, educational improvement was apparently much more important for the reduction in inequality than changes in the other dimensions captured by class structure
Estrutura de Classes, Educação e Queda da Desigualdade de Renda (2002-2011)
This paper aims to reconcile the role ascribed to education as a major cause of the recent reduction in inequality in Brazil with a class analysis framework. A series of univariate and multivariate inequality decompositions were carried out, including the between-group/wit hin-group decomposition of the GE(0) index and the regression-based decomposition suggested by Fields (2003). Our results show that a) whereas the class structure composition was relatively stable between 2002 and 2011, the educational composition changed dramatically; b) inequality between classes accounts for a larger fraction of total inequality than inequality between educational groups; and c) when class and education are analyzed simultaneously, the fraction of total inequality explained by education falls abruptly, while the relative share of class inequality remains constant. Thus, educational improvement was apparently much more important for the reduction in inequality than changes in the other dimensions captured by class structure