39 research outputs found

    Dietary Fluoride Intake by Children: When to Use a Fluoride Toothpaste?

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    Abstract Fluoride is recommended for its cariostatic effect, but excessive fluoride intake may have health risks. Increased prevalence of dental fluorosis in areas with low fluoride content in drinking water has been attributed to the inappropriate excessive intake of fluoride supplements (tablets and drops) and toothpaste ingestion. The aim of the present study was to estimate the fluoride intake and the risk of fluorosis in children (6 months-6 years) in the Castelli Romani area (province of Rome, Italy), which is volcanic, therefore with a higher concentration of fluorine. Measurements of the fluoride content in drinking water, mineral waters, vegetables and commercial toothpaste for children were performed. The fluoride concentrations of all samples were determined using a Fluoride Ion Selective Electrode (GLP 22, Crison, Esp). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Differences between samples were determined by Student's t-test. The fluoride content in tap water samples collected from public sources averaged from 0.35 to 1.11 ppm. The Pavona area showed the highest content of fluoride with respect to the others (p ≤ 0.05). The fluoride content in mineral water samples averaged from 0.07 to 1.50 ppm. The fluoride content of some vegetables showed increased mean values when compared to control vegetables (p ≤ 0.05). Within the limitations of the present study, considerations should be made when prescribing fluoride toothpaste for infants (6 months-4 years) in the areas with high fluoride content, because involuntary ingestion is consistent

    Class III Orthodontic Camouflage: Is the “Ideal” Treatment Always the Best Option? A Documented Case Report

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    Angle’s Class III is one of the most complex malocclusions to treat. In nongrowing skeletal class III malocclusions, the choice between orthognathic surgery and camouflage treatment remains a challenge to the orthodontist. In class III borderline cases, clinicians are called to find the best compromise between functional and aesthetics outcomes, with the latter which often turns in avoiding worsening of profile characteristics, which makes the treatment of these patients quite challenging. This case report describes a borderline nongrowing patient with skeletal class III malocclusion, upper incisor proclination and spacing, lower crowding, and arch width discrepancy, which has already undergone previous orthodontic treatment. The orthodontic treatment involved the mandibular first premolar extraction, resulting in class I canine relation with good overjet and overbite as well as good arch coordination. The orthodontic camouflage improved the dental relationship with normalization of upper incisor inclination without a relevant retroclination of lower incisors; the skeletal facial pattern of the patient experienced a slight improvement. The tendency to skeletal class III has remained nearly unaffected. Treatment outcomes were stable after 1-year posttreatment follow-up

    The application of a fluoride-and-vitamin D solution to deciduous teeth promotes formation of persistent mineral crystals: a morphological ex-vivo study

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    Background: The use of effective, low-cost, and easy-to-use products for early caries management will avoid loss of dental vitality and impairment in oral function. The ability of fluoride to re-mineralize dental surfaces has been widely reported as well as vitamin D demonstrated to have significant potential in improving the remineralization of early lesions on enamel surfaces. The aim of the present ex vivo study was to evaluate the effect of a fluoride and vitamin D solution in terms of formation of mineral crystals on the enamel of primary teeth, and their permanence over time on dental surfaces. Methods: Sixteen extracted deciduous teeth were cut to obtain 64 specimens that were divided into two groups. The first consisted of immersion of specimens for 4 days in a fluoride solution (T1); in the second group, the specimens were immersed for 4 days (T1) in fluoride and Vitamin D solution, and for a further 2 (T2) and 4 days (T3) in saline solution. Then, samples were morphologically analyzed by using Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscope (VPSEM) and underwent 3D surface reconstruction. Results: After a 4-day immersion in both solutions, octahedral-shaped crystals were formed on the enamel surface of primary teeth, demonstrating any statistically significant differences in terms of number, size, and shape. Moreover, the binding of the same crystals seemed to be strong enough to be maintained until 4 days in saline solution. However, a partial dissolution was observed in a time-dependent manner. Conclusions: A topical application of fluoride and Vitamin D promoted the formation of persistent mineral crystals on enamel surfaces of deciduous teeth and should be further studied to be potentially used as an alternative strategy in preventive dentistry

    Biomimetic toothpastes: remineralization potential of deciduous teeth

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    Aim: Primary teeth are subjected to a continuous process of de- and re-mineralization. To prevent loss of dental tissues, fluoride-containing toothpastes have been successfully applied as a global solution to mainly prevent dental caries and promote tooth re-mineralization. However, the swallowing of a high amount of fluoride in younger children would lead to potential risk of fluorosis. Newly developed biomimetic toothpastes have provided promising results in preventive den tistry, therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyse the ability of commercial toothpastes to diffuse into deciduous enamel layer to remineralize the crystal habitat. Materials and Methods: Previously extracted primary teeth (n=8) were manually brushed for 15 days (3 times/day), using 3 different pediatric toothbrushes: (a) commercial toothpaste containing fluorine 500 ppm; (b) commercial toothpaste containing fluorine 1400 ppm; (c) toothpaste containing hydroxyapatite nanocrystal. Elements used as control (n = 2) were subjected to the manual brushing with water. Then, specimens were assessed by means of variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VP-SEM). Results: Toothpaste containing nanocrystals of hydroxyapatite seemed to better diffuse through the enamel layer of deciduous teeth. This biomimetic toothpaste might contribute to remineralize the loss of the mineral component and play a central role in the prevention of dental caries. Conclusion: Biomimetic toothpastes would be considered a reliable alternative to fluoride-containing toothpaste. These preliminary results not only would improve the synthesis of novel biomaterials for deciduous teeth, but also would represent a positive global economic impact since the wide prevalence of dental caries affecting primary teeth

    The Efficacy of Selected Sodium Hypochlorite Heating Methods for Increasing and Maintaining Its Intracanal Temperature—An Ex Vivo Study

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    Background: Enhancement of the temperature of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution would increase its cleaning potential and decontamination of the root canal system. Therefore, the aim of the present in vitro investigation was to compare the efficacy of different methods of NaOCl heating by evaluating the temperature profiles developed at different levels of the root canal system. Methods: Five thermocouples were applied at different levels of the root canal system of extracted human premolars. NaOCl solution was heated according to two methods: extraoral heating (50 °C, 60 °C, and 70 °C) using a magnetic hotplate heater and intracanal heating by F-06, XF-30/04, and ML-12 pluggers at 100 °C, 150 °C, and 180 °C. Results: The extraoral heating method was ineffective to produce a significant temperature increase at the root apex. Comparable results were obtained using the intracanal heating method through the ML-12 plugger that showed slightly better results only when set at 180 °C. On the other hand, negligible differences were observed in terms of temperature maintenance at several levels of the root between the F-06 and XF-30/04 pluggers, even though the time intervals were higher in case of XF-30/04. Conclusions: The intracanal heating method provided a better temperature persistence in the middle third of the root canal system. Conversely, extraoral heating was ineffective to produce a significant temperature increase at the apex of the root. Comparable results were obtained even using the ML-12 plugger

    Vital Pulp Therapy of Permanent Teeth with Reversible or Irreversible Pulpitis: An Overview of the Literature.

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    Vital pulp therapy (VPT) has been recently proposed as an alternative approach even in symptomatic mature permanent teeth with deep caries' lesions, aiming to maintain the pulp vitality over time and/or to avoid non-surgical root canal therapy (NSRCT). However, to date, the diagnosis of reversible or irreversible pulpitis is only based on clinical pain quantity and quality, without precisely reflecting the pulp inflammation status. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to provide an overview based on the current scientific literature to demonstrate the clinical effectiveness of VPT on mature permanent teeth, validating the use of hydraulic calcium silicate-based cements and their role in pain management. VPT may be successfully applied not only in mature permanent teeth diagnosed with reversible pulpitis, but also in permanent dental elements with signs and symptoms of irreversible pulpitis. Hydraulic cements showed favorable outcomes in terms of decrease of pro-inflammatory mediators and of post-operative pain. Pain plays a central role in the chance to perform VPT in mature permanent teeth, since it may be considered as a pre-operative diagnostic criterion as well as a treatment success parameter. In addition, proper assessment of pulp inflammation and choice of appropriate materials are key factors in enhancing VPT success

    Morpho-chemical observations of human deciduous teeth enamel in response to biomimetic toothpastes treatment

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    Today, biomaterial research on biomimetic mineralization strategies represents a new challenge in the prevention and cure of enamel mineral loss on delicate deciduous teeth. Distinctive assumptions about the origin, the growth, and the functionalization on the biomimetic materials have been recently proposed by scientific research studies in evaluating the different clinical aspects of treating the deciduous tooth. Therefore, appropriate morpho-chemical observations on delivering specific biomaterials to enamel teeth is the most important factor for controlling biomineralization processes. Detailed morpho-chemical investigations of the treated enamel layer using three commercial toothpastes (Biorepair, F1400, and F500) were performed through variable pressure scanning electron microscopy (VP-SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) on deciduous teeth in their native state. A new microscopy methodology allowed us to determine the behaviors of silicate, phosphate, and calcium contents from the early stage, as commercially available toothpastes, to the final stage of delivered diffusion, occurring within the enamel layer together with their penetration depth properties. The reported results represent a valuable background towards full comprehension of the role of organic–inorganic biomaterials for developing a controlled biomimetic toothpaste in biofluid medi

    Vital Pulp Therapy of Permanent Teeth with Reversible or Irreversible Pulpitis: An Overview of the Literature

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    Vital pulp therapy (VPT) has been recently proposed as an alternative approach even in symptomatic mature permanent teeth with deep caries’ lesions, aiming to maintain the pulp vitality over time and/or to avoid non-surgical root canal therapy (NSRCT). However, to date, the diagnosis of reversible or irreversible pulpitis is only based on clinical pain quantity and quality, without precisely reflecting the pulp inflammation status. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to provide an overview based on the current scientific literature to demonstrate the clinical effectiveness of VPT on mature permanent teeth, validating the use of hydraulic calcium silicate-based cements and their role in pain management. VPT may be successfully applied not only in mature permanent teeth diagnosed with reversible pulpitis, but also in permanent dental elements with signs and symptoms of irreversible pulpitis. Hydraulic cements showed favorable outcomes in terms of decrease of pro-inflammatory mediators and of post-operative pain. Pain plays a central role in the chance to perform VPT in mature permanent teeth, since it may be considered as a pre-operative diagnostic criterion as well as a treatment success parameter. In addition, proper assessment of pulp inflammation and choice of appropriate materials are key factors in enhancing VPT success

    Implant insertion in a patient with Albers-Schonberg’s disease: case report and literature review

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    Background The aim of the present report was to present the clinical, radiological and histological outcomes of a case of implant placement in the upper jaw of a patient affected by osteopetrosis. Case report In a 68 years old patient, 2 implants were placed in a portion of bone with areas with high density bone. Histological evaluation confirmed the radiological diagnosis of osteopetrosis. Implants were loaded 8 months after their placement. No complications or adverse reactions were observed after a 24-month follow up. Conclusion Within the limitations of the present report, it can be concluded that a successful implant rehabilitation can be done in patients affected by osteopetrosis. Further studies, on a larger sample size, are needed to confirm this result